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by Sharon Rondeau

What would cause a commenter to say that there are "hundreds of pages" documenting crimes allegedly committed by Obama?

(Mar. 17, 2012) — A person leaving comments on Atty. Mario Apuzzo’s blog last week using the screen name “Unknown” has returned and left speculative comments about a “list of crimes” which “would fill hundreds of pages” allegedly committed by the man known as Barack Hussein Obama II.

In response to another commenter with the screen name “SaipanAnnie,” the commenter claims that his or her four children were born at home rather than in a hospital, and that “a large number of children” since the 1960s have been born at home.  He argues that a birth certificate might not be “absolutely required” by the state in which the child is born.

According to Wikipedia, birth registrations became “compulsory” in 19th-century England.  The issuance of a birth certificate documenting the child’s nationality, place of birth, height, weight, parents’ names and occupations is a “function of the states” in the United States today.

One internet source states that “Most hospitals provide the child’s parents with an uncertified copy of the child’s birth certificate at the hospital before discharge.”  For babies born outside of a hospital, the signature of a witness is sometimes required.  In the 1960s, the “home birth” movement was reportedly “born,”  Not all women who plan to give birth at home are able to do so.  The odds of someone giving birth to four children at home without medical intervention are “unknown.”

Home births have been increasing in the 21st century, and the interest in giving birth at home reportedly began in earnest in the 1970s.

SaipanAnnie, who on March 7 appeared to address “Unknown” as if he were “Bari M. Shabazz” as detailed on Martha Trowbridge’s blog, told him that he is “sick in the soul and head.”  Trowbridge has reported that the slain civil rights leader Malcolm X is Bari’s father and that his mother is a living woman named Jo Ann Newman.  According to Trowbridge, “Bari” is the original name of the man known as “Barack Hussein Obama II.”

In her post “Obama, RUI:  Running Under the Influence of Uncle Fred,” Trowbridge states accurately that Obama worked with someone named Sanford Newman in Chicago.  Sanford Newman, known as “Sandy,” is traceable to Chicago’s Project Vote and may be the son of “Uncle Fred,” who was the founder of “social therapy” as well as a political activist and playwright.

Is Obama’s “stirring life story” a fabrication?  Have millions of voters been defrauded by the telling of a tale which obscured Obama’s true background?

Why does Unknown say that he has “an elaborate birth certificate with hand prints, foot prints, weight, length, parents [sic] names and birth dates…?”  Is his birth certificate any more elaborate than anyone else’s born in the United States?  When has the hand print of a baby ever been used on a birth certificate in this country?  Is he trying to convince SaipanAnnie or anyone else that he has a birth certificate?  Why is he talking about himself when the topic under discussion was whether or not Obama is a “natural born Citizen?”

“Unknown” claims that his birth certificate is “almost 60 years old and in perfect condition.”  Is that because it is computer-generated?  Why does he refer to several passport applications?  He or she mentions a “raised seal,” something which neither the short-form nor the long-form birth certificate belonging to Obama appears to have and which has been a subject of much discussion over the past 3-4 years.  On March 1, 2012, the Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse stated that they had found probable cause to suggest that the long-form birth certificate is a “computer-generated forgery.”

What does Unknown mean by “Black Mail Incorporated?” Does “black mail” mean “black male?”  What kind of “work” is Unknown referring to?  Is it a real organization or a figment of his imagination?  Is it related to “Murder Incorporated?”  Are these comments something the Secret Service should be scrutinizing?  Are they already doing so?

Do they know?

Obama is saying the word “black” now when he reportedly would not do so before.

Obama had said that “The Godfather” was one of his favorite movies.  Why does he like mobster movies?

Saul Alinsky, whose work Obama emulated, had ties to Al Capone, who was a bootlegger, as were the members of “Murder Incorporated.”  Capone operated out of Chicago, while Murder Incorporated, allegedly a “journalistic invention,” was based in New York City.  Malcolm X was active in New York City, and Jo Ann Newman reportedly lived there when she met Malcolm.

It has been suggested to this writer that members of Congress have taken no action against the fraud committed by Obama because he possesses information which they perceive could be damaging to them if made public.  “Unknown” appears to suggest such  when he says, “The real question is this: Will Congress take the necessary steps and dump him; or will Black Mail Incorporated start to work and discourage its members?”

The word “blackmail” is properly one word.  Is Obama blackmailing members of Congress to remain silent?  Has he been blackmailing them for the last four years?

SaipanAnnie again addresses Unknown as Bari Shabazz when she states, “On what base do you believe that Mr. Apuzzo’s blog visitors can not see you by the words of your posts? May be you must now read them back to yourself. No person would state the things that you state here, BARI. No one cares about you the way you do care, face this. The only one you are UNKNOWN to is your self” and “Who would more know about these matters than YOU?”

Unknown has not replied to SaipanAnnie’s latest questions and assertions from March 16.  Does SaipanAnnie know something that we don’t know?

Link to Mario Apuzzo’s article:  http://www.puzo1.blogspot.com/2012/03/catalog-of-evidence-concerned-americans.html

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Saturday, March 17, 2012 10:28 PM

Chilling are the words of Al Qaeda after 9/11 that they would take down the USA from “within” in a way that citizens would not understand…..until it was too late.

A pen
Saturday, March 17, 2012 5:59 PM

On blackmail, Richard Clarke had access to main core on or about 9/11/01 and after turning against Bush went both to the media and to the only people he could trust to protect him to take revenge. Guess who would pay anything to get their hands on information like that? The very enemies of the state, Soros and co. It’s been speculated that Obama’s teleprompter reading is due to someone else telling him what to say. We’ve seen massive bills produced in the house that must have been prepared in advance by someone. Who could afford that kind of staff? It fits like a puzzle piece that Clarke pulled off a treachery Bradley Manning takes second place to. With the damning info on main core in our enemies hands the entire government could be blackmailed. That explains why Obama has been free to play king with the complete cover from the rest of the gang. Just imagine what PROMIS and main core have in the way of financial information on members of congress and the courts. http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a70maincore&scale=1#a70maincore

Saturday, March 17, 2012 12:45 PM

Everything “Obama” does – according to him – is “first rate”.

My, how he spills his secrets in this post! So he’s keeping a treasured record of his crimes. Hmmm.

Wait til Sheriff Joe gets his hands on THIS computer file! It sure will save Federal Prosecutors a lot of time, won’t it?