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by Oscar Y. Harward, ©2016

(Jan. 18, 2016) — New York values representing a majority of their votes represent: ‘pro-abortion’, ‘same-sex marriage’, ‘homosexuality and lesbian activity’, ‘gun control’, ‘Islam’ equal to or superior to ‘Christianity’, ‘higher taxes’, ‘‘Main-stream’ Medias’ news reporting, etc.

When 2016 Republican Party candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) speaks about New York values, he is expressing the ‘facts’ with ‘truths’.

New York values representing a majority of their votes include supporting: ‘all abortions’; including even the third trimester abortions as in conflict with our Founding Fathers’ July 4, 1776 Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

New York values representing a majority of their votes include supporting: ‘same-sex marriage’ as well as homosexuality and lesbian activity; all values that disobey our Holy Bible: Genesis 19:1-5; Leviticus 18:22; Leviticus 20:13; Mark 7:21; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 5:1.

New York values representing a majority of their votes include supporting: ‘gun control’ including their efforts to damage and/or destroy the 2nd Amendment of our Constitution.  The Second Amendment should and must be taught in our ‘public’ schools the importance of owning a gun for protecting their own life, the lives of their family, in hunting wildlife for food, in shooting as a hobby, and most importantly, for our protection from a tyrannical government.

New York citizens vote to elect and re-elect some candidates who support ‘Islam as a religion, the Quran, and Sharia law’; equal to or over ‘Christianity, the Bible, and our Constitution’.

Islam is not a religion.  Islam is a society which supports the total elimination by killing all Christians, Jews, and all others who oppose Islam.  Islamic Muslims openly communicate their hate on a daily basis.  Islamic Muslims practice their beliefs on a daily basis as they attack and kill those who oppose Islam.  See the ‘Islamic’ hate evidence.

New York values representing a majority of their votes include supporting: elective and appointed officials who vote for and/or authorize ‘higher taxes’, fewer freedoms, and immorality.

A USA Today article dated October 27, 2012 says the State of New York ranks #1 on the ‘highest’ taxes followed by New Jersey, Connecticut, California, and Wisconsin.

The State of Alaska ranks #1 on the ‘lowest’ taxes followed by South Dakota, Tennessee, Louisiana, and Wyoming.

New York values representing a majority of their votes include supporting: a majority of ‘Liberal’ and ‘Main-stream’ Medias of the news to include ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, The Washington Post, New York Daily News, etc.

New York values representing a majority of their votes include denying: responsible Conservative reporting of the news as ‘Fox News Channel’, ‘America News Channel’, New York Post, Washington Times, etc. and many Conservative ‘Talk-Radio’ programs.

On the other side, many New Yorkers showed their best heroism during the 9/11/01 as attacked by ‘terrorist’ Islamic Muslims; and in every respect, on other occasions.

All of our children should and must be taught in all ‘public’ schools everything about our World History, our American History, our Constitution, and our American flag.

Yes, there are many differences between New York values v. mid-America, USA.

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