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by Sharon Rondeau

(Nov. 6, 2021) — A summit organized by a local physician, Dr. John T. Littell, has launched with a livestream in Ocala, FL to discuss early treatment methods for COVID-19 and provide information to the public.

The livestream is here: https://globalcovidsummit.org/page/florida

The Post & Email thanks Valerie for providing the link beforehand.

The event is considered “continuing education,” Littell said during his opening remarks, and “there are no stipends” for any of the speakers.

Littell introduced Dr. Robert W. Malone as the first speaker, who received a warm welcome. Malone is considered a key inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, although he has come out in opposition of mass vaccination for COVID-19 and in vaccines for young children.

Malone began his address by explaining how mRNA vaccines work and the effects of the “spike protein” which COVID-19 creates in its victims. His presentation was geared toward the scientists in attendance.

The adenoviral vectored vaccine manufactured by Johnson & Johnson under the Janssen brand name is not a typical vaccine, Malone said, as Reuters has reported. Like the Moderna and Pfizer COVID vaccines, he said, its technology is largely untested on humans.

COVID vaccinations are not necessary in children, Malone said to audience applause.

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