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by Sher Zieve, ©2014

Has the Republic collapsed to Dictator Obama?

(Jun. 19, 2014) — I have been writing about this time for, at least, the last ten years. It has now arrived. It has occurred under Barack Hussein Obama.  Those who say “Obama has now lost his political power” are either not seeing what’s going on or are willfully attempting ignorance. As predicted, Obama’s power as dictator-in-chief is on the rise and growing exponentially every day.

Obama and his criminal syndicate are completely and tyrannically running the show in the USA. US and Constitutional laws are not being followed–and have not been since Obama took the Office of POTUS–by Obama and the members of his ruling cabal. Obama’s legal authority is to enforce the laws of the land. Obama has–and is–doing neither. Instead, he is writing and judging laws–replacing both Congress and SCOTUS.

The Obama syndicate didn’t like SCOTUS’s Citizens United decision regarding political contributions from all–not just its own leftist supporters. Therefore, the ObamaGov sicced its now wholly-owned IRS on Obama’s enemies conservative, Christian and observant Jewish organizations in order to keep them all from being politically active in opposing his Orwellian and subversive policies. In an article from Huff Post–hardly a conservative or even “moderate” publication–Harlow Giles Unger writes: “Nothing in the Constitution gives a president power to issue executive orders or proclamations with the force of law. The opening words of Article I of the Constitution are quite clear: ‘All legislative powers… shall be vested in a Congress of the United States.'”

Obama’s message that the US’s Southern border is now wide open has reached not only Mexico, but also Central America and the Middle East’s jihadis…and they are entering what used to be a country–our country–by the thousands. Obama’s–or perhaps Jarrett’s– strategy seems to have been and still does, “Let them know we’re no longer trying to keep anyone out and that they can send their kids here so that the stupid American people will feel sorry for them. Then, their parents can follow and be new Democrat voters!” Note: Without well-maintained and policed borders, there is not a sovereign country. And quite obviously the Islamic terrorist groups, drug cartels, human traffickers and Latin gangs (with MS-13 members reported to be in the forefront) are now entering at will. Obama said he would “transform” what was once our country. Transform to Obama means “obliterate”…and he has done so while Congress members still do nothing to stop him in the hope that Obama will allow them to retain their “elite-ruler” status.

Obama has overtly turned against our veterans, is in the process of criminalizing his opposition, is removing our Constitutional rights, has illegally opened our borders to all comers (effectively “providing aid and comfort to our enemies”–that’s treason) each and every day (BTW, the Obama-directed Copyright/Patent office’s decision against the name “Washington Redskins” globally removes the owners of the team’s rights to that which they have paid for decades) so that the destruction of our country will soon be completed. And please don’t forget that Muslim Brotherhood members are running huge portions of the US federal government–including, but not limited to the US DHS.

Impeaching Obama is interesting but–unfortunately–won’t work…and he knows it. Ostensibly, impeachment would give Congress the right to provide them with discovery and subpoena Obama & Co. The problem is that the Obama syndicate will not comply with any orders that do not comport with their own “kill the USA” agenda. Just this week, the IRS issued the statement that ‘all of Lois Lerner’s emails, including those back and forth from the White House, have been lost due to a “computer glitch.”  I can hear the conversation from Obama’s dictator chambers now: “Val, I love your idea! Let’s go with it. We’ll tell the peasants that we can’t find the emails or they’re lost…or whatever. What can Congress or the stupid American people do to us? Nothing! Heck, they voted for their destruction twice when they voted us in. Besides, we’ve militarized most of our government now to protect us while they and Congress let us do it.” (Laughter is heard while Obama takes another drag on his cig and slugs down another beer). “So, you take care of it and that Iraq thing, too. I need some sleep so that I’ll be awake on the links in the Springs tomorrow.”

We have but one choice, folks, and it was always the only and inevitable one. There are, now, no other options left. Obama and his cabal must be physically removed from our White House.

2Th 2:9 (NKJ) “The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders.”

Who Needs Congress When Obama Just Writes the Laws?: http://www.conservative-daily.com/2014/01/07/who-needs-congress-when-obama-just-writes-the-laws/

The Dangers When a President Writes His Own Laws: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/harlow-giles-unger/the-dangers-when-a-presid_b_4725187.html

Charles Krauthammer: Can Obama write his own laws?: http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/charles-krauthammer-can-obama-write-his-own-laws/2013/08/15/81920842-05df-11e3-9259-e2aafe5a5f84_story.html

U.S. Patent Office Cancels Washington Redskins Trademarks: http://online.wsj.com/articles/u-s-patent-office-cancels-washington-redskins-trademarks-1403103213

‘Plot lines in Hollywood are more believable’: IRS ‘lost’ Lois Lerner’s emails and those of SIX other officials and kept it secret for MONTHS: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2660522/IRS-kept-SEVEN-officials-missing-emails-secret-MONTHS-congressional-probe-discovers.html#ixzz355vWcnX7

Muslim Brotherhood Goon Appointed As Sr. Secretary For U.S. Gestapo Homeland Security Scheme: http://politicalvelcraft.org/2013/10/01/the-political-corporation-muslim-brotherhood-appointed-as-advisor-for-central-governments-unconstitutional-gestapo-homeland-security-scheme/

Want to Know Just How Close the Muslim Brotherhood Is to the Obama Admin?: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2012/04/26/want-to-know-just-how-close-the-muslim-brotherhood-is-to-the-obama-admin/

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Friday, June 20, 2014 7:30 AM

noteworthy that O’Reilly seemed to imply that the US Gov’t was “near collapse” and then he added last night, “I don’t know how it is going to end.”

Was he trying to prepare the public for something?

Thursday, June 19, 2014 9:37 PM

Thank you, I agree, that is the ONLY option his removal from our White House.

If Sheriff Joe does not release his information NOW, I believe we will all be singing Hitlary’s “What difference does it make now?”

Thomas Jefferson famously said: “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that His justice cannot sleep forever.”

Take the time to read this thought provoking article.

Will Christians Escape The Wrath of God?
Somebody needs to tell the thousands of Christians being slaughtered around the world that they have somehow misunderstood the Gospel. Because of the murderous global rampage of Islam and the great fruit of the “Arab Spring”, head-chopping, stoning, and “assault weapon” fire have been the “blessings” that the Christian God has bestowed upon His people outside “the garden” of America…………
by Coach Dave Daubenmire