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by Cody Robert Judy, ©2015, blogging at CodyJudy

(May 19, 2015) — Of course it’s hard to deny the similarities of U.S. Senator and declared 2016 Presidential Candidate Rand Paul’s new book “Taking A Stand: Moving Beyond Partisan Politics to Unite America” with ’08, ’12, and ‘2016 Presidential Candidate Cody Robert Judy’s (CRJ) Taking A Stand – The Conservative Independent Voice published in 2008, we noticed from this morning’s May 19th, 2015 article by Alexander Bolton published at THEHILL.COM and republished by half a dozen other patriot news outlets on the internet. Cody just wishes that those in elected positions, especially running for the same office, would at the very least use their voice and pulpits to take a stand for Article II, Section I, Clause 5’s demand for a natural born Citizen in the Office of the President and would write an Amicus Curiae Brief as a sign they actually supported the Constitutions demands in Judy v. Obama 14-9396. Taking a stand actually requires more than patronizing lip service, Cody said.

“I was just sitting there reading Bolton’s article and got to the last two paragraphs after reading about his busing reporters around to drum up support like McCain and got to the last two paragraphs and Bam! there it was. [McCain once called him a ‘wacko bird’, but Paul said he doesn’t mind. “We’re proud of that. We put that on the back cover,” he said, referring to his new book, Taking a Stand: Moving Beyond Partisan Politics to Unite America.]

Judy acknowledged, “We did make a new commercial for my book, Taking a Stand, in September 2014 uploaded on his YouTube Station, and its available in every Barnes & Noble, mainstream book service like Amazon, and is available in hardback, soft cover, and digital streamed on Nook with his publisher. It would be very hard for a Presidential Candidate not to notice with a quick research of the Title there wasn’t another Presidential Candidate that actually had that main title. Judy admitted he had a dream of the title for his book before publishing it, which was why he decided upon it.

TAKING A STAND -The Conservative Independent Voice

See the video and read the rest here.

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