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(Jun. 20, 2019) — When hiring a lawyer, you want the best representation possible. Here are ten questions to ask a potential lawyer before hiring them.

The number of lawyers in the country has increased by more than 15 percent for the last 10 years to at least 1.3 million.

These are lawyers in different fields all seeking to represent clients in their fields of specialty.

As a client, you need to pick the best among these lawyers to increase your chances of obtaining a favorable judgment on the issue at hand.

When hiring a lawyer, you want the best representation possible. Here are ten questions to ask a potential lawyer before hiring them.

  1. How Experienced Are You in Cases Like Mine?

This question aims to find out the previous experience the potential lawyer had with a similar case to yours, and what were the details of the case. It goes beyond a yes or no answer and needs details such as the outcome, the date of the case, the magnitude of the case, and how different that case is to yours.

Essentially, you want a lawyer who has a specific kind of experience to handle your case. Even if they are in the same industry as yours, they should have handled a case similar to yours for the best representation.

  1. How Would You Handle My Case?

This question aims to establish the strategy the potential lawyer would employ if they were representing you. The lawyer ought to give you a specific answer that is both satisfactory and practical.

If you’re dealing with family law, for example, Hardesty Law Office advises that you choose a lawyer who understands the complexity of family bonds and just not give you a general answer. If they can’t put themselves in your situation, they won’t do so before a judge.

  1. How Long Will This Case Take to Settle?

Knowing the period the case would take is vital in making other decisions related to the case. A lawyer who’s experienced should be in a position to give a definite and practical answer.

It doesn’t mean you go with the lawyer who gives you the shortest time period. Rather, choose one who factors in the time taken to resolve similar cases and any delays expected along the way.

  1. How Long Do You Expect Our Professional Relationship to Continue?

With this question, you aim to find out whether the lawyer is a one-off event or someone you can rely on for future legal counsel.

With the U.S. having more than 329 million people, you need a lawyer who’s dynamic enough to handle different cases in the long term, while remaining consistent in their quality of services. Lawyers who seek one-off projects are rarely reliable since legal issues require consistent review.

  1. What’s the Most Difficult Part of This Case?

Here, you aim to test their experience and if they will be up to the task when it comes to overcoming challenges. They should explain to you what the main challenges are, how they have solved them before, and what’s different in your case.

Again, don’t settle for general answers since no two cases are ever exactly the same in law. The potential lawyer should relate different cases they’ve handled before to yours and give you the confidence of having your best interest at heart.

  1. Who’s Your Role Model?

While it may seem insignificant, you should know who the lawyer looks up to. Ensure you get someone who values justice and other human values and not money, power, and influence.

Someone taking after Abraham Lincoln would suit you better than one taking after Joseph Caramadre. While Lincoln was a champion of justice, Caramadre used his legal skills to swindle elderly people out of their retirement benefits.

With legal cases, you need a lawyer who charges you fairly and takes your case for mutual benefit, not just for their own needs.

  1. Are There Any Conflicts of Interest That I Should Be Aware of?

When a lawyer faces a conflict of interest, you’re never sure if they’ll be on your side or the other party’s. Most lawyers may not be free to discuss their dealings with other clients for privacy reasons.

However, they should decline to take your case if there’s a conflict of interest with anyone involved with your current case.

  1. How Much Will This Case Cost Me?

The amount of money, effort and time spent on a case determines whether it’s worth pursuing or not. Let the lawyer explain to you the exact costs that will go into the case so that you can decide to work with them, someone else, or simply drop the case.

These include aspects such as whether the lawyer expects any reimbursements for daily costs or the final fee covers them.

  1. Which Style of Communication Works Best for You?

In legal matters, you need to communicate as frequently as possible to mitigate any risks and resolve problems as soon as they arise. You need to ask this question to know whether the lawyer is someone you can reach easily whenever you need their input on an issue.

The best lawyer should pick up the phone whenever you call. If not, they should return your calls as soon as possible.

  1. Have You Ever Declined a Client’s Case?

This question will reveal to you whether the lawyer you’re dealing with is someone who takes jobs just to line their pockets or a genuine person taking cases they can handle.

Know the Right Questions to Ask a Potential Lawyer

With the right questions to ask a potential lawyer in mind, you’ll certainly find the representation you deserve. While your case may be a life-and-death issue, it could be just another paycheck to them. These questions help you find out the lawyer who’ll represent you with the goal of winning the case.

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  1. Here in California it is almost impossible to find a lawyer to represent myself against the gang stalking Resist Movement Members whom are employees of the DHS FBI Fusion Centers and Infragard.

    Same goes for medical doctors