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by Michael Gaddy, ©2015, blogging at The Rebel Madman

(Dec. 15, 2015) — Approximately 20 years ago, while living on the vast expanse of the high plains of New Mexico known as the Navajo Indian Reservation, my at-the-time teenage son came to me obviously frustrated. It seems he had spent a considerable amount of time searching for an object with no positive results. After listening carefully to his recitation of all of the efforts he had expended, my advice to him was that as soon as he got home from school that afternoon he should take his rifle and head into the mountains and see if he could find an elephant to shoot.

While my teenage son knew better than to take to the Chuska mountains looking for an elephant where he knew it could not be found, very few adult people today have come to the realization that liberty and freedom will never be found emanating from authority or the majority. My suggestion to my son was to indicate perhaps he was looking in the wrong place for that which he was searching, yet, 20 years of writing articles has proved basically fruitless in imparting the same lesson to a significant number of citizens of this country who believe liberty can be found by voting for sociopath politicians, or depending on the majority to demand it.

A great many Americans believe the way to obtain more liberty and a closer adherence to our Constitution and Bill of Rights is to be found in the process of voting. It doesn’t seem to bother these folks at all that not only has voting never accomplished the goals they seek, but it has led them more and more away from constitutional governance and towards a totalitarian society. Bear in mind, please, this has all occurred under what most people refer to as a Democracy.

One reader expressed her beliefs that Democracy is the best form of government and that in acquiring five college degrees, all of her professors had taught her that a Republic was just another form of a Democracy. This, she stated, constituted a “fact.” She was unmoved by the actual “fact” the word democracy does not appear at all in the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution and Bill of Rights. I would assume that through all of her college education she was never provided with the words of John Adams, one of our founders and the second president of this country.

“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.”

A true Democracy is an illusion; democracies are always controlled by an oligarchy. The people democratically, by majority vote, select representatives to present their views and opinions to a governing body. In this country today we have 535 people who are either elected or appointed while taking a sacred oath to “uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” These consist of 425 members of the House of Representatives, 100 Senators, the President and nine members of the Supreme Court. 526 are elected and nine are appointed. Considering the population of this country is approximately 320 million, 535 members of government represent .00000167 percent of the population. Hardly a majority, even when using common core math.

Considering the vast majority of people elected to public office follow their sacred oath to the Constitution less than 50% of the time and most owe any allegiance they might have to special interest groups instead of those who elected them, the possibility of creating liberty using the voting process simply does not exist. Yet, millions will watch a presidential debate tonight and some will make a decision on who they will vote for in 2016 to continue the march to complete tyranny. When something has never worked, yet people continue to try meets perfectly Einstein’s definition of insanity. Could we accurately call everyone who votes, especially in a national election to be simply delusional?

A survey in 2013 indicates one in 10 Americans was prescribed anti-depressants, with that number increasing to one in four of women between the ages of 40 and 50. So, at least 30 million Americans are on legal mind-altering drugs while 25% of the women 40-50 are so afflicted. Of course this is not taking into consideration those who are under the influence of illegal mind–altering drugs and/or alcohol. How many of these people vote on a regular basis is unknown. Are you feeling any better about placing your hope for freedom and liberty in the hands of the majority of voters?

Of course none of the above takes into consideration those voters whose only purpose in voting is to insure the monies or perks they are receiving from the largesse of the those who earn their own living, or from the fiat money printed by the authorization of the 535 people who really run this country. Of course, the more money printed by government, the less the money earned by those who produce is worth.

One of the most overlooked aspects of belief in the efficacy of a democracy or majority rule is the perceived legality of unconstitutional acts simply because those acts were approved by a majority of people involved. This has been true from the total socialistic administration of FDR to the current situation involving continuing wars, Obamacare and the looming possibility of draconian gun legislation. Those who accept the socialist aspects of democracy have made “upholding and defending the Constitution and Bill of Rights” an option rather than a command.

Throughout recorded history, freedom and liberty have never been initiated or promoted by the majority or those in authority. When has a candidate for national office supported truly constitutional legislation? When has a member of the 535 members of congress mentioned the constitutionality of the legislation they propose? When was the last time a standing member of the ruling 535 quoted Jefferson, Patrick Henry or Samuel Adams when referring to a piece of pending legislation?

Freedom and Liberty are almost always initiated by a very small minority of people who have a driving, compelling mindset of freedom. The Sons of Liberty were definitely a minority who knew “It does not take a majority to prevail… but rather an irate, tireless minority keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.”

I take an awful lot of pride in being a member of that “irate, tireless minority” who believes freedom and liberty will never be secured at the hands of the majority, or people in authority.

In Rightful Liberty

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