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by Bob Russell, ©2020

Jewish Synagogue destroyed during Kristallnacht, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 3.0

(Jun. 24, 2020) — Antifa and blm claim they oppose fascism (as they accuse President Trump and his supporters of being), but when you see their tactics you see the very epitome of fascism.  Antifa and blm behave exactly as the Nazis and Italian fascists behaved in their day.  The Nazi Party was formed by people who called themselves fascists opposed to communism, as did Mussolini’s party.  The problem is that fascism, socialism, and communism are distinctions without a difference.  All of them use violence and repression against anyone not bowing to their particular brand of ideology and are identical in every aspect except their definition of their ideology.  Those using the deaths of black men at the hands of police are looting, burning, and destroying the property of other blacks, so what makes them any better than those they claim to be protesting against?

I read an item online a few weeks ago about the race riots in Watts after the Rodney King incident in Los Angeles back in the 1991.  Korean business owners, also “people of color,” and definitely more of a minority group than blacks, got on their roofs with guns to keep rioters at bay from their businesses.  I don’t understand the “people of color” label, other than it is a way to divide people.  God created us the same, in His image.  There is only one race, the human race.  There are many shades of skin color, black, brown, and beige, but we all have red blood and the same weaknesses to sin.

When I was in the Army the team I was on had 2 Hispanics (brown skin), one American Indian (brown skin), and 9 Caucasians (beige skin).  We made NO distinction, as each of us depended on the others every day.  We all bled red when wounded and had absolutely no problems based on skin color or ethnicity.  We worked together for the benefit of all, the safety of all, and for the successful completion of the mission assigned to us.  That is how Special Forces worked then and works now.  We all had to leave trivial matters behind and work together to survive.

Our nation is sliding into the abyss of oblivion because We the People are being divided by people working for satan, people who falsely believe that destroying America will somehow benefit them personally.  The leftist morons are too stupid and/or deceived to see that they are merely pawns being used by satan’s minions to bring them to power.  As soon as people like soros and obama get complete control they will crush the dissident groups they finance and organize today just as Adolph Hitler crushed the SA (brown shirts) after they brought him to power, as Stalin crushed those who brought in the Bolshevik Revolution, as Mao crushed those who brought the Communist Chinese Party to power, and as has been done in every other tyrannical movement.  The day will come when the antifa and blm thugs will see their error but it will be too late for them as the media that is owned by soros and his ilk will no longer applaud them but will treat them as they now treat conservatives.  When the shoe is on the other foot the anarchists will feel the pain and abandonment they now inflict on patriots.  If they truly want justice they would be on their knees asking Almighty God for forgiveness and mercy.

One of my favorite verses in the Bible is 2 Corinthians 7:14: “If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways (repent) then I will hear them from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”  This was originally written to the Jews but since Jesus came it also applies to His followers (Christians).  The people doing the rioting, looting, burning, and killing police officers are not followers of Jesus or they wouldn’t behave like fascists.

The only way to heal our land is for Christians to heed 2 Chronicles 7:14, live our lives as righteously as we can and pray that God will forgive our sin and heal our land.  It surprises me, though it shouldn’t, that moslems, who claim their religion is “peaceful,” hate and attack those who call for morality to be the standard.  Moslems claim to oppose pornography but it isn’t the pornographers they attack.  Hollywood should be their main target but they attack military and civilians who are not espousing the things moslems claim to be against.  That shows me that islam is merely a satanic cult of rape, torture, and murder, a position that was instrumental in getting me banned from facebook by the satanists that run it.

Abortion, the murder of unborn children of God, is supported and funded by the democrat party, the party I call devildemocommiecrats because of their satanic and communist policies.  The federal government gives the murder mill called planned parenthood more than $500 million per year of our hard-earned money, confiscated through taxes, and denounces anyone opposing abortion as  “unenlightened,” “non-inclusive” “haters” because we value human life as Almighty God does.  Liberals call those of us who denounce homosexuality as an abomination, as does God, the same vile names with the intention of intimidating people into accepting evil rather than be persecuted for standing with God’s Word. There is no hatred in my heart for anyone and I daily pray for the lost asking God to soften their heart so they will accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  I will not bow to satan or his minions who seek to impose tyranny on us.  One day Jesus is coming back to reward those who faithfully follow Him and judge those who don’t.  I am going to be on the rewarded side rather than the punished side.  Those who reject Jesus in favor of the approval of mankind will find out how hot hell is and how long eternity lasts.

I daily pray that the lost will see the error of their ways and come to Jesus Christ, both for themselves and for the nation.  I pray revival will sweep the land, that a “Great Awakening” that eclipses all previous awakenings combined and that churches will fill up with people seeking God’s face in repentance.  President Trump’s campaign slogan is “make America great again.”  It can be accomplished but it must be done through repentance, prayer, and seeking God for the remittance of sin.

Donald Trump is the best thing to happen to our government since Ronald Reagan left office but there is someone better than him out there, one who will lead the nation to God from the highest office in the land.  We need Godly people in all elected, appointed, and hired positions in all levels of government, media, and corporate America if we are to see America once again be “a shining city on a hill” as described by John Winthrop in the early days of the American nation.  Turning to Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior is the answer to the problems facing us as individuals, as cities, as states, and as a nation.

I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, the Father, Son Jesus, and the Holy Ghost, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.

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  1. I don’t believe anything other than a gop supermajority in both houses of congress will put the traitors in prison and that means no gop traitors also. Not many in the gop have the courage to oppose Pelosi, and many more are part of the deep state new world order conspiracy.


    Pelosi signed two Official Certifications of Nomination for Obama and Biden at the DNC Convention last August. Read the language carefully and note the difference between them: