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by OPOVV, ©2014

On December 7, 1941, the USS Arizona was attacked and destroyed by the Japanese in an unprovoked attack which brought the United States into World War II. What did our men and women of the Armed Forces fight for then, and how is it relevant today?

(Nov. 5, 2014) — ACT I

The house lights dims as “Tara’s Theme,” from the movie “Gone With the Wind,” is played. Elaborate productions make use of a philharmonic orchestra; less-endowed productions use a boom-box.

The music subsides as the curtain rises on a city park. Stage center is a Flash Gordon replica rocket ship; stage left is a statue of George Washington; stage right is one of General Nathan Bedford Forrest sitting on top his horse, Highlander. Dry ice provides the exhaust from the rocket engines that just shut down.

The quiet is broken by the hiss of the rocket door opening, and out step three men and three women, dressed in the various World War II uniforms, followed by a smaller person dressed in a silver suit wearing a football helmet with a blue light (not blinking) on top.

Nurse: “Where are we? What day is it?”

Bomber pilot: “I’d say we’re somewhere in the USA.”

Alien: “That’s right. I scouted this country awhile ago in this time. The natives seemed friendly enough. Anyway, stay close to the ship in case we have to leave in a hurry.”

Bomber pilot: “Here comes the police.” Policeman enters stage right.

The Alien goes behind the spaceship.

Policeman: “Hey, I guess you missed Halloween. This is a ‘No Parking’ zone, see the sign?”

The Alien comes out from around the spaceship carrying a rolled-up canvas.

Alien: “Excuse me, Officer, but we just got here and I haven’t had time to put up my sign.”

The Alien strings the sign from the front of the spacecraft to the end. The sign reads: OCCUPY.

Policeman: “Oh, sorry to have bothered you. Have a nice protest.” Policeman exits stage left.

Rosie the Riveter speaks: “Anybody mind telling me what’s happening? Is this real or am I dreaming?”

Alien: “Good question. You all were randomly chosen to get a peek at your future; well, not your future, but the future of your country. And, yes, all of you were dreaming. Actually, you still are, technically speaking. I mean: you’re really dreaming and this is your dream.  This dream will last for about a half an hour or so, maybe a little longer, depending on the musical scores.  Go ahead, walk around, talk to people, but stay close to this spaceship.”

Sailor: “What year is this supposed to be?”

Alien: “2014, November.”

Hollywood starlet: “So when I wake up, it’ll still be 1942?”

Alien: “That’s right. Now, just enjoy yourselves. When you wake I’ll have each of you back to where I found you, guaranteed.”

Sailor: “When I went to sleep I was somewhere in the Pacific Ocean looking for Japs to sink.”

Bomber pilot: “I was in Florida learning to fly formation.”

Alien: “I do this all the time: it’s my job. I must say, the only time I get a hard time is when I take Americans on these trips. Everybody else just accepts it and keeps quiet, but, no, not Americans. What is it with you people, anyway?”

Sailor: “I guess we don’t like being pushed around.”

Alien: “Look, we’ll never get to ACT II if you people don’t do what you’re told. Walk around, look, listen and learn about what your country will be like in 72 years.”

Nurse: “This is nuts. What are we supposed to do even if we learn anything to start with? What’s the whole point of it all? I’ve got to get my sleep. Am I going to be refreshed when I wake up or will I oversleep and miss my bus?”

Alien: “Look: all you’re having is a dream, got that? In your dream you were transported 72 years into the future. That’s all there is to it. It’s not complicated. Just accept it. Enjoy your dream.”

Sailor: “But why 72 years? Why not 50, or a hundred?”

Alien: “Because this is the day when you find out whether all of your efforts during this war will have been worth it.”

Bomber pilot: “So you’re saying we won the war? Hear that? We won! We won!”

The six dreamers start an impromptu square dance as the orchestra plays “The Stars and Stripes Forever.”

Alien throws up his hands and walks over and addresses the Bedford Forrest statue: “General, their Republic is on the verge of collapse. Their heads are up in the clouds, in ‘La-la Land,’ acting as if they haven’t a clue, which they don’t. Are they hopeless? They can’t secure their borders; can’t kick out people who are here illegally; and, to top it off, can’t even name ‘Islam’ as the enemy of Western Civilization. They just go about their narrow everyday lives while the enemy is waiting in the wings to pounce, just as the Empire of Japan did to them on December 7, 1941.”

Alien turns and addresses the audience: “The writing is on the wall, and you people are so out-of-it that you’re worried about petty political differences when you should be worried about your country.  You’ve a Muslim Brotherhood-lover in the White House, as you’ve known for years, and you haven’t done one damn thing about it.”

The Alien starts to take down the sign.

Alien: “Some of you have said, ‘We’ve got the goods on Obama’ but haven’t acted on it. What are you waiting for?

“According to your own courts, none of you citizens have ‘Standing’ in your own country as to whether your president is Constitutionally eligible to hold the office. Your military is on the side of your enemy: just look how your Joint Chiefs of Staff acted during the LTC Terry Lakin Court Martial. And, to top it off, they’re after your guns by attempting to abolish your 2nd Amendment, and every Sunday off you go and watch football.

“If you don’t get it together, all of the monumental human effort this country expended to win World War II will have been in vain. You MUST deport your illegal immigrants and Muslims. This is not a choice, nor is it a suggestion.

“Keep you’re 2nd Amendment; you’re going to need it.”

The stage lights dim as one spotlight brightens on Old Glory standing to the far side of George Washington. The National Anthem is sung by Joyce DiDonato, the 2014 World Series rendition. Those in uniform salute while the others place their right hand over their heart. At the finish the Alien says: “Okay, everyone, let’s get on board. We used up our allotted time.”

Everyone files on board, Alien enters last as the curtain is lowered.


Semper Fi


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