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September 28, 2018

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

After watching the confirmation hearings, one could not help but be impressed at the encyclopedic memory, brilliant elucidations of the law and his cool and respectful answers to the often foolish questions by some of the senators.  And then … all of a sudden … a last-minute accusation of boorish sexual groping 36 years ago throws all of his life’s accomplishments, sterling record, and family into jeopardy.  And, suddenly, the whole nation is informed that, no matter what, “the woman must be believed.”

She must be believed despite the facts that in this case are: she doesn’t even remember where, or when, how she got to the place where this was supposed to have happened, or how she got home – even though she did NOT live close to the swimming pool that she said she had left to go to the party, or gathering, or whatever, or how she got home from there.  Of course at age 15, she did not have a car or a driver’s license, nor did she live near to where she “thinks” the party or gathering or whatever happened.

The ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee held the accuser’s letter for almost two months and never let the committee (or at least not the Republican members) know of its existence.  This 11th hour “bombshell” was to be the Democrats’ hail-Mary pass.  Someone on the Democrat side leaked the accuser’s name and the rabid-anti-Republican media picked it up and ran with the tale – convicting Judge Kavanaugh in the court of public opinion and subjecting him and his family to slanderous and unrelenting harassment, physical threats, and claims of sexual predation and drunken behavior.

Those who had watched the judge’s calm demeanor, razor-sharp expertise, and all-around fairness were shocked by these accusations because they were completely at odds with what they had witnessed.

Yesterday, the “reluctant” accuser had her chance to tell her story in person – the same story that had been widely spread in the press and on TV to smear Judge Kanavaugh .  She, Dr. Ford, was quite convincing that something had happened, but much less convincing was her claim that the perp was Judge Kavanaugh, especially since all of her three “corroborating” witnesses not only refused to support her tale, but also refuted it.

After a recess, the committee returned and the Judge had his chance to try to clear his name – and his reputation.  He came out with a much different demeanor than in his previous appearances.  He was incensed because his name, family and reputation had been viciously savaged as the media and Democrats dragged him – and his family — through the mud.

His opening statement – that he wrote himself – (unlike Dr. Ford) – was thorough, cogent, and on point.  He strongly asserted his innocence of every aspect of the allegations against him and provided his own diaries – written at the time of the supposed incident – that  showed, conclusively, that he wasn’t anywhere in the vicinity of where or when the accuser said the crime might have been committed.  He went on to answer every question put to him, but with fire this time.  And Senator Lindsey Graham, to his lasting credit, chastised the Democrat members of the committee and the media for the circus and sham they had made of the confirmation process.  He correctly pointed out, as did Judge Kavanaugh, that both Dr. Ford, and the Judge and his family. were victims of this contrived travesty of process and decorum.

And after his appearance, the leftist media ATTACKED Judge Kavanaugh for being ANGRY!

Well, as one who has also been the victim of absolutely false accusations, I can tell you that such lies affect you viscerally!  But when your family is also attacked, just because they are considered related to you and are thus “fair game,” it really gets one’s juices stirred.  You bet I’d fight like hell!  He did, and should have, responded with anger.  When my family is tarred with the same brush as is used for me, I’ll come for those people with all I’ve got, including my fists – such as they are even in my 8th decade.  I’ll protect those I love with my last breath.

Judge Kavanaugh was a tough football player, captain of his team, and top of his class.  And yet, he was brought to tears by the filth that was flung at him and his sterling record of lifetime achievement by people who couldn’t hold a candle to his character,  record or humanity!

Women (and girls) DO lie.  Everybody knows they do.  And yet, in such cases the “woman must be believed.”  Such cannot prevail.  Mothers have sons they love; many have husbands they also care for. They have fathers, they have brothers, they have uncles who they love.  Are none of them, ever, is to be believed?  Heaven help us.  What have we devolved to?

Remember that Jesus Christ our Lord was also falsely accused.  Judge Kavanaugh is not Christ, but some are trying to nail him falsely to the Cross!  Shame on them.  Everlasting shame.

Old Frank

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