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February 9, 2023

American Singer-Songwriter Phoebe Bridgers (David Lee, CC by SA 2.0)

Dear Editor,

Around 35 years ago a dear departed friend said, “You know, I believe the human race is probably the only species on Earth that has to greatly fear their own young,” to which I not unkindly scoffed.

However, after seeing/reading reports of such awful physical violence against older people, theft of cars and other property, and now the utterly obscene, verbal attacks on 80-year-old great Australian Margaret Court (who all her life has done such great work for the truly needy), by so many young people (including an imported young “c”-word-uttering female performer), I no longer scoff at what my so very sage late friend contended.


Howard Hutchins
Victoria, Australia

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  1. Margaret Smith Court is not only a tennis legend but also a Lady.
    Phoebe Bridgers is not only a music nobody but also a “C”-word.

    The C-word should be forced to turnover all money collected pertaining to her concert in the stadium named for the Lady to the Lady, and be forever banned from Australia.