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by Ron Ewart, President, NARLO, ©2014

(Jun. 29, 2014) — We wrote the following article in June of 2008, 6 years ago.  It is even more relevant today with our southern border unraveling into pure chaos.   Can you think of anything more insane than highly trained border patrol agents babysitting little children by the tens of thousands while drug smugglers and human traffickers cross over the border unimpeded?  And blaming brutal conditions in other countries as the reason to allow these children to enter America with no means of support is equally insane.   With that philosophy we should take them all in, millions and millions of them.

If a sinking cruise ship has only half the lifeboats necessary to save the number of people on the ship, half the people are going to die and if the lifeboats are full and those drowning try to get on the already full lifeboats, a lot more than half are going to die.  It is a question of life-supporting resources.  With an anemic American economy not likely to improve, not enough jobs for the existing population and a country over 100% of GDP in debt, the lifeboats are full and can’t take any more without overwhelming the existing lifeboats.  Flooding America with the uneducated, illiterate and quite possibly diseased children or adults from third world countries is an invitation to the destruction of a once free, vibrant and prosperous nation.  Unfortunately, that is exactly what progressives want us to do ….. for votes.  With progressives, it is all about getting sufficient votes to remain in perpetual power, no matter where they have to get them, or what laws they have to break.  As an example, here is an excerpt of a recent Obama speech to the gay and lesbian community:

“So we can’t stop.  We’ve got to keep fighting.  We’ve got to keep fighting for the human rights of people around the world.  (Around the world?) That’s why this community should be fighting for workers who aren’t getting paid a minimum wage that’s high enough. (What’s high enough?)  That’s why this community has to show compassion for the illegal immigrant who is contributing to our society and just wants a chance to move out of the shadows.   (That’s the magnet that draws more illegal aliens here in the first place.)   If you’ve experienced being on the outside, you’ve got to be one to bring more folks in, even once you are inside.  That’s our task.  That’s our job.”

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June 15, 2008.  Most, if not all of the problems of America can be solved with fairly simple solutions, if it wasn’t for the fact that those problems were obfuscated and clouded by an agenda of special interests, or a bunch of politicians looking to pander to some group for votes, money, or an easy path to re-election.  Never mind common sense or constitutional principles, or what a normal, reasonable and prudent person knows what is right.  It is only government that can make things complicated, complex, ambiguous and essentially impossible to implement, much less understand.  Only government can take a simple solution and convert it into 2,000 pages of double speak, political correctness and legal mumbo-gumbo that would take a covey of outrageously high-paid lawyers to unravel, or find fertile grounds for never-ending lawsuits.  Only government can manufacture a complex solution when there is already a simple solution available to us by just enforcing current laws.

Such is the case with illiterate, non-English speaking, illegal aliens that are pouring into this country by the millions, taking jobs, bringing in diseases America eradicated years ago, over-burdening every social service offered by government and adversely “coloring” the political landscape.

A while ago we had an exchange with a gentleman who took issue with our stand on illegal immigration and illegal aliens in general.  The exchange illustrates the wide divide between opposing positions and perhaps why the problem hasn’t been resolved. To set the stage, this gentleman is a farmer and a recent legal immigrant from Europe.  Perhaps these characteristics are a window to his thinking.  The following abbreviated message outlines the basis for his arguments.  Our response follows his message.

“I do not have to remind you that the 6 million Jews were exterminated through rounding them up through the help of employers, regulated by the government.  Visit the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam, if you will, but if you deny 12 million people ( or more) to make a living they will resort to begging and stealing!!”

“So here is the simple solution:  All of the illegal immigrants have to get a sponsor, who will take care of them, so that they are not a burden to society.  (Employers will find a way to organize that)  They can get citizenship (under some formula) if they do the following: pay their taxes, learn English, integrate in someway in US society, pay their debts and stay out of trouble (legally).  So what is wrong with 12 million people who are working hard, which we need, because we do not want the jobs they do and which become citizens in due time?”

“The ‘illegal immigrants’ have become legal because of us not acting earlier.”

“Anyway, quit whining about it, but come up with the solution.”

We responded to this gentleman with the following:

“You have two biases that “color” your position.  First, you are a farmer and second, you are a legal immigrant.  But the American farmer has been getting all kinds of government handouts for about 8 decades now from the American taxpayer.  Maybe not you personally, but way too many farmers are receiving subsidies from our government that we get to pay for, when most farmers are more than profitable and do not need a subsidy.  And even if they weren’t profitable, there is nothing in our Constitution that grants farmers the right of taxpayer-funded subsidies.  Now the farmers get an additional handout from our government by a failed immigration policy that rationalizes illegal immigration because the illegal aliens will supposedly take jobs (in the agricultural industry) that Americans don’t want.  That, of course, is pure bunk as they are also taking jobs in all kinds of other industries that Americans would definitely take, construction for one.   Why? Cheap labor!  Long before illegal aliens came to here to pick crops, as kids, we picked strawberries, loganberries and apples to earn pocket money.  There are still a lot of American kids out there who would do the jobs at low wages, if those jobs weren’t being sucked up by illegal aliens.”

“And to equate the situation with American illegal aliens with what Hitler did in rounding up the Jews, is absolutely insulting, uncalled for and without merit.  Jews lived in Europe legally.”

“The hard truth is that most Americans are more than tired of paying billions of their tax dollars every year to subsidize a group of people who seem to find it perfectly OK to thumb their collective noses at our laws and come here, uneducated and jump on America’s social services because they get paid so little by the agriculture industry, while immigrants who come here legally must wait years for citizenship.  Further, they come here with a socialist mindset and in large numbers are sure to turn this country socialistic, if it wasn’t for the fact we are there already.  How dare they come to this country illegally, trample on our laws and then protest in the streets by the hundreds of thousands for amnesty and government services.”

“Do you have any idea what happens to a citizen of another country entering Mexico, protesting in the streets for government handouts?  There is a marine rotting in a Mexican jail right now for an innocent wrong turn.  The Mexican government wouldn’t tolerate for one second what our Government tolerates daily and for which the American people get to pay.  It’s ludicrous, if not patently unjust!  Americans cannot bear the entire burden of the third-world poor on their shoulders.”

“And your last comment about quit whining is also insulting.  Many of us have offered solutions to the problem because it isn’t rocket science.  All we have to do is enforce our current laws.  However, we have five solutions that will provide almost immediate relief to this problem.”

1)    Close and protect our borders from infiltration by illegal aliens, drugs and terrorists, by whatever means, including physical force.  If there were severe penalties for crossing our borders, there would be less of it.

2)    Enforce current law.

3)    Immediately deport all illegal aliens that are caught without documentation, no hearings, no nothing.  They are not entitled to due process as illegal aliens and no right exists that entitles them to driver’s licenses and government services.

4)    Punish employers who hire illegal aliens and make them responsible for proving citizenship of their employees.  As an employer we took validating citizenship very seriously.  If there was any question, we investigated.

5)    As some states are doing now, stop all social benefits, education, bilingual services, emergency services and social services to any individual or family that is not a legal citizen of the United States unless here on a visa or a valid green card.

“It is a tough stance but in the end we have learned that tough love is the best love and produces the best results, especially for an addiction by illegal aliens to American largess and abusing our generosity.  If these five things were vigorously implemented, like the United States is supposed to be doing by enforcing our laws and protecting us from all enemies, foreign or domestic, the magnet for the illegal aliens coming here would go away and so would the problem.  A few states have already demonstrated that these solutions work.  But then, when did our federal government do anything that was in the best interests of the American taxpayer, except pass laws to extract more taxes from them?”

“Your solution to get an American sponsor for 12 to 20 million illegal aliens is pie in the sky.  It isn’t going to happen.  In short, any benefits derived from illegal aliens is far outweighed by the negatives they cause and it has to stop or we will be overrun, if we haven’t been overrun already.”

“We are not about to turn over America to people who break our laws and think they now deserve amnesty because they are hard working and industrious.  If illegal aliens are allowed to break our laws, while legal Americans are forced to obey them (and pay through the nose for those who break the law) then the law becomes meaningless.  When the law becomes meaningless, we have chaos and we are fast approaching chaos in America.  With chaos comes a police state.”

“And just because our government has tolerated the law breakers for all these years, does not justify continued law breaking and it does not eradicate the crime for those who committed them.”

“This battle is far from over and we guarantee you, it is going to get ugly long before it gets better, if it ever gets better.  We must reluctantly predict that eventually, there will be blood in the streets over this highly contentious issue, unless government takes immediate action to solve it.  But then from past experience, we know they will obfuscate and cloud the issue, then pass a Comprehensive Immigration Bill that is ‘amnesty’ by any other name.”

Now some of you may agree with the good farmer, but the questions he raises are based on false premises and misplaced compassion and the solutions he offers will lead to chaos and the eventual destruction of America, American freedom and sovereignty.  Anyone who can’t see this is hopelessly blind.  We are not anti-immigrant, we are anti-breaking-the-law and we are vehemently against rewarding lawbreakers with amnesty and providing unlimited social services that illegal aliens don’t deserve and that legal Americans have to fund.  If this continues, then Americans are nothing but idiots, chumps and puppets of an out-of-control government.  But then we have already covered that in our previous article, as we once again blow into the political wind with the ineffective breath of one-man power.

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NOTE:  The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.

Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, “In Defense of Rural America“, is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO)  (http://www.narlo.org/), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners.  He can be reached for comment at mailto:info@narlo.org.



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Fred Stephens
Sunday, June 29, 2014 10:33 AM

There are only two types of people in the United States. Citizens and aliens.

Obama speaks of illegal immigrants. Others in the article about illegal aliens. We do have legal aliens, but we do not have illegal immigrants. Illegal people are illegal aliens.

Obama, even as the putative POTUS, is charged with enforcing our laws. Any POTUS (or any other official) who openly advocates ignoring any law should face impeachment charges immediately.

Obama may very well be an illegal alien. The first count in any impeachment of Obama must lead off with his failure to prove he is a natural born citizen per Article II, Section I, Clause 5 of our constitution as defined explicitly by the finding in Minor v. Happersett.

When Obama is found to be constitutionally ineligible to serve as POTUS, every action by him must be declared “null and void”.

The impeachment need not proceed beyond that finding.