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by Bob Russell, ©2022

(Jul. 7, 2022) — Attorney general merrick garland just said that states don’t have the authority to stop mail order abortion pills from being used by residents of states where abortion is now illegal.  In a fit of arrogance garland has decided that the supreme court does not have the authority to decide what is or is not Constitutional.  Not only does garland ignore the Constitution, thinking his opinion is above that of our founders, but he also elevates himself above God.  The once Archangel Lucifer also told himself he was above God and decided to depose Him and occupy the throne himself.  He found himself cast out of Heaven and his lofty position lost forever. 

I believe that since satan is now running rampant on the earth he believes he can defeat God in their next showdown, and much of the political left in America has bought into the same delusion.  They either believe that God doesn’t exist or that they are above Him.  The left likes to see themselves as their own “gods,” able to decide for themselves what is right or wrong, but there is only one standard and it isn’t theirs; whether they like it or not, they don’t set the standards.

Abortion is the murder of an unborn child of God.  The Bible has several verses that tell us where children stand with Him, and denying or ignoring those words doesn’t lessen nor negate their importance.  People like me are vilified, ridiculed, and hated by the left because we stand on the side of morality, life for the unborn, and the unerring words in the Bible.  It is one thing to be concerned about the ability of the mother to survive, but that is a poor excuse for 63 million abortions over the last 50 years since a leftist-controlled supreme court imposed abortion as the “law” of the land.  The liberal left continually spouts about the “health of the mother,” but statistics show that excuse applies only to about 5% of the abortions performed.  The rest are done because the pregnancy is either an inconvenience or embarrassment.

The government, when controlled by devildemocommiecrats, also promotes rampant immorality.  Women are paid to have babies out of wedlock, each one getting them more money but never enough to get them above the poverty line.  If a woman gets a job to help provide for her family she loses more than she earns in penalties for having the audacity to want to work her way out of abject poverty.  The left wants people dependent on government handouts to survive so they do everything they can to create poverty and keep as many people as possible beholden to their “kindness.” 

I am outraged that the leftists act as if they are our rulers and that citizens should bow to them as if they are royalty.  To them the Constitution is merely a document written for the 1700s and irrelevant to today’s America, mostly because it says they cannot rule over us and gives the ultimate authority to We the People.  The road to tyranny in America began more than 150 years ago, just after the Civil War when the defeat of the Confederacy led elitists to the idea that the federal government is the ultimate authority in the land.  Ever since then the ruling elite have run roughshod over the states, virtually dismissing the Tenth Amendment.  The gun-control push began in the 1930s in response to the rise of violent gangsters during the depression. 

Murderers like Bonnie and Clyde, Machinegun Kelly and others used World War I surplus automatic weapons to outgun police so the government began to restrict the kind of weapons which could be possessed by citizens.  The original idea was to keep submachine guns out of the hands of very violent criminals, an admirable purpose, but it has since morphed into a desire by politicians who fear citizen reaction to their totalitarian aims to wrest control from the people.  While the leftists spout about “safety” none of their unconstitutional restrictions on firearms do anything to stop the criminally-minded from committing mass murder.  If gun control was the answer to crimes committed with guns, Chicago; Detroit; New York City; San Francisco; Los Angeles; Washington, D.C., and Atlanta would be the safest cities in America rather than the murder capitals they are.

The wanna-be tyrants want citizens disarmed and unable to defend themselves against tyranny.  In the 20th century despots like Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot, and other dictators first disarmed, then slaughtered more than 200 million of their own citizens.  The first thing tyrants do is to make sure there can be no armed resistance; they will liquidate the educated because highly educated people can use their minds to find ways to overcome tyrannical rule. They then go after those with military training and experience because trained soldiers will find ways to oppose a tyrant, including how to improvise weapons.  Eventually the weaker, less threatening citizens are murdered or interred as they become discontent, coming down to even their most loyal supporters.  Tyrants need enemies to survive, and when the initial enemies are eradicated tyrants create enemies, even if in their own deranged minds, out of whoever is left alive.

We are seeing the early stages of this sequence now.  Guns and gun owners are under attack from politicians, bureaucrats, hollyweird elitists, and the Pravda/Goebbels fake news propagandists.  Christians are vilified as being “unenlightened,” a whole host of “phobics” and “haters” because we refuse to accept immorality and paganism as part of our lives or acceptable in our nation.  Jesus Christ told His Apostles they would be hated because the world first hated Him.  Today is no different; anyone who follows Him instead of the secularists is vilified, ostracized, and will eventually be persecuted as His followers always have been.  The devildemocommiecrats use every mass shooting to push their efforts to disarm the people who aren’t killing people while doing everything they can to make sure that those doing the killing are not punished.  The so-called “equity” movement lets criminals out on the streets before the police officers have finished the paperwork required for the arrest.

When the ruling class decides there are no limits on their authority tyranny is at the front, or back, door ready to push its way in.  The current crop of lying, cheating despots are doing their best to subvert the Constitution so they will have absolute control over the population of America.  They are throwing tantrums because in its final week in session, the supreme court threw their evil plans into disarray by ruling according to the Constitution, overturning Roe as an unconstitutional overreach of federal jurisdiction, New York’s latest gun control measure as a violation of the 2nd Amendment, and the firing of a high school football coach as a violation of his 1st Amendment rights.  The coach had a habit of kneeling in the center of the field and praying after games.  An opposing coach complained that some of his players MIGHT be influenced.  Even though the coach prayed alone and in silence, an opposing coach didn’t like it and the school fired him in 2015.  The fired coach didn’t want any money, only his job back.  I see that as mighty generous on his part since most people would also ask for back pay they were deprived of illegally. 

Devildemocommiecrats don’t care what the Constitution or Bible says; they care only about their own power to rule over the nation.  What they and their gop establishment allies are doing will result in an armed rebellion just as the British faced.  Americans, now as then, believe in basic fundamental rights that are God-given and enshrined in the Constitution for everyone to see and are willing to fight for them.  We will put up with a lot of corruption and tyranny but draw the line at surrendering our only means of self defense. 

A lot has been made by the left of “a woman’s right to choose” whether she wants to give birth or kill the baby growing in her womb but there is no right to an abortion in the Constitution, and the federal government has no right to decide the issue.  From the many passages in the Bible about how important children are to God I am convinced that those who harm children will spend eternity suffering in the Lake of Fire.

I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.

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G Miller
Thursday, July 7, 2022 1:00 PM

You wandered off the subject a bit. Good content but needs editing.

As always, this publication fearlessly and accurately covers the issues of the day.

Thursday, July 7, 2022 10:21 AM

Whether or not the liberal left privately and individually ‘got religion’ or a conscience, the liberal left will use any mechanism, abortion for instance, to divide and conquer We the People.
It’s one of the communists’ many MOs (methods of operation).