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by Bob Russell, ©2023

“The Sermon on the Mount,” Carl Bloch, public domain

(Jan. 26, 2023) — Every religion in the world that I am aware of claims to be the only true way to Heaven and demands adherence to its particular brand of belief.  There is NO room for tolerance of other beliefs in any of them yet Christians are the only people targeted by leftist hatred in America.  Moslems kill anyone not willing to bow to their terms, including each other.  Sunnis kill shiites and blow up their mosques because they aren’t sunnis, and shiites kill sunnis and blow up their mosques because they aren’t shiites.  Moslems are the only religious group that chops off heads of “infidels. We don’t hear of Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, or Christians committing such barbarous acts in the name of “religion” in this day and age, but moslems doing so is a daily occurrence in many countries.  It seems that moslems in America, or most of them at least, are more civilized than those who live elsewhere because “honor killings” and other such demonic practices are very rare here, unlike in most of the rest of the world.

Back in the Dark Ages the Catholic Church killed people for having beliefs contrary to its own, and Puritans in 17th-century America burned “witches” at the stake. Those things ceased centuries ago, while moslems still use their doctrine to murder people regularly in the 21st century.  While there is no “diversity,” “inclusion” or “equity” in any religious sect, only Christians are targeted for hate from the left in America today.

As with all other religions I am aware of, Christians refuse to accept homosexuality, abortion, and “gender fluidity” as normal, but they don’t kill people for having what we consider pagan beliefs.  Christian churches and pro-life centers that offer alternatives to abortion are regularly vandalized and torched by pro-abortion haters who refuse to accept any other alternative than death for an unwanted baby.  I have NEVER heard about a Christian group doing anything violent against the murder mills they call abortion centers.  People pray outside abortion clinics and don’t do anything even remotely threatening, much less violent, yet are routinely falsely accused of violence, with absolutely no facts to back up the false narrative.

When natural disasters occur anywhere in the world it is American Christians who give millions of dollars, dollars they earn at jobs, to help, and those who can volunteer their time and labor help in a physical way.  I find it unsettling that American Christians are NEVER hailed for their donations of money, time, and labor to help others while seeking absolutely no acknowledgement for themselves.  It is also American Christians who are the most tolerant of others.  While we don’t accept things that go against our standards we certainly don’t behave the way the left does, attacking others and destroying property because we disagree with them.  Jesus said, “Hate the sin but love the sinner,” but the demonic left calls that “hatred” while saying nothing about moslems which I believe is because the left fears being killed for not bowing to their radical beliefs.  The left knows Christians will not kill them for dissent so we are fair game.

I believe the leftists know they are wrong but instead of accepting us, they project their hatred of our beliefs onto us as a way of making them feel better about themselves.  Tearing someone else down actually does nothing to elevate oneself but leftists don’t seem to be intelligent enough to understand that concept and wouldn’t accept it if they could understand it.  The left are the ones who lack the very qualities they say Christians don’t have.  Where is the “diversity,” “inclusion” and “equity” when it comes to accepting differing views from Christians?  Every religion has its standards and if believers are true to them, they hold to them regardless of the consequences.

Religious beliefs are based on standards, and if those standards are ignored the religious beliefs mean nothing.  The left in America has religious beliefs also but refuses to acknowledge them as such.  They believe in “secular humanism,” that every person can establish his or her own “standards” and MUST adhere to leftist beliefs or be ridiculed and vilified. However, no one is allowed to ridicule the left, regardless of how ridiculous and evil their “standards” are.  

The left claims to worship the “environment” but the truth is that they really don’t care about the environment.  While insisting that Americans other than themselves live in the Stone Age, they fly private jets all over the world and say nothing about the pollution generated by China, India, and Mexico, which are among the top ten polluters in the entire world.  America does more to preserve the environment than the entire rest of the world combined but it isn’t enough to please the loudmouthed left. 

Al gore has made hundreds of millions of dollars off the environment scam and says I must live under environmental “standards” he dictates while he flies around the world, virtually alone, in one of the worst polluting jet airplanes ever built.  His numerous homes each produce more carbon in a month than mine does in a year but my lifestyle is the problem?  What disgusting hypocrites he and his ilk are, but they have the support of the Pravda/Goebbels fake news propagandists so their views are the only ones allowed to be heard and the just-as-fake-news big tech companies.  The American left is scared to death of being vilified and criticized by other leftists so they comply without question to the insane rants of others in the nuthouse camp.

If the left is so “inclusive” why do they vilify Christians for having standards of morality and behavior towards others other than that those standards don’t comply with the left’s lust to control everyone?  I disagree with a lot of things people do and say but I don’t ever call for them to be silenced because I disagree.  The key to the First Amendment is people being allowed to voice opinions that differ.  Calling my speech hate speech or violent speech because they don’t like what I say shows the difference between the left and people like me.  The left regularly spouts hate speech but it is protected because they control things in politics and the fake news media.

What I don’t get is why my saying homosexuality is a sin is “hate speech” but moslems demanding homosexuals be killed is not and constitutes their “right to their opinion.”  I don’t care that moslems espouse the murder of homosexuals as long as it doesn’t go any farther than speech, but the left doesn’t even criticize them for killing people for any reason.  To me that shows not only cowardice in the face of criminal acts but complicity.  The left doesn’t care about anyone other than themselves and how much wealth and power they can amass for themselves.

I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.

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  1. “but moslems doing so is a daily occurrence in many countries.”
    moslems do so in every country, everywhere, everyday, every minute.
    mosques are armories and Islamovilles are the Killing Fields.

    Henry, a vote for me — in 2024 — is a vote for the deportation of every moslem from the United States and each and every illegal immigrant and that includes the DACA scammers.

    1. Agree. Fine “public service announcement” article!


      And every complicit U.S. Judge-criminal and every complicit state-licensed attorney-criminal should be DISBARRED (or else, immoral U.S. BAR associations and immoral state attorney licensing Boards should be DISBANDED) for their errant activist twisting of existing prescribed laws in order to ensure that immoral civil wrongs be accepted as civil rights (like illegislating immoral sanctuary cities, illegislating immoral open borders for any “humanitarian reason”, illegislating pro-crime bail, illegislating defund police, immoral see-something-do-nothing to state-licensed attorney criminals JOKE and COKE Biden, illegislating crimes less than $950 will not be prosecuted, etc, etc, etc.)!

      AMERICA RUNS ON CRIME and every unaccounted attorney-criminal will pursue his livelihood of “CRIME$-for-DIME$ ILLITIGATION” as long as we allow them to continue their STAMPEDE for STUPIDITY as fugitive on-the-run prostitution-uber-Constitution liars-for-hire and pimps of Lady Justice! https://www.licensedtolie.com/