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by Bob Russell, ©2021 

Rep. Cori Bush (official photo from website)

(Aug. 18, 2021) — I recently heard that arrogant political hack cori bush says she can spend $200,000 of our tax money on private security if she wants to because she is worth being protected but we serfs are not worthy of being protected from the criminals she speaks for and protects, and police MUST be abolished. America is on the very verge, in fact in the throes, of God’s judgment because the nation has turned its back on Him. The satanic political ruling class and the marxists who vote for, finance, and act as propagandists for them have taken control of the nation. While it is true that God still sits on the eternal Throne of Judgment satan sits in the oval office and controls congress, the bureaucracy, some states, hollywierd, and the lamestream media.

The message of my pastor at Vision on Friday night was about hearing the sound of the coming of a great revival in America.  Christian people are hearing the thunder of God’s anger against the nation He established to be “a shining city on a hill” becoming a cesspool of rebellion against His Commandments, a nation grown so arrogant that it has removed Him from the public forum completely and its “leaders” set themselves up as their own “gods,” people who have decided there is no right or wrong except what they decide for themselves.  The abortion chant of “my body, my choice” isn’t valid for those of us who reject being injected with untested vaccines that are more dangerous than the virus they supposedly protect us from.  I WILL NOT submit to experimental poisons being put in my body no matter what the satanists demand.  If God decides to take me home through death from covid-19 then so be it but I will only submit to His will, not to that of satanic tyrants. 

People who follow secular humanism, the idea that each person can decide what is right or wrong for himself, deny the concept of a Creator God who sets the rules for all to follow.  Cancel culture calls everything I say throughout this article “hate speech” when all of my utterances are about loving people and wanting to see them repent and turn to God to save themselves and this nation from the wrath of the only true God, the Creator of all things.

I just finished reading the Bible book of Jeremiah and it illustrates very accurately where this nation is today, a nation full of arrogance and rebellion against the Almighty God that established it nearly 250 years ago based on the humility of the founders and their acknowledgment that God is supreme and gives or takes away according to His will.  George Washington was known to get on his knees on a regular basis, even in the snow of Valley Forge, to implore the Hand of God to be on him and his soldiers, that they would go to battle in His name and be victorious.

During World War II General George Patton went out in the snow to pray during his march toward Bastogne to relieve the 101st Airborne Division that was surrounded and resisting overwhelming German forces, asking Almighty God to grant them clear skies so he could get the air support needed to break through the German lines and relieve the valiant defenders of that very strategic city.  God answered Patton’s prayer, and the forecast of several more days of snow gave way to clear skies the next morning and the air support that was so desperately needed.

America today is in dire need of God’s help.  We the People are inundated with corrupt politicians, judges, bureaucrats, and hundreds of Pravda/Goebbels fake news propagandists, all determined to destroy the Constitutional Republic established by Almighty God and our founding fathers.  The soap box of public discourse has been removed by the corporate fake news propagandists and their corporate social media allies; the ballot box has been removed as a resource by corrupt people who see themselves as the only ones with the right to decide who sits in the seats of governance, and the corrupt political hacks are illegally removing the bullet box as a resource because they fear a populace with the resources to defend itself against violent suppression by government.

The satanists CANNOT stop true Christian people from personally praying, asking Almighty God for His help in throwing off the chains of tyranny.  This I do daily, asking God to soften the hearts of those with power and influence so that they will relent, acknowledge God, and save themselves and the nation from His angry judgment.  Those who refuse to turn to God, whether public figures or not, will find God’s wrath falling on them.  I ask God to judge those who refuse Him and spare those of us who look to Him, to spare His people from the wrath that is coming.  Jeremiah and those who heeded the Words God spoke to him suffered under tyranny but were ultimately saved from total destruction and restored to their homeland.  I sense the same situation in America.  Those of us who heed God’s Word and obey His commandments will suffer under the rule of the satanists but all who persevere will ultimately come out better in the end.  Heaven is the reward to those who stick with God through persecution, and the Lake of Fire is the punishment for those who reject God.  I may have a hard time finding a blog site to publish this because of fear of retribution from the satanic cancel culture but I will send it out to as many as necessary because I believe people need to read and heed this.  I believe this is from God because it came to me as I read Jeremiah and saw the trials he went through and how adamant he was about obeying what God told him to do, even at the risk of his freedom and his life.

I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.

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Jonathan David Mooers
Thursday, August 19, 2021 9:05 AM

Cori Bush is one of the Squalid Squad sinisters (= sin sister), that includes Mouth-Off Omar (= mouthing-off, that’s her MO), Mother-Gooser Trashida, AOC (America’s Official Communist), and Bald Beagle Pressley; all a bunch of immature Ungratefuls who are some of the favorites on CNN (= Communist Negro Nonsense) for promoting BLM, Defund Police, stand-down “black privilege” rioting, CRT and other dangerous Black Attack non-sense.

Collectively, they offer treason not reason and, therefore, they are all candidates for jailtime justice.

John Jay would never have allowed these foreign-thinkers into the halls of Congress: https://teachingamericanhistory.org/resources/ratification/tansill/ratification-newyork/