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by OPOVV, 2014

The Chrysler 300 was noted for its speed when it was first marketed in 1955

(Mar. 26, 2014) — So you like old cars. Maybe your grandfather had a 1955 Chrysler 300, then one day you spot one in the classifieds and you buy it. The next morning you go out to the driveway to admire it and notice that the rear-right taillight has been broken during the night.

Why was it broken? How was it broken? Was it a gang that targets the right-rear taillights of 300’s, or was it a lone taillight wrecker? Maybe the wind did it. Maybe it was cracked when you bought it the day before and driving it home over the railroad tracks finally did it in and it took ten hours for total failure to occur. You don’t know and you may never know.

It bugs you. You discuss it with your wife and you suggest that you hire a detective agency to look into the matter: initial cost? $10,000. But, as you explain, at least you’ll know the reason the taillight got broken, or at least have a clue, perhaps get a direction to pursue further.

What about some sort of sting operation? Replace the taillight, set up hidden cameras and sit back and wait. That’ll only cost a couple of grand, OR you could take turns keeping sentry duty, just like in “the old days,” you say to her. She can take the first watch, say, from dusk to 2:00 a.m., then you take over until sunrise. For some unknown reason she refuses the guard-duty assignment, says to “Get over it” and “I wish you never saw that car” and other stuff that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. You start to question her sanity.

Meanwhile, the car that is parked out there still has a broken right-rear taillight, a fact that will not go away. You can’t ignore the broken taillight: it’s there, broken, for all the world to see. You think about solutions, maybe get some red duct tape to mask the damage. Maybe a car cover? No, you want to be able to admire the car from the living-room window. You could, you know, fix it with an aftermarket taillight. The problem with that scenario is that you would know that the right-rear taillight was bogus.

You could just leave it broken, but then what would passers-by think? That you don’t care? That you haven’t the money to fix the problem? Your wife says to “Get over it. Replace the stupid taillight and mow the lawn.”

Let’s say, for purposes of discussion, that the Constitution is the 300 and someone violated it. Maybe they voted more than once. Maybe they denied others from voting. The point is, they created damage. But unlike the 1955 300 question, this time you actually have the culprits identified: proof positive. No need for elaborate schemes to determine the cause of the damage; in this case, you caught them all red-handed.

But it’s a lot worse than you think. In order to push through the Socialist agenda (Obamacare), the Senate had to be stacked with the votes, which is the reason why Franken from Minnesota fraudulently “won” the election. And isn’t it interesting that, even though there is overwhelming evidence that clearly points to massive voter fraud, Franken has been allowed to stay in the Senate. But then so has Harry Reid, D-NV, whose last election was another way-beyond-obvious fraud.

What we’re left with is duct tape covering up felonies as if they never happened. The Constitution has been torn, ripped, stomped-on, spit-upon, scorched and burned beyond recognition: Obama’s father not a US citizen, therefore Obama is ineligible to be the president. Ergo: everything Obama has touched and signed is void. Obamacare abolished.

The 2012 presidential election was also a fraud. The people who we trusted with upholding the law are doing the exact opposite: they are breaking their trust with us by refusing to do the job for which they were hired:  specifically, upholding their Oath to preserve and protect the Constitution.

We’ve choices in life. Do we just cover up the damage, tape over it or fix it as good as new? Do we elect more of the same? Reform? Amnesty? Or do we do it right, get rid of the wrong and do it right?


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