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by Sharon Rondeau

Screenshot of top of first page of application to renounce one’s Canadian citizenship

(Mar. 16, 2016) — On Monday, The Post & Email reported that it filed two more requests for documentation on presidential candidate Rafael Edward “Ted” Cruz seeking evidence that he holds basic U.S. citizenship.

We continue to await receipt of responsive documents to a third, outstanding request filed with the U.S. Department of Justice last April for documents bearing Cruz’s signature while he served as assistant deputy attorney general between 2001 in 2003.

The two new requests, one filed on Thursday with the Justice Department and the other on Monday with the Canadian government, have each received an acknowledgment from the respective government agencies involved. We asked Justice for a copy of the “SF 171” form which Cruz might have signed when first applying for employment with the federal government and which contains the question, “Are you a U.S. citizen?”

From Cruz’s release of his birth certificate in August 2013 to The Dallas Morning News showing that he was born in Canada, the publication deduced that Cruz was born a dual U.S.-Canadian citizen by virtue of his birth to a U.S.-citizen mother in Calgary, Alberta on December 22, 1970. Cruz’s father was a Cuban national who left the island in the prelude to the Cuban Revolution for the United States, which provided him legal residence and admission to the University of Texas.

When The Dallas Morning News reported in 2013 that Cruz was born with and currently held Canadian citizenship, his U.S. Senate office claimed that Cruz had no knowledge of it. Shortly thereafter, Cruz announced that he would renounce his Canadian citizenship, a process which did not appear to have been initiated until May 2014, nine months after the newspaper article was published.

Various Canadian citizenship attorneys had commented on the record that the renunciation process routinely takes approximately 30 days, with several ruminating as to why nine months ensued before Cruz took steps to do so.

A document posted online appears to be an official citizenship renunciation confirmation from the government of Canada bearing Cruz’s name.

When a Canadian citizen applies to renounce his citizenship, the document he is asked to complete and sign asks whether or not he has, or will soon have, citizenship in another country so as to prevent statelessness.  Each situation requires the applicant to “attach proof.”

According to the Government of Canada’s website, in order to renounce Canadian citizenship, one must:

  • be a citizen of a country other than Canada or become a citizen of a country other than Canada if your application to renounce is approved
  • not live in Canada
  • be at least 18 years old
  • not be a threat to Canada’s security or part of a pattern of criminal activity
  • not be prevented from understanding the significance of renouncing your Canadian citizenship by reason of having a mental disability and
  • not be subject to revocation of citizenship proceedings.

There is an option to renounce Canadian citizenship “urgently.”

Despite his birth in Canada to a Cuban-citizen father who later became a Canadian citizen, Cruz claims that he is a “natural born Citizen” of the United States and therefore qualifies to serve as president and commander-in-chief as required by Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution. Several lawsuits claiming that Cruz is ineligible to hold the position remain active in this year’s presidential election cycle.

It is believed by many constitutional scholars that the Framers were wary of foreign influence in the nation’s chief executive, as evidenced by a letter written by Founding Father John Jay to George Washington on July 25, 1787, in which he wrote:

Permit me to hint, whether it would not be wise & seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government, and to declare expressly that the Command in chief of the american army shall not be given to, nor devolved on, any but a natural born Citizen.

At least two lawsuits and several primary ballot challenges claimed that Cruz, Senator Marco Rubio, and former Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal are ineligible to serve as president for failure to meet the “natural born Citizen” requirement. As of Tuesday evening, Rubio suspended his campaign after a poor showing in the presidential primary in his home state of Florida, and Jindal suspended his campaign in November.

The Post & Email has additionally written to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who endorsed Cruz along with former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, asking for any documentation held by the state’s executive branch which might indicate that Cruz affirmed U.S. citizenship at any time.  Cruz served as Texas solicitor general from 2003 to 2008, but a public information request fulfilled to this publication over a year ago revealed that the application forms Cruz completed did not ask about U.S. or any other citizenship.

In circumstances which some Americans find eerily reminiscent of those surrounding Barack Hussein Obama’s presidential run in 2008 and 2012 reelection campaign, Cruz has refused, despite written requests from this publication and possibly others, to release the following:

  • Passport applications and passports
  • Proof of U.S. citizenship, which could include driver’s license, passport, or other government-issued photo ID
  • Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA) or its 1970 equivalent showing that he was registered at birth or shortly thereafter as a U.S. citizen born abroad
  • Medical records
  • Educational records
  • College theses and other scholarly papers
  • College applications
  • Financial aid application forms, which the Selective Service System informed The Post & Email contemporaneously generated Cruz’s Selective Service registration in 1988

Harvard Law School and Princeton University, Cruz’s alma maters, have ignored The Post & Email’s written request for copies of his college applications. Harvard Law simultaneously did not respond to a request for Obama’s applications to the institution, from which he graduated in 1991.

On Sunday, Atty. Stephen Pidgeon of the North American Law Center (NALC) suggested on the organization’s weekly radio broadcast that Cruz’s mother became a Canadian citizen while living in Canada between 1968 and 1974.  The same was stated by Rep. Alan Grayson, who said he will file a “beautiful lawsuit” should Cruz win the Republican nomination in Cleveland in July.

The Cruz campaign and Cruz himself have denied that his mother ever assumed Canadian citizenship.  Canadian naturalization records are not publicly releasable without the subject individual’s written consent.

While Obama claims a birth in Honolulu, HI on August 4, 1961, his “long-form” birth certificate posted on the White House website on April 27, 2011 has been found by a criminal investigative team to be a “computer-generated forgery.” No one has made such a claim in regard to Cruz’s Canadian birth certificate.

The Maricopa County Cold Case Posse also found that Obama’s Selective Service registration form is fraudulent. Following two press conferences held in March and July 2012, respectively, no federal law enforcement agency or member of Congress has proved willing to launch an independent investigation to verify or disprove the posse’s conclusions.

On Monday morning, The Post & Email asked the government of Canada if it could release by law the application forms Cruz completed and signed to renounce his Canadian citizenship. We received a response on Tuesday morning from the Government of Canada’s Media Relations department, which reads as follows:

From:  CIC-Media-Relations (CIC-Media-Relations@cic.gc.ca) This sender is in your contact list.
Sent: Tue 3/15/16 9:33 AM
To: ‘Sharon Rondeau’ (editor@thepostemail.com)
Hi Sharon,
Due to privacy laws, we are not able to provide details of individual cases without a signed privacy waiver.
Thank you
Remi Lariviere
Media Relations | Relations avec les médias
NHQ – Communications | AC – Communications
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada
365 Laurier Avenue West Ottawa ON K1A 1L1 | 365, avenue Laurier Ouest Ottawa ON K1A 1L1
Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada
Last April, The Post & Email sent a certified letter to the Cruz campaign directly asking for privacy waivers to obtain his documentation but received no response.  Likewise, the Republican National Committee (RNC) appears unwilling to respond to media inquiries concerning the “natural born Citizen” issue.
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Wednesday, May 4, 2016 10:01 PM

Du Mac:

1) The reporting of his birth was NOT over looked. First, because his father was a Canadian citizen he could not report the birth. The report has to be made by the U.S. citizen parents as the U.S. Consulate would have to make the determination if that parent(s) met the physical residency requirements in order to convey U.S. Citizenship. In this case it was 10-year prior to (as in the 10-years leading up to his birth in 1970) and Eleanor D. Wilson did not meet that criteria. She was given automatic Canadian citizenship per Canadian law (foreign woman married to Canadian spouse and lived with said spouse for 1-year is an automatic Canadian citizen – Dual Citizenship was not allowed), NOR did she live in the U.S. the 10-years prior to Ted’s birth. From 1960 – Dec 1966 she lived in Great Britain, returned briefly to Texas in 1967/met Cruz/moved to Canada in 1967 and lived there until 1975.

2) She did not ‘overlook’ the reporting of his birth as she promptly reported the birth abroad of her first son, Michael Wilson, in Great Britain to the U.S Consulate, so she knew she had to report it. She knew it had to be reported but she didn’t because under Canadian law at the time Ted Cruz was born, any child born in Canada to a foreign parent had to have his citizenship chosen at that time. His father was a Canadian citizen, she was a Canadian citizen by virtue of the Citizenship marriage statute and per Canadian law, Ted Cruz was born a ‘natural-born Canadian citizen and nothing else’, because DUAL CITIZENSHIP WAS NOT ALLOWED!

3) Rafael Cruz became a Canadian Citizen in 1968 not 1972. He said hit himself in an interview, which I watched several times, and it is documented elsewhere. If his parents married in 1969 as Ted Cruz said they did, she had lived with her Canadian husband for nearly 2-years before Cruz was born. She was Canadian at that point.

4) They returned to the U.S. in 1975, NOT 1986/1987. Per Rafael Cruz they were there only 8-years. He sold his business in 1975 (it was not failing or going under and is today successful under the company that bought it).

5) Some believe that in order to get Ted into the country they may have used the birth certificate of Eleanor’s first son by changing dates, possibly names on it (we’ve seen that happen before haven’t we?)

6) No one has reported that he used a fake CRBA to get his passport when he was a Senior in High School (needed it for a trip abroad). Chances are, if they used his deceased brother’s birth certificate to fabricate one for him, that it was the fake birth certificate they used to get him into elementary school and to get that passport.

In fact, someone recently attended (approx 2-3 weeks ago) one of his rallies, presented him with her husband’s CRBA and he told her that he did NOT have one of those documents.

7) Yes, in 2005 his father received his U.S. citizenship. Eleanor Darragh Wilson WAS born in Delaware and was an American citizen at birth, however despite having become an automatic American citizen, she more than likely kept her American passport and never told anyone that she was no longer an American citizen.

8) Yes, in 2014 Ted renounced his Canadian citizenship TO CANADIAN OFFICIALS! U.S. Law is that he has to REPORT HIS BIRTH ABROAD to U.S. Immigration/Naturalization, RENOUNCE FOREIGN CITIZENSHIP AND TAKE AN OATH OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE U.S. AT THAT SAME TIME! He NEVER did that…he NEVER reported his birth to U.S. Officials.

9) Cuban citizenship law at the time Ted Cruz was born states (and it is still the same today) that the moment a Cuban citizen becomes a naturalized Citizen to another foreign country, they AUTOMATICALLY LOSE THEIR CUBAN CITIZENSHIP – NO DUAL CITIZENSHIP. Canadian law at that time REQUIRED A NEWLY AFFIRMED CANADIAN CITIZEN TO RENOUNCE THEIR FOREIGN CITIZENSHIP as Canada ALSO DID NOT RECOGNIZE DUAL CITIZENSHIP. When Ted Cruz was born, his father was NO LONGER a Cuban Citizen…he was only a Canadian citizen and Ted was born a natural-born Canadian and per Canadian officials ‘nothing more’. He is only Cuban by heritage & blood, not by citizenship.

Sunday, April 10, 2016 2:23 AM

I can’t see any way Ted Cruz can claim ‘natural born’ or even US citizenship at birth. The paragraphs that allow for one-parent being a US citizen outside the US boundaries only pertain to employees of the US Government or US Military that are serving their country.

We know Cruz was born in Calgary Canada and claims he didn’t know he was still a citizen of Canada until the Dallas Morning News informed him, so what was Ted using for ID his entire life, and how did he get it?

8 U.S. Code § 1401 – Nationals and citizens of United States at birth

Friday, March 18, 2016 3:47 PM

When I last checked Cruz’s BC, I magnified it to clarify why his
mother put down the name of Wilson on The Certificate.
Though quite fuzzy, I was able to make out that they were
asking what name she used prior to marriage to Rafael Cruz Sr.

Gary Wilmott
Thursday, March 17, 2016 9:17 PM

Bottom line: I think it’s fair to say that Ted Cruz is not to be trusted. He is a political opportunist who says that he is a Constitutionalist but clearly he is not. He is more than willing to lie about his citizenship status and purposely misrepresent the facts for personal gain. It is despicable and borders on treason. Trump is right: Lyin’ Ted.

Thursday, March 17, 2016 3:45 PM

Several claims of Cruz come into question-he claims to be a Constitutionalist,a Christian, a conservative, etc.

If he really was the real deal he knows he is not NBC. If his faith had a reality to it he would live by the conviction not to defraud others. By conservative does he mean -what? Having his student loans paid by Goldman Sachs and having sway because his wife is in the upper echelon of Goldman/Sachs one of biggest corrupt banks of NY. His integrity is in question hiding under a veil of alleged Evangelical.

Thursday, March 17, 2016 1:24 PM

1. When did Cruz’s father become a Canadian citizen
2. Did he give up his Cuban citizenship if so when
3. When he became an American citizen did he give up the Canadian and Cuban citizenship
4. What month and date did marry Ted’s mother before or after he became a Canadian citizen
5. Can’t locate a marriage license
6. Why did his mother use her 1st husband name on Cruz birth certificate if she was married to Ted’s father?
7. Can’t locate when she moved to Canada
8. Found divorce from Ted’s father
9. Can’t find a license when they re-married
10. Of the nine lawsuits that have been filed one dismissed on a technacality and the judge wouldn’t hear the other one and the the with Rubio in Florida was dismissed.
There are to many unanswered question on Cruz as a “Natural Born Citizen” to vote for him the Democrats will take his skin off down to the bare bones.

Thursday, March 17, 2016 3:22 AM

Breaking news: A worthy filing by a Harvard Law Professor to the Appellate Division of the NY Supreme Court re Ted Cruz’s lack of “natural born Citizen” status in support of the appeal filed in Korman v Gallo challenging Ted Cruz’s eligibility.

Harvard Law Professor Elhauge Files Amicus Curiae Brief re Ted Cruz Ballot Access Challenge Decision Appealed to NY Supreme Court – Ted Cruz is NOT a “natural born Citizen” of the United States | CDR Kerchner (Ret)’s Blog: https://cdrkerchner.wordpress.com/2016/03/17/harvard-law-professor-elhauge-files-amicus-curiae-brief-re-ted-cruz-ballot-access-challenge-decision-appealed-to-ny-supreme-court/

CDR Charles Kerchner, P.E. (Retired)
Lehigh Valley PA USA

Du Mac
Wednesday, March 16, 2016 6:50 PM

Simple things are sometimes overlooked

In 1970, when Ted was born, his parents, (mother U.S. and father Cuban)
overlooked the fact that they needed to file a CRBA form to register him as a U.S. citizen. In 1972 they filed to become Canadian citizens along with Ted. A few years later they returned to U.S.
In 1986 or 1987, Ted needed a passport to travel with his school. He didn’t have the required birth certificat to get a passport. Someone fabricated a CRBA form to show hw was a U.S. citizen and he received his passport. He has been using this passport as proof of birth and citizenship. In 2005 his father received his U.S. citizenship, his mother’s is unknown.
In 2014 Ted renounced his Canadian citizenship. However, recently, it became known that Cuba considers any children born to a Cuban father automatically becomes a Cuban citizen. Therefore, Ted is a Cuban citizen.

Ed Sunderland
Wednesday, March 16, 2016 4:03 PM

Ann Marie,

According to the US Immigration and Naturalization Service, this is what is needed for US citizens who have children born abroad who wish to transfer US citizenship.

Both parents have to be married and American citizens (note plural citizens and parents).

We need go no further. This is where Ted Cruz fails.

Only his mother might have been a citizen but she was registered to vote in Canada so that is iffy. Regardless, as I see it, Ted Cruz has to prove he was even a US citizen when he ran for US Senate!

Ann Marie
Wednesday, March 16, 2016 1:46 PM

Sharon, What about the fact that Cruz’s mother was married and lived in Germany for many years came back to the USA for 2 to 3 years then went to Canada. One thought was that she did not live here in the states long enough to bestow us citizenship on Cruz. This is one thought. Now here is a question What about marriage certificate? Kids birth certificates? Cruz and Obama are so much alike. Is Ted Cruz’s Mother alive? If she is why has she not been seen? Again Sharon thank you for doing all you do for our Country.

Ann Marie