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by Ron Ewart, President, NARLO, ©2020

(Feb. 9, 2020) — ‘Tis a cruel and terrible thing to witness the death of an old friend, body riddled with disease, emaciated, disfigured and racked with convulsions, his youthful energy, pleasing smile and happy disposition a far distant memory.  One wishes for a merciful death and yet one holds out hope that somehow your old friend will be miraculously healed and restored to good health, even though you know in your heart that certain death has him firmly in its grip.”    Ron Ewart

President Trump gave an excellent State-of-the-Union speech a week ago.  He closed his speech with these words:

“It was that same yearning for freedom that nearly 250 years ago gave birth to a special place called America.  It was a small cluster of colonies caught between a great ocean and a vast wilderness.  But it was home to an incredible people with a revolutionary idea:  that they could rule themselves.  That they could chart their own destiny.  And that, together, they could light up the world.  That is what our country has always been about.  That is what Americans have always stood for, always strived for, and always done.”

“Atop the dome of this Capitol stands the Statue of Freedom.  She stands tall and dignified among the monuments to our ancestors who fought and lived and died to protect her.  Monuments to Washington and Jefferson — to Lincoln and King.  Memorials to the heroes of Yorktown and Saratoga — to young Americans who shed their blood on the shores of Normandy, and the fields beyond.  And others, who went down in the waters of the Pacific and the skies over Asia.”

“And freedom stands tall over one more monument:  this one.  This Capitol.  This living monument to the American people.  A people whose heroes live not only in the past, but all around us — defending hope, pride, and the American way.”

“They work in every trade.  They sacrifice to raise a family.  They care for our children at home.  They defend our flag abroad.  They are strong moms and brave kids.  They are firefighters, police officers, border agents, medics, and Marines.”

“But above all else, they are Americans.  And this Capitol, this city, and this Nation, belong to them.  Our task is to respect them, to listen to them, to serve them, to protect them, and to always be worthy of them.”

“Americans fill the world with art and music.  They push the bounds of science and discovery.  And they forever remind us of what we should never forget:  The people dreamed this country. The people built this country.  And it is the people who are making America great again.”

“As long as we are proud of who we are, and what we are fighting for, there is nothing we cannot achieve.  As long as we have confidence in our values, faith in our citizens, and trust in our God, we will not fail.”

We applaud and agree with his words of hope.  They were moving, inspirational and patriotic.  Unfortunately, those words belie where America is today.  America is hopelessly divided by two opposing ideologies that are in direct conflict with each other, with no signs of compromise; only division, bitterness and vitriol.  We are further divided by race, gender, creed, religion, language and culture.  Government did that to us to increase its power over us, and we let them do it.

The Declaration of Independence by the people wherein it states that: “Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happinesshas now been rendered against the law by federal statute.  (See: “Title 18 USC Section 2385“)

The U.S. Constitution lies in tatters on a dark, dirty, deserted street, scattered among the wind-blown trash.  The intent of the framers is considered to be old-fashioned and out-of-date, unless it is recalled for political reasons by one party to impeach a president of the other party, with questionable evidence and hollow arguments.

The U.S. Congress has become impotent, inefficient and deadlocked.  Major problems that can only be fixed by Congress are ignored.

Americans are burdened by crushing regulations and exorbitant taxes, allegedly for social and environmental policies that sap the strength and vitality out of the American people and make them weak and dependent.   The regulations and taxes are a great sucking sound of the economic and creative life of America’s production and services.  It turns out that free-stuff sells much easier to weak people than free-dom.

Socialism, radical environmentalism and global government have infiltrated and sabotaged the pillars of our freedom and undermine our liberty.  Treaties and unconstitutional laws have savaged our sovereignty and national identity.  (See: “USMCA – Americans Sold Down the River ….. Again!“)

Our borders are being overrun by illegal aliens that exploit our generous benefits, with no thought of assimilating into our culture and values.  They bring crime and disease with them.   Forty-four Democrats in the U.S. House have proposed the “New Way Forward Act” which will make it virtually impossible to deport illegal aliens and makes Americans pay for aliens previously deported to be brought back to America.  It probably won’t pass the Senate, but who knows: it might.

Our public schools and colleges have become institutions of socialist, environmental and one-world indoctrination, not institutions of objective learning.  Is it any wonder that parents want to send their kids to private schools?

The news media, print, radio and TV, and academia have thrown off the mantel of objectivity and sided with one of the ideologies where it promotes and fosters that ideology while tearing down and demonizing the opposing ideology.

Our roads and bridges are crumbling as Congress engages in acts of divisiveness, contempt and hate.  We are being forced out of our cars in favor of mass transit.  We are being driven out of our rural areas into crowded and crime-ridden cities in the name of radical environmentalism.

Un-ratified by Congress, United Nations Agenda 21 policies of sustainable development, smart growth and infilling have taken over urban planning.  The American dream of owning a single-family home is discouraged in favor of massive apartment buildings.  Giant homes are built on small lots with no place for kids to play or grow a garden.  Only the upper middle class and the very wealthy can afford a single-family home.

Our health care system is horrendously expensive and a government-created debacle.  Congressional infighting makes it impossible to fix.  Medicare-for-all is now the rallying cry of the left, without regard to the fact that it would destroy our economy and force 180,000,000 Americans off of their private health care plans.  The Democrats’ “ObamaCare” was the foot in the door for single-payer health care.

Climate change propaganda, alias man-caused global warming, permeates our daily lives.  It’s in our schools and colleges.  It is drummed into us through newspapers, endless TV shows, the daily news and documentaries.  Even corporate America has bought into the fraud and is now pledging to go “green” by some date certain.  The Democrats’ “Green New Deal” is a cruel joke that could send Americans back to the living standards of pioneer days.  The fraud of man-caused global warming is shoved down our collective throats from every direction, even though credible, repeatable science and scientists have debunked it. (See: “Climate“)

Prosecutors have gone soft on crime.  Petty and sometimes violent criminals are released without bail to offend or kill again.  Judges mete out soft sentences for heinous crimes.  The two black shooters who caused panic, mayhem, injury and death on a downtown Seattle street a few weeks ago were arrested over 75 times between them for prior infractions, but they were set free to shoot, kill and rob.

Tens of thousands of illegal aliens are killing, robbing, stabbing, raping and smashing into legal Americans with their cars and are then given sanctuary by some cities and states.   These alien criminals are then set free by local law enforcement even though ICE has issued a detainer for them.

But for the victims of these crimes there is little to no justice.  Kate Stienle’s parents of San Francisco sued the U.S. government for the killing of their daughter by an illegal alien.  The case was dismissed.  Justice denied.

The right to bear arms under the Second Amendment is under constant attack by Democrats, and if the attack continues unabated, could lead to a civil war.

Rural landowners are being asked to bear almost the entire burden of environmental protection while their urban cousins get off scot-free.  Environmental regulations plague landowners such that their right of use, one of the four pillars of property rights, has become a barren right.  They are fined and heavily penalized by the EPA and other government agencies for almost any activity.  Recourse in the courts is mostly unavailable.  Eminent-domain abuse by all levels of government has risen.  Rural landowners are a disenfranchised minority and are constantly under attack by environmentalists and the government with no political or judicial recourse.  The environmentalists’ majority vote in big cities lords over the beleaguered rural landowner.

In spite of President Trump’s words of “everything is great in America,” everything is not great in America.  In fact, “America’s Freedom Is On Life Support,” and anyone who believes otherwise is ignoring the facts.  How can anyone account for socialist Democrats Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, or Pete Buttigieg being taken seriously by voters ….. in what was once a Constitutional Republic?

Watching America’s disintegration and retreat from freedom and a mad rush into socialism is heartbreaking and gut-wrenching, especially for seniors.  Seniors (over 65) have a much broader perspective of America’s history and values than do the millennials or their parents.  For seniors, gone are the hardships of making a living and raising family.  Gone are the distractions of sex, drugs, money, raw entertainment and debauchery, so they see more clearly.   But gone, too, is the energy needed to fight a battle, or solve a problem.  Taking up the fight against government is mostly a physical impossibility for seniors, even though many try.   Most of the people who respond to our articles are over 70.

America faces huge problems, many of them politically un-resolvable.  Who will save America from committing national suicide?  If government refuses to fix the problems and freedom is to be preserved, then it is up to the younger generation to find solutions.  But the younger generation is spoiled, high on drugs, distracted, apathetic and disinterested, or simply doesn’t care.  Millions of millennials are openly embracing socialism.  Many of America’s big cities emulate the Biblical twin sin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.

So the nation’s problems persist and millions of us are being forced to helplessly watch as America slides, unstoppable, from freedom into socialism.  Does “certain death” have America firmly in its grip, or will WE THE PEOPLE miraculously heal our diseased, emaciated and disfigured nation?

Perhaps if Trump is re-elected, America might have a chance to save itself.  But even if he is re-elected, there is no guarantee that he can stop the SLOW-MOVING SOCIALIST AVALANCHE that started under the Progressives over a century ago.

Read more powerful conservative articles like this one HERE.



Ron Ewart is a nationally-known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, “In Defense of Rural America.”  Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners.  Ron can be reached for comment HERE.

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  1. All that was said here is true and so clear to me. Yet I watch as America becomes more unrecognizable to me every day. My heart breaks to watch it happen. I want to get involved to somehow help stop it. Is there no recourse for the average citizen?

  2. One of the most insightful articles that I’ve read in quite some time. Well done. I will be forwarding it to my 31 year old daughter & hopefully she will devote the time to read it.

  3. Well, hey look, when they start having drag-queen story hour at your public library, when the NFL institutes a no-bullying rule, when Goldman-Sachs says they won’t IPO a company with all white males on the board, when they teach your kids to recite Islamic prayers in school, when Muslim schools put out video of rehearsals where they are decapitating infidels for a school play and Facebook nods, you kind of start getting a clue.

    Usually when I start off on the message that this article purveys, my friends and family begin going dark…becoming depressed and useless…another side-effect of the left’s propaganda–indeed one of its most effective weapons; because it’s all “don’t worry, be happy!” They don’t see that we’ve been “happy” way too long. Time to get down to the dirty business of getting the country back.

    But the phenomena mentioned in the above article are WHY…precisely why….I’ve been writing comments about how communism never died. Bernie Sanders likes to say that the countries in Eastern Europe are now doing much better. Sure, seemingly/superficially. You can buy things. You can tell when a store is open. People drive expensive cars. But, again, the people who were on top in Soviet times are still on top…without merit. And those on the bottom are still on the bottom, or close to it. And the fact is that a good salary is less than a quarter what the average American makes. ie, a person with 10,000 euros a year thinks they’re doing pretty well. I’ve got a friend who makes 1.41 Euro per hour as a physical trainer

    Read the constitutions of Eastern European countries…”former” Soviet bloc…find the one with the most tyrannical constitution, and that’s where I am. This is a people who the EU is scattering to the winds. You’d think that this was the Israelites having not listened. It is definite that this people will be a faint memory in the not too distant future. Muslims are pouring in, Chinese are pouring in. Marriage to Muslim men is “encouraged”. The place is being bought up by foreigners who cut the forests, ship them out and sell them back.

    The reason I write that is to make it constantly abundantly clear that if we are going to beat this thing, we have to adopt new methods and we have to understand the reasons for their fervor on the other side. We have to understand that despite all evidence to the contrary, they are human and have human frailties, in most cases. That means that their own tactics work back at them, but they’re way ahead and they’ve laid all the groundwork for their rhetoric.

    But I will admit, it’s incredibly uphill. Regardless, I can’t be dissuaded or depressed out of what I feel is important. If America disappears in EVEN its current dysfunctional form of Govt., the world will never recover, given the current ubiquitous surveillance state.

    Here’s where there all just wrong…you don’t just TRY socialism.

    Socialism is permanent. Yeah, Sweden got away with something, but I’m sure there were extenuating circumstances.

    And the Soviet Union NEVER ceased to exist. The tiny militant activity, that followed the coup, in just about every republic was microscopic and the same people (or their friends) remained on top. NOTHING changed…period. But they made US think that it had.

    I’ve been saying it for years…this is the same system. People don’t like that…nor do they believe it. But they don’t know the difference. I was born in the States. Grew up in a very good time period. Had relatives that had grown up in better time periods. So, I have a point of reference….plus I lived here for the final two years of the OFFICIAL Soviet Union.

  4. What a fun and great week it has been, and will continue on now that this bogus impeachment is over.
    Isn’t it wonderful to be getting our country back on track, job’s, incomes’, manufacturing returning, border wall and Mexico’s help with it, stopping drugs coming in, deporting illegals, new Constitutional judges appointed, almost 200 and the tariffs imposed to stop the drain on our resources plus so much more.
    Thank you American’s for having the far farsightedness to vote Donald Trump in as our President.

  5. Thank you Ron for a great, eye opening read. Hopefully a lot of the people in this country will read it and understand that you have put into text what is truly happening to the U.S.A. As for me, I have for 30 years known where we were headed. Our politicos have chipped and chiseled away at our constitution, our rights and freedoms for these 30 years and probably longer. But the last administration before MR Trump didn’t chip or chisel, they took to blasting and bombing our rights and liberties. You and the poster above me are correct, Mr Trump is our only chance to possibly slow the utter catastrophic crash that is coming. Not only will the crash be monetary, religious, and political, but life threatening. Hopefully the younger generation will get “WOKE” as they say, in time to salvage at least some of what is left of our great country. But, alas, I don’t think the young have the courage nor the thought process to even try.
    Thank you again for a great editorial.

  6. Extremely well done. Perfectly mirrors my own views on the subject. Even with 4 more years, Trump alone cannot put Humpty Dumpty back together again. That ship sailed long ago. As a constitutional republic, we’ve pretty much morphed into a socialist mindset. Many just don’t recognize it. The boiling frog analogy comes to mind. For those who do, and for those who still value those inalienable rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness enshrined in our Declaration of Independence, we must begin to more seriously look to our framers for sensible remedies to this socialist/big-brother infection: civil disobedience, rebellion, State nullification, secession. Ultimately, We the People are the final arbiters of our worldly fate–not any ism or heavy-handed government, federal or State. Cowed by years of Progressive indoctrination and absorption, we have a HUGE challenge ahead of us.

  7. Trump is a pause button for the socialist “avalanche.”

    The only way to course correct is to do the following:

    1) Cut government bloat by 50% or more. Leave military alone but cut other ministries by 50% or more. Cut bureaus like GSA 100%. Don’t fund things like the $500 million per year for NPR.

    2) Build Physical and Virtual Wall to control immigration. Pass law which makes it so if you came illegally, you can never be a citizen and you can never vote; but depending on criminal record and dependence on welfare, you may be able to get green card.

    3) Keep Corp tax rate at 20% or lower.

    4) Make law that any company selling in US market has to have at least 50% of its business in US

    5) Break up Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple.

    6) End the Federal Reserve and let US print its own money which should be backed by gold.

    7) if we cannot do 1-6, then let’s split the country. We’ll make Northeast its own country. We’ll make coastal California its own country (call it Tech-Merica); western California will stay with America proper. Then the remaining states will become part of America proper. As Rush used to say. It will be less than 20 years, and the left will be digging tunnels to get to our side.

  8. 110% right on target, Ron, and you said it: the only outside chance our country will survive for a while longer is to reelect Trump.
    Unfortunately, we have many judges who hate America and her Constitution, which their rulings reflect.
    When I ran for president Orly Taitz, my attorney, filed numerous lawsuits on my behalf in State and Federal Courts coast-to-coast, only to be ruled that I had “no standing” to know if my political opponent (Obama, aka Barry Soetoro) was Constitutionally qualified.
    And while you wrote your editorial, and while I’m writing my comment, illegals and Muslims are crossing our borders for the free stuff: housing, food, medical care, education and cash, with no expectations whatsoever to assimilate, on the contrary, they want to destroy us.
    At one time in my life I worked for the government (HUD) and saw, first hand, how our Welfare system is abused by 90% who participated.

    And one more thing: some minority group makes-up 13% of our population, yet are represented in more than 90% of the television commercials. So you have to ask yourself: what are they REALLY selling?

    You hit the nail-on-the-head, Ron. Good editorial. Only one problem: it’s true.