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by Chaplain Nicholas Purpura and Dwight Kehoe, Editor, TPATH, ©2015

(Dec. 29, 2015) — Many TPATH readers know that Governor Chris Christie, and numerous legislators as well as a few judges are being sued for consistent and conspiratorial activities of Civil Rights violations under the RICO Statute. The case has been broiling in Federal District Court now for well over nine months. By law, according to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Governor Christie et al, have defaulted and should have been immediately notified of that fact by the Court. But instead the Court has accepted untimely Motions from the Defense, in complete disregard of the rule of law.

This article is not about…….
The corruption which has been embedded for many years now in the judicial system of the lower Federal Courts as well as New Jersey’s Department of Law. Much of this has already been addressed by the SAPPA Group and supported by various Motions and letters to Judge Shipp. Chaplain Purpura avows and pre-warns that these violations will not go unchallenged and will be duly and legally addressed following the Court’s ruling scheduled for February/2016. There is little doubt that once again this ruling will expose the legal system, as one which no longer operates in support of law, but exists to maintain and sustain leftist ideology.

This article is about……
The Pretenders and the Phonies who continue deceptive operations. These are the so-called political experts and leaders who profess support of Conservatism but in reality function in total and complete support of the establishment. An establishment which cares of nothing but political power.  For instance, the Manchester Union Leader of New Hampshire has just endorsed Governor Christie for President and the self-proclaimed conservative website, Breitbart, tells us Governor Chris Christie “Supports Clarifying New Jersey Gun Laws.” Let’s be very clear here. New Jersey’s gun laws do not need to be clarified.  All but a few need to be removed..

The pretending continues on with one Scott L. Bach (Executive Director of the New Jersey’s State Rifle and Pistol Association), who claims that Christie repeatedly has saved otherwise law-abiding citizens of New Jersey, and visitors from other states, who had been ensnared in (his) unconstitutional gun laws.  While those few people are surely grateful, there are thousands of others who have been persecuted and prosecuted,  who have felt no such relief.  Regardless of the Second Amendment, the 14th Amendment makes it a Federal crime not to enforce laws equally among the citizens.

In other words, free one, free them all, and prosecute no others.

In his praise of Christie, there seems to be a forgetfulness by Mr. Bach, as well as others, relating to some of the most recent infringements on the Constitutional rights of the citizens of New Jersey.  That being laws which have been signed by the so-called  savior of the condemned. That of course would be Governor Christie.

So a slight memory jog seems to be in order. Some of the worst attacks on the Second Amendment in New Jersey reared their ugly heads under the disguise of Public Safety regarding changes made to the Graves Act. Changes which were approved and signed into law by this Governor. The Graves Act, by the way, which had been originally created to keep gun toting criminals in jail, has now, with the help of Christie, become a tool to imprison and intimidate law abiding citizens.  In the year of 2013, as history will in the future confirm, New Jersey’s Governor signed into law, 23 additional infringements of the Second Amendment. Who was the Governor at that time? Oh, yes! Christie the Savior.

While the Pretenders pretend to do the deeds required to protect our Civil Rights they have actually accomplished not much more than a proficiency at pretending. In fact aside from a bit of lip service and congratulatory back slapping, they have consummated nothing. This nothing has been disguised and dressed up to appear as if they had some potential for success. However, success to them has no greater goal, no more important directive than filling their coffers with dollars. Keep in mind if you will, that as long as your rights are being infringed upon, your donations will most likely continue to flow to those pretending to do something about it.

The one activity taking place right now in New Jersey and the one that will affect every illegal gun law in the entire Nation has been ignored by Mr. Bach and many of the state’s Second Amendment organizations as well as both state and national Directors of the NRA.  That of course is the ongoing battle for your rights, the Federal Petition, Purpura v. Christie, et al.

This battle has been raging now for a year. Chaplain Purpura has received no help, no guidance and has been given not even the slightest bit of publicity in this courageous and costly effort.  As the District Court and its Clerks and Judges have found, Purpura’s Petition is a major concern for the ruling political elite as they flail about trying to find some way, any way, of dispatching this Petition.  As Nick works daily to circumvent illegal and unethical activities of the Court, the so-called Second Amendment groups are out raising money, getting involved in trips to nowhere in order to get nothing accomplished, Nick has singlehandedly backed the Defense lawyers, the Judges and the power elites onto the ropes.

How nice would it be if these groups actually did care about our rights?  How much more pressure could these Federal and State officials be feeling, right now, if Chaplain Purpura had a bit of help from them?

We here at the SAPPA Group challenge the Pretenders to stop wasting time fund raising and join us in this winnable battle. Nick is ready, willing and able to debate or inform any leader of the over 25 gun rights organizations on the values and prospects of the Petition.

Several legal actions and filings have taken place regarding this lawsuit. To read about these steps and the Writ of Mandamus which was filed with the Third Circuit Court please link to the SAPPA Activity Log HERE.

Remember too, all the documents, including the latest Writ of Mandamus and the associated support documents can be read or downloaded from the Documents Page  HERE.

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