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January 30, 2011

Does this man deserve to be Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives if he won't ascertain the putative president's eligibility to serve?

Dear Editor:

The following letter was sent to Speaker of the House John Boehner:

Office of the Speaker
H-232 The Capitol
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Speaker Boehner,

America has a non-documented, non-naturalized, Indonesian citizen-dual citizen usurper sitting in the White House, Barack Hussein Obama/Soebarkah/Barry Soetoro. The first two names were given to him by his mother Ann Dunham Soetoro on her 1965 passport #F777788, issued July 19, 1965, renewed July 18, 1970. His name Barry Soetoro his Indonesian step-father Lolo Soetoro gave him when he entered Barry in an Indonesian school.

Obama/Soebarkah/Barry Soetoro admits he was born of a foreign father who was born a British subject of a British colony and then became a Kenyan citizen, but Obama Sr. was NEVER an American citizen. Obama/Soebarkah/Barry Soetoro is therefore NOT a NATURAL-BORN citizen. If America is to believe the usurper’s claimed-but-not-proven-parentage, he was not eligible to run for President in 2008, under our U.S. Constitutional requirements. You, all of congress and the Supreme Court have defied our Constitution, by allowing this fraud and deception to continue in the Oval office of the people’s White House.

Obama/Soebarkah/Barry Soetoro’s purported mother, Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro (there is no birth certificate to prove that she gave birth to him) was too young to confer U.S. citizenship on Obama at birth. At best he is an “anchor-baby”, and a DUAL-CITIZEN. There is no evidence that after he was adopted by his step-father Lolo Soetoro and entered in an Indonesian school listing Indonesian citizenship for him that he ever naturalized himself as an American citizen.

Please live up to the oath you took to our Constitution, Article. II, Section 1, that “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.”

You did a remarkable and important thing by having the Constitution read aloud in the House. During that reading a courageous woman named Theresa Cao called out at the time those very words above were read, “Except Obama, except Obama, help us, Jesus!” Her cry was the cry of millions of Americans who believe Obama/Soebarkah/Soetoro is illegally holding the office of the President and Commander-in-Chief.

Obama/Soebarkah/Soetoro has spent millions to hide his birth certificate and all his life documents, and he has withheld those documents, that would have exonerated a military hero, much-decorated combat veteran LTC Dr. Terrence Lakin, who now languishes in Fort Leavenworth military prison without income, without pension, without rank, because the usurper hides his documentation. Former-speaker Pelosi sent 2 different certification forms to the Secretaries-of-State, 49 of them were lacking the crucial Constitutional requirement paragraph.

Obama/Soebarkah/Soetoro used a Connecticut issued Social Security number 042-68-4425 which is connected to someone born in 1890. Just how did the usurper obtain that SSN issued by Connecticut in March 1977, when he never lived in Connecticut?

You can verify that Obama/Soebarkah/Soetoro used SSN 042-68-4425 by going to the Selective Service website:


and entering the name Obama, SSN 042684425, and his birth date 08041961, and up will come Obama’s Selective Service number 61-1125539-1:

Last Name: obama
Social Security Number: *** – ** – 4425
Date of Birth: 08/04/1961
Selective Service Number:
Date of Registration

Speaker Boehner, you dishonored your oath to the Constitution when you said, “the State of Hawaii has said President Obama was born there. That’s good enough for me.”

How insensitive and irresponsible that comment was for you to utter. As the new Speaker of the House of Representatives to be in such disregard of your duty to all Americans to fairly represent them in the House under the Constitution, which REQUIRES the President to be a NATURAL-BORN CITIZEN, is most disturbing to me

Your cavalier attitude to this most important issue is beyond belief. I had thought when you replaced the previous speaker (who used the word “astro-turf” to refer to ordinary Americans rallying against the out-of-control government spending and the deaf-ears of their congressional representatives) that America had finally acquired a Constitutional conservative Speaker who wanted to uphold the principles of our Founding Fathers and our Constitution.

Speaker Boehner, I had high hopes for you, but my disappointment knows no bounds when I see you trashing the primary Presidential Constitutional requirement by turning your deaf-ear and blind-eye and thereby brushing aside and disregarding this eligibility Constitutional crisis.

Please take action to have Obama/Soebarkah/Soetoro’s original, non-forged, long-form, parent-signed, doctor-signed and registrar-signed, birth certificate subpoenaed, along with his SS-5 application form for his Connecticut SSN, and providing them to the American people.


Paula Hoehn

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13 years ago

Folks – John Boehner cannot be seen involved with the citizenship issue, since if it is successful, he becomes president, and the media will spin it as Boehner essentially “overthrowing’ (by pushing the eligibility issue, the press will spin it that way) Obama so Boehner can have the presidency for himself.

No one is more frustrated with this than I am, but cool the anger and use your heads. I’m all for contacting congress and so forth, billboards, lawsuits, anything legal. But attacking Boehner simply plays into the hands of the socialist dems by dividing the right. For God’s sake, whatever you do, don;t do THAT! This isn’t complicated. Use your heads. Simmer down and get on with business. There are plenty of ways this can be done without attacking Boehner. I’d be suspect of the motives of anyone who did at this point, quite frankly. We don’t want – and cannot afford – a replay of 2008 in 2012.

A pen
13 years ago

John Boehner cannot hear any petition for redress as he was complicit with the usurpers unlawful installation. He read the Jack Maskell memo and knows full well Obama has never qualified. This is the biggest problem in DC, the majority have been compromised and can not act in legitimate course of duty lest they incriminate themselves. No, we will not see any move by these gutless self serving stuffed shirts. The only way this issue can be addressed is by assembly in DC just like the unAmericans do and get heard. Shut the place down before it shuts us down.

Flymaster Flash
13 years ago

Now that the govoner of Hawaii could not find a long form birth certificate of Obama, will Boehner now say that it is enough for an investigation? The courts have said that the people do not have standing when it comes to asking this question. If we do not have standing, who does?
It would serve our representatives well to remember who has put them in office… 2012 is right around the corner.. we will remember who has served the people and who has ignored our will. There is more than enough evidence to merit an investigation. The people demand answers and we expect our representatives to remember their oath and do their job. You can dismiss us as kooks, but I assure you, you will not be able to dismiss us during the next election cycle. I would also remind those that do not follow the constitution, charges of treason can be filed for more than being a usurper… Complicity comes to mind. Republican or democrat will not matter, justice will be blind and will not stop at party lines.

13 years ago

A thought kicking around in my head this past weekend was yet another possible explanation for B.O.’s background. Is it possible that Barrack Obama, Sr. was not really Jr.’s father, and he either did not know that, or was convinced one way or another to go along with the charade? Could Kenya have been duped also? Could Obama, Sr. just have been a convenient “father” for Jr. because SAD and family did not want the true father known for one reason or another? Could it be that Obama, Jr. was born in Mombasa to complete the charade?? Just askin’….

13 years ago
Reply to  Kingskid

I read something the other day where Barry’s mother was involved with Malcom X years ago and became pregnant with the Barry and she moved to Kenya soon after that where she gave “birth” and the Sr. agreed to act as the father. If you look at pictures of Malcom X, you will see the striking resemblance of him to Barry. The Sr. does not look like him at all.
I looked and they were right.

13 years ago

To Members of Congress:

I was looking forward to hearing the Constitution read in Congress the other day. I noticed that some of the passages were missed and wondered why. You should have read all of them. But your comment to the lady in the audience was not appropriate. Especially when you know that Obama is not eligible to be President. You do not even need his birth certificate to know this since he admitted that his father was a Kenyan. This means that he had a dual citizenship through his father at birth. Plus he was adopted by his step-father in Indonesia as a child. Indonesia did not accept dual citizenship at that time. And since Obama has spent over $2 million dollars keeping all of his records hidden, you have to ask WHY??? What is he hiding?

The biggest question of all is why you are going along with all this since he doesn’t qualify under Article 2, Section 1 which states that the President needs to be a natural born citizen. You say you believe in the Constitution, but you will not uphold it. Is the Republican Party just as much to blame as the progressive Democrats? I was a firm believer in the conservative republican party, but now you have thrown doubts into my mind that the republican party is not any better than the democrat. And that all of you, congressmen/women, are working to over throw our free republic to advance your own desires. It did not take you long to forget what you just recently read. It starts with WE THE PEOPLE!! WE are the ones that you work for not the other way around. WE are the ones paying your salary to represent us. The antics of the last couple of years has awakened the sleeping giant and we will no longer sit idle while Congress is hell bent on destroying our country and liberties.

After the tragedy of this weekend, I believe, that you should stand and uphold both Article 1 and 2 of our Bill of Rights. Just in case you have forgotten, Article 1 starts with Congress shall make NO law and Article 2 ends with shall NOT be infringed. I know that government has tried to deliberately dumb down the general public, but most of us still understand what NO and NOT mean. What do you NOT understand?

13 years ago

The GREAT NEWS that VOIDS the Health Care Law is the tip of the iceberg! This Decision by the Court was expected — and renews and underscores our faith in a Free America under our U.S. Constitution!

Obama is NOT ELIGIBLE to be President. Everything he has done as the USURPER, is NOT LEGAL. It will ALL be Repealed, Voided and undone…….just watch ! In the meantime, and EXCELLENT Book to read about Obama’s INELIGIBILITY is: “OBAMA – INELIGIBLE TO SERVE – LIES, CRIMES AND DEADLY AMBITION” (at Amazon) — it gives in detail, all the LEGAL FACTS, even aside from his long form birth certificate, as to WHY he is NOT ELIGIBLE and why he will be removed from the Presidency under the Constitution.

13 years ago

These congress members don’t seem to understand that they work for us. I say it is time we bring ten thousands people to march at congress every day until these people we elected do what we want. They want are vote and they want are tax money but they won’t listen to are voices.

13 years ago

Boehner cannot do anything as to Obama’s ineligibility. As Speaker of the House he must remain impartial to this issue, as he is now thrid in line to becoming the President. Should Obama and Biden be removed for the many numerous reasons, Boehner would become President. He would then have to call for a, “special election” or to complete the term of the Presidency until the election cycle is completed. With the numerous nation-wide turnover of the power structure back to reality in government and the many candidates, such as even Ambrocrombie, wanting to settle the issue, the topic is on the back-burner, brewing for now. I hate to say it, but, another petition should be, “in order”. Well thought out, listing the crimes of the administration, with a strong backing of the evidence, clearly and precisely stated. The petition must be backed, beforehand, by notable public authorities to give the necessary weight to the article. Spring is just around the corner and the campaign needs to have a strong foundation in authority to accomplish the transition. Personally, I would ask Mario Appuzzo to construct the petition, as he has the knowledge of Constitutional law, as seen in his presentations before the Courts. When accomplished the petition must be made availible to the public for signature on a National level and then presented to Congress and the many States. Otherwise, the Citizens of the United States will have another two years without a Republic and their Constitutional Rights. As some many of the media are touting with the unrest in Eygpt, the key word being bantered is that of, “democracy” as if it is their only saving grace. What Eygpt is seeing is “democracy”, the “rule of the many”. Here also, as they love to say, it is the democratic form of government that decides. It is time, to decide!

Bud Skippy
13 years ago


13 years ago


13 years ago


Keeping the pressure on elected officials is important of course, and I’m the first one to call for getting in their faces about Obama’s citizenship scandal. But please remember this:

IF WE ARE SUCCESSFUL AND IT TURNS OUT OBAMA IS INELIGIBLE, BOEHNER BECOMES PRESIDENT. THEREFORE, IF BOEHNER IS SEEN AS BEING ON THIS ISSUE, IT WILL LOOK AS THOUGH HE IS DOING IT FOR HIS OWN AMBITIONS. That will ruin the GOP as sure as Obama being exposed (if he is indeed ineligible as seem pretty clear) will ruin the democrats.

Keep the p-pressure on Boehner, but don’t draw blood publicly from him over this, because he simply cannot be visibly seen on this issue. Keep the pressure on him, but don’t hate him if he doesn’t come out publicly, because, in point of political fact, he really can’t. Please cool this down a bit.

Let’s not let our frustration on this issue cause damage to our own side. Arizona is passing laws which will soon put Obama in a hell of a jam in just a few months, Abercrombie is already in an awkward position to say the least, Issa will investigate, Rush and Chris Matthews are on the case – not in a big way, but it’s a damn sight better than it’s been for the last three years – and we’re making progress on all fronts.

Please cool it on Boehner and spread the word to everyone else. He simply cannot come out publicly on this issue. As the one who most benefits politically from Obama’s removal from ineligibility, It’s politically impossible for Boehner to say anything on this. Cut him some slack.

13 years ago
Reply to  G-Starz


I read your post above but find myself incapable of understanding the logic of what you are saying……….must be just me?

Everyone else is of course free to give Boehner a pass on Obama’s eligibility, I won’t. I suppose if I am the only one left hammering him, I will be even easier for him to ignore.

13 years ago
Reply to  Bob1943


All I’m saying is that Boehner, being the next in line for President if Obama is ineligible to serve (Biden gets disqualified with him, per the constitution), cannot be seen going after this issue, because it will look like Boehner is going after the Presidency – for himself. That’s a PR disaster. So let’s please cut Boehner some slack. He really can’t be on the radar on this issue for that reason.

You KNOW I’m on the eligibility issue – Rainbow Glitter Bear will have a new episode tonight! In fact, the eligibility issue is the one thing besides Obamacare I’m focused on politically at this point. Fist things first. If Obama is going to ruin the US, let’s make sure he has the authority to do it, first.

Kevin J. Lankford
13 years ago
Reply to  G-Starz

There is no doubt of obama’s ineligibility in the minds of those who have taken the time to
look at the facts. Boehner knows the truth, just as they all do, and not a one of them has a
legitimate excuse for not speaking up. obama has commited a serious crime against this
country, and ANYONE who has aided, or closed their eyes to this dispicable crime should
be prosecuted and suffer the most severe of punishments.

Joe The Blogger
13 years ago
Reply to  G-Starz

HEROES do not creep around, while they shirk their duties and hope that everyone will cut them some slack, but BONEHEADS do.

13 years ago

while i love the letters written here, then sent to these criminal’s, like the speaker, I’m always encouraged but, it seems to fall flat. I’ve been writing these same criminal’s since i researched barry in 2006, though i’m ignored, I will keep writing. my point is, that a lot of retired military people write here, and it seems they have no ears among the active. I’m pinning most of this crime on the supreme court and our military. every time you read outrage from the retired, they need to know that the readers want them to be pounding the tables of the active. this was an excellent letter though.
Mrs. Rondeau replies: Have you brought a criminal complaint to the closest federal grand jury? If one grand jury in the U.S. will look at the evidence and issue a subpoena that is honored by one constitutional U.S. marshal or sheriff, Obama’s records would have to be revealed.

Colm Hanssler
13 years ago
Reply to  rick

> I’ve been writing these same criminals since i researched barry in 2006, though i’m ignored, I will keep writing.

I don’t understand the point of writing these people anyway. It’s like writing a letter to a Mafia Capo, telling him what a bad person he is and that what he does is against the law. Has that ever made any die-hard criminal change his mind?

Barbi Dee
13 years ago

Call and tell Boehner and Issa how you feel about paying their salaries for the jobs they ARE NOT DOING!!!!!!! Boehner–202-225-6205 Issa–202-225-3906

13 years ago

Check out http://einhornpress.com/GovernorNeilAbercrombieontheObamaBirth.aspx for an appropriate picture and the disgusting statement again that Boehner made to Brian Williams, and you can vote at the bottom of the page. Also, please listen to the videos of Mike Evans and Rush Limbaugh. Mike Evans’ testimony, although now very awkwardly recanted since pressure is on him, is very convincing. Why Congress continues to dabble with small issues without cutting the head of the serpent now, and negating all his appointments and legislation in one swoop, is beyond me!

13 years ago

I am afraid you will get no satisfaction from either Boehner or Cantor, both are on the board of a Global (re:NWO) Organization…no one cared before he was “chosen” as Speaker, seems no one cares now either…you get what you deserve…

John Boehner (R-Ohio), Eric Cantor(R-Virginia) and Global Governance: TransAtlantic Policy Network http://www.tpnonline.org/congress.html
Agenda: strengthen the institutional structure for ongoing transatlantic political dialogue, building on the evolving Transatlantic Legislators Dialogue (TLD) between Members of the European Parliament and the US Congress, possibly into a Transatlantic Assembly.

13 years ago

GRIDLOCK!! That is what we will get if people continue to foist this on Boehner! I believe in my heart of hearts that Boehner doubts Obama’s eligibility- hence his simple two line answer. Obama has done real damage to this country and Boehner is in a very unique position to do damage control. No one man in any government position is going to be able to take up this cause and remain viable in their position- especially the Speaker of the House! If he would take up our stand on this issue, he would not be able to continue to function- and everything else that we are demanding of him would come undone! PEOPLE PLEASE- DON”T push Boehner on this- there are other ways.

Joe The Blogger
13 years ago
Reply to  melatr7

JOHN BOEHNER has a simple choice. Uphold The Constitution, by requiring Obama to disclose ALL of documents that have a bearing on his dual-national citizenship history OR trash The Constitution, the Country and the American people, by continuing to follow the well-trodden path of cowards.
It is make your mind up time, JOHN BOEHNER – are you going to be HERO or BONEHEAD?

13 years ago
Reply to  melatr7

Excuse me….but not “pushing” Boehner on Obama’s obvious ineligibility is not an option.

The Constitution should be ignored to avoid gridlock…….please tell me you are joking…..and when did gridlock become a bad thig?

We should intensify our push to FORCE Boehner to act now on the eligibility issue. To do anything less than that is to join the cowards and wimps who got us in this mess…only the truth can get us out of the government takeover by a usurper and his enablers, and I for one will not be giving Boehner or anyone else in Congress any sort of “break” on this…..God knows they do not deserve a break for assisting in the destruction of America.

Boehner is suppose to be a leader……..lead us out of the nightmare the illegal Obama regime has us in…and do it NOW!!

13 years ago
Reply to  melatr7

Melart7 Makes a good point in my opinion.

And yet, Boehner needs to understand that we are watching and listening to what he says and does. If the very flagrant violation of the Constitution is allowed to stand without challenge, what else can possibly matter? The Constitution and those who uphold it, are the only guarantors of the freedoms we enjoy in this country and the checks that “We” the people have on government abuse of power.

“If a nation values anything more than freedom, it will lose its freedom; and the irony of it is that if it is comfort or money that it values more, it will lose that too.”
— Somerset Maugham


Obama Researcher
13 years ago
Reply to  melatr7

Boehner can push the issue by simply assigning the issue to another congressman to do the front work. Everyone is either solving the problem or a part of the problem. Obviously every single person in the federal government is against the people and a part of the problem. All should face Treason charges and be found guilty and face a firing squad.

When the government fears the people there is freedom. You see it in Egypt. We should be doing what they are doing in Egypt and things would get done. Boehner is just as guilty as Obama of covering up the crime. They all are guilty.

Barbi Dee
13 years ago

John is very confused! He thinks his new position is “LIAR OF THE HOUSE”— and believes this allows him to steal from the treasury for his slush fund at the vatican bank. American peoples enemies are ALL in Washington, not Afghanistan or Iraq. Do these criminal sleeze bags not realize that the majority of people are now aware of their massive treasonous crimes—-and will ALL sit in jail–sooner or later???

Kevin J. Lankford
13 years ago

This letter is more like it should be. Kind words and pleading requests are not sharp
enough to get through their armor of arrogance. It will take demands and reprimands
to gain their attention,and that is only the first step.

True Patriot
13 years ago

I have called and emailed, and called and emailed until I am blue in the face. All I get is I will pass it along to the Senator or Congressman. Pass it along. The arrogance of these dogs who have forgotten they work for us, not the other way around.

I think it is time to send “We The People” marshalls to sit on their doors until we force them to do this, otherwise they are not going to do it.

Cantor’s pathetic interview with the Communist pig David Gregory was very revealing.

They are all a bunch of cowards and traitors. “We The People” will have to do this.

Otherwise it will not be done.

13 years ago

ATTENTION! FaceBook Users!
PLASTER this letter on John Boehner’s FaceBook Wall.

13 years ago

We the People of America need to start realizing that America has been overtaken by an entity of thugs and thieves! Like in other places of the world where people realize that their government does not work for the better interest of those people America is due for an up rising by WE THE PEOPLE! It’s long over due and it is the only way to cleanse Washington D.C. of it’s corrupt anti-America self serving mentality. The thugs and thieves of Washington are a treasonous bunch of people that need to go! It really now appears everything about them is a charade, scam or a con! They have no interest of serving the Founding Fathers Constitution at all and in fact it is now known with the installation of the usurper Barack Obama that betrayal to the U.S. Constitution by these sick and evil people is the current game plan. The hell with the Constitution…we’ll do what ever we want to, to diminish your rights and to enslave you! And these thieves and thugs have the Main Stream Media on their side aiding and abetting them in their quest to dominate over you and me! Many people strongly believe that Obama is an illegal president. Now just hold that thought for a moment. We believe he is illegal and want to talk about it. Talk about it! But we can’t! There have been people who have tried to bring this matter to the attention of the courts….the courts refuse to let these people have there day in court. The Main Stream Media is helping them by not reporting these court cases to you. The MSM will call us a “BIRTHER” though faster than lighting when the opportunity arises. But this is not about any birth certificate. This is about the original intent of the Founding Fathers and their definition of NATURAL BORN CITIZEN! There is sufficient evidence on America’s Historical Record that makes NATURAL BORN CITIZEN a worthy and legitimate point of Constitutional order that calls for a national discourse and debate! But with the help of the Main Stream Media the thieves and thugs of Washington are making any debate about NATURAL BORN CITIZEN impossible! Folks! Think about it! There are people who want to talk with their representatives about NATURAL BORN CITIZEN and those representatives refuse to listen. Representative listening has become extinct and deliberate ignorance prevails! This is America now! Is this the America you want for your future?

Robert Laity
13 years ago

Both of whom have now been sent a link to this story.

John Boehner and Darrell Issa,

Get off your duffs and do your duty to protect the Constitution.

Robert Laity
13 years ago

Corrected Email:



Robert Laity
13 years ago

The Speaker can be E-mailed at: SpeakerBoehner@mail.house.gov/

13 years ago

A well written, factual letter Paula Hoehn. I truly believe that most of America is totally asleep while vile-evil takes over, stealing everything we have. You wrote this paragraph above… “Obama/Soebarkah/Soetoro has spent millions to hide his birth certificate and all his life documents, and he has withheld those documents, that would have exonerated a military hero, much-decorated combat veteran LTC Dr. Terrence Lakin, who now languishes in Fort Leavenworth military prison without income, without pension, without rank, because the usurper hides his documentation. Former-speaker Pelosi sent 2 different certification forms to the Secretaries-of-State, 49 of them were lacking the crucial Constitutional requirement paragraph”. MEANWHILE – the usurper’s buddy Nidal Hasan, who murdered 13 soldiers in cold blood, injuring many more is still receiving a $6,000 per month salary, plus pension and all other benefits, has not lost his rank, and has always been personally protected by his Muslim pal Soebarkah. How absolutely-bloody-stupid can we be. Am I the only one who finds this behaviour “quite bizarre”??? Yea Boehner has some problems, and so does most of America, but we do expect more from those who have sworn the oath. I am still hoping that Boehner can dry his tears long enough to man-up and become an outstanding Conservative Leader in the House, for us all, and to do the right thing, as per the Constitution and his Oath of Office. By the way, re your above referenced paragraph …I would bet that the American Tax-payers have been stuck with the usurper’s $2,000,000 bill to hide everything.
support info… http://theweek.com/article/index/205692/why-is-maj-nidal-hasan-still-being-paid -and- http://sheikyermami.com/2010/07/31/well-paid-killer-shrink-hasan-nidal-keeps-getting-paid/

Jeff Lichter
13 years ago
Reply to  Bob1939

Thanks for the contrast that Hasan is still getting paid while Lakin sits in prison with salary and more stripped from him. I would like to alert more people to that frightening injustice but can you tell me where the documentation is for the Hasan statement that he is still receiving salary/benefits etc. so that I have it for back up? Thanks.

13 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Lichter

@ Jeff Lichter


Why is Maj. Nidal Hasan still being paid?

While awaiting trial, the alleged Fort Hood shooter is still drawing an army salary of $6,000 a month. What’s going on?

POSTED ON AUGUST 4, 2010, AT 1:01 PM

Nidal Hasan: In jail, but still getting paychecks.

While waiting for his murder trial to begin, Maj. Nidal Hasan, the man charged with shooting 13 soldiers dead at Fort Hood, Texas, is reportedly still receiving an estimated $6,000 monthly salary from the United States Army because he can’t be discharged until proven guilty.

This is a total Disgrace!! Nidal still has his Rank & Salary

While our Decorated Hero Lt. Col. Terry Lakin was stripped of his Rank & Salary because he was Standing up to his Constitutional Oath:

to Defend & Protect the Constitution of the United States of America against all Enemies Foreign & “Domestic”!!

Mr Obama should be removed from the WH immediately & put on Trial for Treason against the United States of America.

Lt. Col. Terry Laken should be released from Prison, Re-instated to his Rank & he should receive all of his back pay!!