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by Fredy Lowe, ©2018, Canada Free Press

(Nov. 2, 2018) — My title is taken from old military jargon which is used, to this day,  in my beloved Marine Corps to mean you are being transferred or your tour in Afghanistan will soon be up – as an example – making you a ‘short-timer.’

Happily, most short-timers are counting the hours, sometimes even minutes, until that ‘wake-up’ day comes, as they prepare to board that plane for their flight home, home to their family, home to safety, just away from here and going home.

The difference in this upcoming wake-up call, in just four short days, will have little to do with boarding a plane, but everything to do with our families, our safety and the survival of our country. God forbid the DemonicRats should win enough seats for a majority in the House of Representatives.  Our wake-up on Wednesday morning, November 7th, will be similar to living in our worst nightmare. Thankfully, each of you is in total control of making such a nightmare a virtual impossibility with your prayers, votes and then as many more prayers as possible.  .

We must believe in our hearts that the Good Lord had a hand in bringing Donald J. Trump to us as our President to save America from drowning in a turbulent sea of evil. The Democrats are desperate.  Pay no attention to their polls with the blue-wave hysteria from the mainstream media, for He did not bring us this close to the shore to Make America Great Again only to be buried, upon our arrival, by the insufferable Nancy Pelosi, as the Speaker of the House. It will never happen. Never!

The late Andrew Breitbart defined our current situation most succinctly with just one word: WAR! Our hypothetical guns-of-war will be to take out the Democratic candidates with our votes for any and all Republicans, even if you must hold your nose to vote for the RINO Republican as I will do in my District. We will need all hands on deck for our wake-up call on Tuesday to stop our enemy’s assault on our freedoms.

Donald Trump, the outsider, was the one and only man for this near-impossible assignment when he was elected to be our president for the sole purpose of saving the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America. And, at this late stage, as we enter upon the most important battle of our war, it is immaterial whether he came to lead us by Divine Intervention or he was convinced to do so by a group of high-ranking military officers.  Although one could easily equate the events unfolding in front of us as a spiritual battle between good and evil forces, it was Joseph Conrad who reminds us that: “The belief in the supernatural source of evil is not necessary, men [and women] alone are quite capable of every wickedness.” It does not take much imagination to know which men and, of course, which women, he was referring to.

There is an old saying that warns us how we can, at least at times, trust a thief, but we can never trust a liar. All Democrats are liars and can never be trusted. They can never be trusted with the power of governing, for they will not only lie but will steal our Bill of Rights.  Our freedom of speech will be taken away, their lifelong plan for the confiscation of our guns will rapidly come to fruition, there will be no due process, or innocent until proven guilty, as they so arrogantly displayed to us in the Kavanaugh hearings. Their policy of open borders and sanctuary cities/states will quickly change the entire culture of the United States, where today’s advancing “Caravan,” known to people of good will as an invasion; will be a never-ending, commonplace event until we will no longer recognize the country of our birth.

We cannot allow them to cheat, lie and steal to fraudulently win this election.

Read the rest here.

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