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November 9, 2022

Dear Editor,

Australia’s PM Anthony Albanese and Sweden’s young climate activist, Greta Thunberg, should note as China, India and other so-called “developing” countries are virtually unfettered by the Paris Accord to keep building coal-fired power stations (the only – along with inevitably, eventual nuclear power for resource-rich Australia! – truly cost-effective and reliable energy source, which will soon be very hi-tech burnt leaner and greener) – it would be/is idiotic to implement Joe Biden’s American economy- (thus military might!) destroying New Green Deal!

So PM Albanese, and young Greta, weaken America, and you weaken the Free World (including Australia and Sweden), with the Chinese Communist Party laughing all the way to the bank, while building massive military capabilities, before plunging the world into a new, and even darker…Dark Age!


Howard Hutchins
Victoria, Australia

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