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by Allan Wall, US Incorporated, ©2022

Captain Roger Fenton/Wikimedia Commons

(Apr. 27, 2022) — The United Kingdom is being invaded by illegal aliens who cross the English Channel and make their home in Britain.

After successfully withdrawing from the European Union, Britain’s immigration policy is still in shambles. Only now, the British can’t blame the Europeans for it. It’s all on them.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson (BoJo), under fire for having a party at his official residence during a COVID lockdown, has come up with a bizarre plan to deal with illegal immigration.

Rather than stop the problem at the source, BoJo is going to outsource it to Rwanda, a small landlocked country in Africa which wasn’t even a British colony.

The plan is to send illegal aliens who arrive in Britain to Rwanda, where they can request asylum. Seriously, that’s the plan.

I wonder how the illegal aliens will like it. They intend to go to Britain and wind up in Rwanda instead.

It’s even more hilarious when you listen to how BoJo defends it: “The deal we made with Rwanda is limitless. Rwanda will have the ability to resettle tens of thousands of people in the next few years. We must ensure that the only route to asylum in the UK is safe and legal. Let’s be clear: Rwanda is one of the safest countries in the world, recognized worldwide for welcoming and integrating migrants.”

Most people in the world probably couldn’t find Rwanda on a map, let alone recognize it “for welcoming and integrating migrants” or for being “one of the safest countries in the world.”

What Rwanda is most well-known for is the Rwandan Genocide of 1994, when about half a million members of the Tutsi tribe were massacred in a few months’ time by members of the Hutu tribe.

In 2009, Rwanda joined the Commonwealth of Nations despite the fact it had never been a British colony (it was a German and then Belgian colony). According to a 2009 analysis by the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, “the state of governance and human rights in Rwanda does not satisfy Commonwealth standards,” and the country “does not therefore qualify for admission.” But Rwanda was allowed to join anyway.

Just last year, Prime Minister BoJo himself criticized “continued restrictions on civil and political rights and freedom of the press” in Rwanda.

I suppose that’s all been fixed by now.

You might suspect there’s some big money involved here – and you would be right.

The UK is giving Rwanda 120 million pounds so the country will take in asylum seekers and allow them to obtain residency.

According to Vincent Biruta, Rwanda’s Foreign Minister, “This will ensure that migrants are protected and given opportunities to live and work in Rwanda alongside Rwandans if they choose to settle here.”

Were all 12 million Rwandans consulted on this matter? Are there enough jobs for Rwandans?

Shouldn’t Rwanda have a Rwanda First employment policy?

What British government agency is being entrusted with this project?

The Royal Navy, of course. What better agency to get these illegal aliens to a landlocked African country?

I have a better suggestion for BoJo. Instead of having the Royal Navy send illegal aliens to Rwanda, why not put the Royal Navy on the English Channel and keep the illegal aliens out of Britain to begin with?

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