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by James Still, ©2014

John Adams was born in Quincy, MA on October 30, 1735. Trained as a lawyer, he served as vice president under George Washington and as second president of the United States. From his biography, it appears that Adams was a “natural born Citizen.”

(Sep. 1, 2014) — Delegates, appointed by the “Several Colonies and Provinces,” met in Philadelphia at Carpenter’s Hall.  What was their first order of business?

Monday  “The Congress proceeded to the choice of a President… [and] Secretary.  The gentlemen from the several Colonies produced their respective credentials, which were read and approved…”  Journals of Congress, September 5, 1774

Tuesday  “Resolved, That in determining questions in this Congress, each Colony or Province shall have one Vote…    Resolved, That no person shall speak more than twice on the same point…   Resolved, That the Revd. Mr. Duché be desired to open the Congress tomorrow morning with prayers…”  Journals of Congress, September 6, 1774

Wednesday  “Agreeable to the resolve of yesterday, the meeting was opened with prayers by the Revd. Mr. Duché.” Journals of Congress, September 7, 1774

“O Lord our Heavenly Father, high and mighty King of kings, and Lord of lords… look down in mercy, we beseech Thee, on these our American States, who have fled to Thee from the rod of the oppressor and thrown themselves on Thy gracious protection, desiring to be henceforth dependent only on Thee…

Be Thou present, O God of wisdom, and direct the councils of this honorable assembly; enable them to settle things on the best and surest foundation.  That the scene of blood may be speedily closed; that order, harmony and peace may be effectually restored, and truth and justice, religion and piety, prevail and flourish among the people…   Amen.”  Rev. Jacob Duché, First Prayer of Continental Congress, Sep 7, 1774

James Still, JamesStill@RetraceOurSteps.com

“Voted, That the Thanks of the Congress be given to Mr. Duché…  for performing divine Service, and for the excellent prayer, which he composed and delivered on the occasion.”    Journals of Congress,  September 7, 1774

“I must confess I never heard a better Prayer… for America, for the Congress, for the Province of Massachusetts Bay, and especially the town of Boston.  It has had an excellent effect upon everybody here.”  John Adams, Letter to Abigail Adams, September 16, 1774

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  1. We are ever wholly “dependent” on God for our sustenance. The Republic will NOT prevail if God is ever abandoned. This is why it IS appropriate to Pray, to exhibit the Ten Commandments, to distribute Bibles to the troops, to mention God in school. We ARE a Judeo-Christian nation. Our founders “fled to” God “from the rod of the oppressor”. Those who would have us put in the chains of secularism,wherein every prayer or expression of Judeo-Christian religiosity is met with a lawsuit are “oppressors”. It is our “Sacred” duty to defend this nation from such infringements for ourselves and our posterity (Children). We all have a duty to preserve our blessings of Liberty while we are on watch and when the time comes to past the torch to “our posterity” that we hand them an improved torch. September 17,,2014 is the 27th Anniversary of the founding of my organization Society for the Preservation of our American Republic,previously called Society for th Preservation of Democracy and Human Rights., founded on September 17,1987 during the Bi-centennial of the U.S. Constitution.

  2. From the lips of the Reverend Jacob Duche’, and the stirred spirits of those there assembled, may the beseeching prayer continue to stir the Guiding Hand of Divine Providence, that Our path into each new day be that which He prepares for US.