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by Capt Joseph R. John (Ret.), Chairman, CombatVeteransForCongress, ©2015

Adm. James (Ace) Lyons, former Commander of the Pacific Fleet

(Aug. 16, 2015) In the below-listed op-ed, Admiral James L. Lyons, former Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, highlights a whole range of Obama policies that have intentionally weakened the Republic militarily and economically over the last 6½ years, with little opposition from members of the US Congress.  Obama’s dangerous intent to “change” the very nature of the United States from a Republic to a Socialist State has also been free from exposure because the left-of-center liberal media establishment has been in league with Obama.

Admiral Lyons exposes the Iranian initiative which Obama and Valerie Jarrett began in 2008 to change alliances in the Middle East in favor of Iran.   It didn’t matter that Iran, the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world, had been killing and maiming thousands of members of the U.S. Armed Forces for the past 35 years and continues in that policy today in Afghanistan—any agreement that didn’t simply demand that Iran stop killing members of the U.S. Armed Forces in Afghanistan is a bad agreement on the face of it.

Iran’s ultimate goal is to destroy the state of Israel, then attack the United States with nuclear weapons atop intercontinental ballistic missiles.  It has taken Obama nearly 7 years, but now it appears Obama and the Democratic side of the aisle in Congress are well on their way to facilitating an international agreement to allow Iran to become a nuclear power, while giving them $150 billion to continue their international terrorism.  The agreement permits Iran to be within a danger thrust away from the hearts of the United States’ traditional Sunni allies in the Middle East, who are now developing their own nuclear weapons in self-defense.

In the 2016 election, the American voters must go to the polls and remove members of Congress who continue to repeatedly make false promises to the voters in their congressional districts and states but have no intention of protecting and defending the U.S. Constitution following their elections, especially those members in Congress who are supporting Obama’s dangerous Iranian International Nuclear Weapons Treaty, called an “Agreement” because of the failure of the Republican leaders in Congress.   The Obama administration will promote voter fraud once again as it has in the last two presidential elections, and we will watch to see if the Republican establishment will finally get off dead-center and spend some of the millions of dollars they raise to do anything about it, instead of just feathering their nests.

The leaders in Congress have not safeguarded the U.S. Constitution on International Treaties with both this Iranian International Nuclear Weapons Treaty and the unconstitutional TPA International Trade Treaty that permits Obama to negotiate the Fast Track Trade Promotional (TPP) in secret with 11 other Pacific Rim countries (which no American has been permitted to view since it was signed into law in June 2015).  That International Treaty will eliminate U.S. sovereignty in favor of International Tribunals and effectively destroy the U.S. immigration system by allowing millions of illegal immigrants to enter the U.S. from 50 countries and be issued work permits, including allowing a new crop of millions of illegal Mexican workers. Those millions of illegal immigrants with work permits will unfairly compete at lower wages with 104 million unemployed Americans and undermine the free enterprise system.

We encourage you to read Admiral Lyons’ riveting article and provide support for the endorsed and elected Combat Veterans For Congress listed in the attachment and for a new slate of endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress who we will be endorsing leading up to the 2016 election.  Those we endorse are Combat Veterans who previously repeatedly put their lives on the line to protect their fellow comrades and to also protect and defend the U.S. Constitution and our way of life; they will work tirelessly to continue to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution.

Copyright 2015, Capt. Joseph R. John. All Rights Reserved. This material can only be posted on another website or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author.  It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without permission from the author.  

Joseph R. John, USNA ‘62

Capt              USN(Ret)

Chairman, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC

2307 Fenton Parkway, Suite 107-184

San Diego, CA 92108


22 Combat Veterans For Congress in 16 States-1

Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” -Isaiah 6:8

U.S. acquiescence to a bad Iran deal was no mistake


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