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November 7, 2019

Former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott

Dear Editor,

It is so great to see the Scott Morrison-led Lib/Nat Coalition’s continuance of Tony Abbott’s great work on Australia’s border protection and protection of every Australian’s living standards by not having carbon and mining taxes, etc.

Tony Abbott (unlike Labor and the Greens) has never betrayed the quiet (and not quiet) Australians! Gillard and Rudd (with Shorten in their cabinets) did, by letting a flood of 50,000 illegals (so many still on Aussie taxpayer-funded social security) into Australia (with 1,200, including children, drowned in the attempt). We now have the Labor and Greens-backed Medevac being “gamed” by illegals accused of child abuse entering Australia for good (if the Labor-stacked Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) has its way)!

I was one of the 1,100 so very proudly attending Thursday night’s Tony Abbott Tribute Dinner in Sydney honouring a truly great (and ever-so-gutsy) Australian!


Howard Hutchins
Victoria, Australia

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