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by Professor Zorkophsky, ©2021

(Feb. 26, 2021) — “St. Louis Blues” (2:57)

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ‘The Pulse of the Nation,’ the place to hear it here first. Today’s guest is none other than Naomi Wells, the author of ‘How Do New Thoughts Emerge?’ a book about creativity. Well, what’s the secret?”

“Ask Einstein, just kidding. Amazing as it may seem, it is not ‘connecting-the-dots’ but rather ‘connecting-the-less-obvious-dots,’ or is it ‘connecting-the-wrong-dots?’

“Would you mind giving us an example that we can relate to? I know you’re a little reluctant, but how about giving us a hint so we’ll all want to go out and buy the book?”

“Okay, I suppose I can do that; I mean, if it’ll make people rush out and buy the book.”

“Let’s hear it.”

“In Chapter Five I explain how Marcel Duchamp came up with his idea of ‘Nude Descending Staircase,’ and I explain how Pablo Picasso came by some of his ideas.”


“And it’s all very simple: what they did was make snowmen and snowwomen in different positions: you know, like standing, bending over, sitting and walking up and down stairs, and make sketches of them while they melted come warmer weather. You see, no two snowmen melt at the same rate, even if the same person made them the same day.”

“Interesting; why’s that?”

“The variables of compaction, is why. You can get some strange figures as they melt. I’ve got time-lapse photos of a snowman melting and it makes for some rather interesting and unique shapes: buy the book.”

“I’m sure you’ll do very well and thank you for being on the show. Let’s take a break.”

Do Lord” (2:15)

“And we’re back with our very own General. How you doing, General?”

“I am doing very concerned, since you asked.”

“Why are you concerned and what are you concerned about?”

“I am concerned with the Joint Chiefs of Staff not upholding the Oath, for one, and I am concerned that where the line is drawn the police won’t cross, that is, if there is a line. Look, it pains me to talk about this, but it wouldn’t even be a topic of conversation if many of our mayors would be Constitutionalists rather than a bunch of liberal Socialists bent on destroying our country.”

“Those are pretty strong words, General.”

“Well, now, we all saw the cops just standing around as Ferguson, Baltimore, Chicago, Minneapolis, Portland and a lot of other places got looted and burned; we all saw people breaking the law while the cops did nothing, so the question is this: at what point will the cops protect rather than be part of the problem?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean exactly what I said, ‘When will the cops say enough is enough?’ Look, if they don’t say ‘NO!’ at some point in time, what’s to stop them from becoming the twenty-first century GESTAPO?”

“And then what?”

“And then maybe a mayor will order the cops to close down a church because the parishioners aren’t wearing masks**, and then maybe hand out tickets, and then maybe herd them to a ditch and shoot them. Here’s the thing: if you start to follow illegal orders, when does it stop?”

“Good question; I guess if you follow the first illegal order the second illegal order is just that much easier to go along with.”

“So the cops just stood by as innocent people were beaten and their cars stolen: that was okay. And then there’s gangs of illegal immigrants kidnapping, torturing, raping and murdering our daughters while some nitwit mayors claim that their jurisdictions are exempt from federal law so the guest workers* have free reign of terror since they know that they can’t be executed and will be deported, only to be allowed to come back and do it all over again.”

“Yes, I can see why you’re concerned.”

“As we all should be.”

“But we’re not: we are not all concerned because we still have Sanctuary Cities and counties and whole States.”

“Don’t forget the judges, which is where it all starts, doesn’t it? If you ever want to see how far this country has hit rock-bottom, just look at the TV commercials for one night. They are not selling what they say they’re selling. They’re selling ideas that are not beneficial to the longevity of our Republic, but they know that, which is why they’re doing it: selling lies. I shouldn’t have to spell it out for you.”

“No need: we can figure it out. So you’re saying that because our country is no longer a nation of laws, the cops are tomorrow’s Death Squads; that our Constitution has been trashed by dishonorable judges; and that there is no law except that of the gun; is that about it?”

“Look, I’m a General so I’m expected to tell the truth. All I can say is if you don’t like what I say then find me a cop, somebody in the FBI, NSA, and the CIA who didn’t try to sabotage Trump; show me one county employee who counted the votes honestly; show me one politician who is not ashamed that the USA just became a country living a lie with the fraud Biden as president.”

“So then it’s just a matter of time until free speech is over and done with? That The P&E is likely to be closed forever?”

“The clock ticks.”

“Gosh, General, is there any hope?”

“There’s always hope. Here’s the thing: it’s the last round and we’re behind on points and the only way we’re going to get our country back is by knockout. We have a country of whiners, of crybabies, lazy bums, Socialists and Communists who couldn’t make the cut on their best day and they can’t see it and, furthermore, they don’t care. For proof, just listen to the Fake News and if you can’t figure it out, well, you’ll never figure it out.”

“Yes, I can see why you’re concerned, General, will our law enforcement ever draw a line?  And with that we’ll be wishing you all a goodnight: Goodnight.

“Good show. Burger time: my treat.”

[*guest workers: ever notice how the illegal immigrants aren’t called that any more? Because they’re not guests and they don’t work. We give them housing, medical, Food Stamps and cash, so why would they work? They game the system and we’re the suckers for letting them. And then there’s the treaty about not executing the murders, rapists and pedophiles, like it’s all okay with us.]

[**wearing masks: the China flu is just that, a flu, not enough to shut down the economy and making it easier — mail-in, trucked-in, snuck-in — ballots to throw an election, certainly not dire enough to wear masks that, if a virus were the size of a bird, could fly right through. We ALL know the election was a fraudulent, that Biden is a lying cheat and there’s enough evidence out there that any one of us can prove it; you, me, all of us, Dems included. The whole government doesn’t represent WE THE PEOPLE. The question remains: what are we going to do about it? There are no longer three branches of government, only one: The Deep State. The clock ticks.]

Boogie Woogie Piano” (1:41)

Professor “Trash the masks” Zorkophsky     

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Derek K Storck
Saturday, February 27, 2021 12:10 PM

I don’t live in the big city anymore so my perspective on this is way off…but I absolutely get what the General is saying…however I’d like to add something for him to consider…is it not also possible that the Democrats are moving at such a fever pitch b/c the futher past Jan 20th the harder it is going to be to convince their entitled base Trump caused the crash that Bidens policy almost certainly will bring on??? & If such a crash occurs & is seen to be a product of their lies is that possibly why they have DC walled off & the military on the ground in anticipation not of a revolt of Trump supporters but rather one of their own the same ones they trained all last summer & armed & taught them that violent protest was part of their 1A rights???

Professor Zorkophsky
Reply to  Derek K Storck
Saturday, February 27, 2021 8:35 PM

Dear Derek;

Correct-o-mundo, Biden is following in the footsteps of Nicholas Maduro, which will make Washington, DC, the ‘Sister City’ of Caracas.

The General is really sadden by our military not going in Washington, DC, and restoring the ‘Rule of Law’, i.e., the Constitution, by deporting illegal immigrants and Muslims; arresting ALL who had a hand in the FRAUD OF AN ELECTION; arresting Biden-Harris and sending them to GITMO, along with Barry Obama and Hillary…
and then…
restoring Trump as our duly elected president.

Hello? Anybody out there, or are we to march off to the showers and be gassed to death?
Never, but NEVER give them your weapon, and that’s an order, I kid you not.
Under no circumstances let them take you guns.
This is supposed to be the “Land of the free and the home of the brave”; let us, you, all the others, and me make it so.

Professor “Trash the masks” Zorkophsky

Friday, February 26, 2021 3:12 PM

IMO the Deep State was fully revealed when Donald Trump the “birther”, (yes, that is a compliment), defeated the planned in 2008 after Obama cover of Hillary Clinton in 2016. The Deep State expanded greatly the moment in 2009 when John Roberts swore-in the Soros funded, John Brennan and the CIA created total fraud Barack Hussein Obama as America’s putative president. Those complicit in the years of preparation for the installation of Obama were joined by the cowards in Congress who did/said nothing to try to stop Barry’s usurpation. They feared being called “racist” if they spoke out against Obama, and 98% of the media would have attacked them for speaking the truth. They folded and became protectors of Obama because they violated their sworn oath to protect the Constitution. President Trump was kept under siege and removed from office by a stolen election to protect the many complicit which included those who wanted Obama, eligible or not, and those who did not want him but did/said nothing to try to stop his usurpation. They all became part of effectively giving America’s government and her military to the enemy. Yes, that is a HUGE crime which must be covered forever………and America being destroyed is just collateral damage for many protecting number one….themselves. I don’t see this as complicated, but the issue has been successfully shut down….at this moment it looks like good-bye America…….but it’s not quite over yet…time will tell……..