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by Dr. Laurie Roth, ©2014

(Jul. 10, 2014) — Did inner peace, joy and happiness die when we were kids?  Do we have moments of feeling good only when Christmas presents appear or someone says or does something nice to us?  Has feeling great inside been hijacked to the land of good times, good money and good attention?  If you are one of the many millions who is stuck on the “glue trap” of pursuing things, money, attention and power…you are aware, standing there in your loneliness and emptiness, that the seduction was a big fat lie.

Like the legendary and well-known icons of the past, something was tragically missing.  How could their wealth, attention, possessions and power fail them all?  Howard Hughes – famous billionaire and legend who ended in suicide; Michael Jackson – out-of-control drug use; Whitney Houston, out-of-control drug use…millions more ending in either suicide or complete meltdown of some kind.  The party didn’t give what the party promised.

Did you know that suicide is the 10th leading cause of death worldwide and between 800,000 and one million people a year do themselves in?   A whole lot of “somethings” aren’t giving what they promised.

Pursuing, pursuing and more pursuing

What we attach our train to will determine our inner state.  Attaching right will determine whether we can survive these perilous times.  Obama’s UN-Constitutional antics and evil can’t take your inner peace and power, nor can financial struggles, illness, loss or pain. Hard times can only crush you if you have given all your hope and belief away to the temporal.

If your happiness is all tied up in the political world – who gets into power…you are going down soon. The 2014 and 2016 election cycle will make you elated or flatten you in despair.   If you feel great inside and think I am nuts because you are madly in love, you are going to be horribly disappointed and sad soon.  Arguments happen and people can reject you.

Nothing we usually crave inside lasts forever; in fact, the elation of the drug, escape and moment of glory is tragically short.  It is always followed by the hangover, the sense of emptiness and loss – peppered with the dreaded consequences of our actions.

I have found in my life that the only way to survive the wild seas we are on, the ups and downs, is to be centered on, focused on something and Someone eternal Who has the authority to make things right, fix me and bring me through.  There are the poser gods.  There are false religions and escape rides that take you on a journey to find the ‘god inside you.’  The truth is that there is only one person in the history of this world and universe that came to earth as God — Jesus Christ as presented in the Holy Bible.  It sounds crazy to many.  I have been attacked for years for my bold faith in Christ.  Let’s see, this is what we constantly hear.  “There are many ways to God.  Jesus was only one.”  “Jesus was just a good man and person who had delusions of grandeur.” “He wasn’t really God also. If so, why did He suffer and die?”

Whether you believe it or not, you and I are living on the miracle set of life and are called to make choices.  Who and what will we worship and serve?  It will be God or Satan, one or the other.

I can tell you from my deepest heart that I have made my choice for Jesus.  I can also tell you through pain, suffering, near death, being a victim of crime, losses and gains, I have been given power, hope and peace by Jesus.  Through Him I have survived, not through my power.  His power and love have gotten me through amazing challenges and struggles and He wants to do the same for you.  There is nothing too hard for God and He promises us, through good times and bad, peace, joy and fulfillment.

Pray and believe for the healing of our country.  Repent of your sins before God and ask regularly for His help in your life, family and career.  There is amazing power in REAL prayer, and our nation needs millions praying right now.  God loves us and wants us to make it.  We are HIS light on a hill, not Obama’s burnt-out night light in the basement.

Once you have figured out if you are one of those who will stand with God, freedom and eternity, then the real game begins.  Draw your line in the sand and watch the real power and peace flow through you no matter what happens in your life.  You and I can stand up to any kind of evil.  We are connected to the power of the Universe…not Obama.

Pray right – vote right in the 2014 and 2016 elections – think right and open your mouth – trust Jesus Christ with your life, budget, health, relationships, families and career.  Watch what happens when you do.

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Friday, July 11, 2014 9:16 AM

“When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, He will sit on His throne in heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate the people one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on His right, and the goats on His left!” Matthew 25:31-33

There are three important days in the existence of a man:
the day of his birth,
the day of his death, and
the day when he shall be judged.

At the day of judgment, all his thoughts, motives, and actions, will be scrutinized by the great Arbiter of life and death, and the character of them will decide his everlasting destiny. “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body,
whether good or bad!” 2 Corinthians 5:10
William Nicholson, “The Separation of the Righteous from the Wicked!” 1862)

Keep the Faith, and buckle up. I believe Retribution is coming to America.

Thursday, July 10, 2014 1:08 PM

God gave me breath and the gift of life, what more can I ask of Him,

Eternity … ?

….when I have as yet come to fully appreciate this moment, how, now can I ask for the next …?

… and with each breath and heartbeat am I to ask again….?

… Yes, unto Eternity, each breath and heartbeat cherished as the gifts from God that they are,

… to be returned to Him as freely as He gave them, with Love.

Stephen Hiller
Thursday, July 10, 2014 12:48 PM

Yes Laurie, God is loving and forgiving … but He is also obligated by His very character to judge sin and rebellion. Jesus did pay the ultimate penalty and we can be forgiven, but America MUST suffer the consequences of our treatment of unborn babies, our funding of the enemies of Israel, etc., etc. – there is no escaping that reality.