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(Jul. 8, 2020) — Music is an art that has been an important part of culture since the beginning of time… It’s even been considered as a universal language that helps people connect on a deeper level. Well, if that’s the case, then why are so many schools being deprived of a music department?

There are actually quite a few reasons why musical programming is constantly the first department to leave schools. Unfortunately, parents, teachers, and students alike have no direct say-so in the matter.

The good news is that despite public and certain private schools continuing to cut music programming, there are music academies in your local communities that still believe in the power of music, offering group and private music lessons. As a parent, all you have to do is get your child enrolled.

To be fair, it’s important to understand that the Board of Education members aren’t necessarily people who just hate music programming… Budget cuts and other factors play a role in the elimination of music programming in schools, leaving officials feeling powerless at times… Nonetheless, this program is just as important as any other class offered to students, and eliminating it is wrong and in the poor interest of students.

Ultimately, this is a corruption in education that brainwashes kids. To a child that’s very interested in music, taking it away from them is basically saying that their interests aren’t of importance, so much so that the school is eliminating it altogether.

If you’re just as confused as to why music programming is eliminated at schools each year, join the crowd of other disappointed teachers, students, and parents alike… But the reality is that there are indeed real reasons why it’s being eliminated. Are the reasons fair or just? No, but it’s the reality facing your young students today.

The Real Reasons Why Music Programming is Cut From Schools

Leaders Don’t Have a True Understanding of the Benefits of Music Programming

Some of the leaders in education don’t have a grasp of the fact that music is more than “just music.” According to pbs.org, research has been conducted and found that learning music enhances learning in other subjects, increasing students’ IQ significantly.

With music programming in schools, students learn skills like discipline and patience, but it also improves their overall brainpower and helps them build confidence and develop social skills. Because most education leaders don’t work directly with students, it can be hard for them to see the benefits of music programming, which in turn, makes it easier for them to make the decision to cut the program from schools.

It’s a sad truth, but it’s one of the real truths…

Music Programs Aren’t Performing Well Enough to Keep

As sad and disappointing as it is to admit, music programming sometimes gets cut solely because the music teachers just aren’t good teachers. Math and English are, of course, classes that can’t be cut because they’re an integral part of the education system, even if the teachers are terrible educators.

Music programming is different. If a student isn’t performing well in math or English or if they have no interest in it, that student will get tutoring. If a student doesn’t perform well in music, or if not enough students take interest in it, the program gets cut because it’s looked at as a non-essential educational program.

Music schools seem to be the only institution that truly values music.

Schools Feel Like Cutting Music Programming is the Solution to Fixing Budget Constraints

In fixing a school’s budget, the theory is that cutting the music program will save the school a significant amount of money… That’s not the case at all. What the school boards fail to realize is that strengthening a school’s music program is the key to saving money in the school’s budget. Here’s how…

In most schools, music classes typically have a higher student to teacher ratio. So, one teacher can teach a music class full of interested students… Meanwhile, eliminating the music program will ultimately eliminate one teacher teaching lots of students, and result in a school needing to hire at least two or more teachers for elective classes with low student to teacher ratios to compensate for the high student to teacher ratio in music.

What You Can Do to Keep Music Programming in Schools

If your child attends a school that is on the verge of losing its music program, you don’t have to go down without a fight. As a parent, you can do your part to keep music in schools through activities such as:

  • Writing letters to school legislators
  • Starting a fundraiser
  • Starting a petition
  • Asking for sponsorship

For most schools, it costs around $185, more or less, per student, to keep a music education program going in most K-12 schools. That means that there’s no reason for the program to be cut, from a financial point of view.

As a parent take a stand and fight for your kids and their peers to enhance their learning through music programming by getting more involved. To make a difference, it can all start with you standing up for what is right.

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  1. And…

    The Taliban, when discovering musical instruments, destroys them.

    There is no joy in Islam (as the Imams say) and the religious police will enforce the law (immediately) without trial and judges.

    So there may be other forces at work here.

    Pamela Geller calls it “Creeping Sharia”.