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by OPOVV, ©2014

Wikipedia: US debt ceiling at the end of each year from 1981 to 2010.

(Mar. 2, 2014) — Just when I thought I’ve heard it all, some idiot says the Republicans and the “White Race” are against Obamacare because of, and I kid you not, “White Rage” for refusing to pay for the healthcare of a certain minority in the USA.

“White Rage” is also responsible for the Constitution with its Bill of Rights, as if real-world concepts of Freedom are to be avoided for people who have a “Plantation” mindset, which is the desire to be “taken care of” from birth to death. Such provincial beliefs are inbred, passed down from generation to generation, the family tree supported by welfare checks.

Supporting the practice of spending only what you earn will, in the long run, make one a better person in a number of ways, not the least of which is the benefit of lower stress levels than if one continually owed money.  Perpetual debt and the accompanying worries of potential catastrophes loom before us all: accidentally making it to old age and retirement, being forced out of the labor force because of health problems, an injury, or the accumulation of “too many years” under our belt while constantly being chased by collection agencies to the grave. They call that condition “racist,” anti-Obama, because if you don’t borrow, you don’t waste; if you don’t waste money, then you don’t just hand out government checks without a return on the investment (WPA, anyone?).

Welfare is not a long-term investment. Welfare is supposed to be a way-station to help people get back on their feet. Long-term members of Congress are on welfare.

This next statement comes with a medical warning: “government money” is REALLY your tax dollars. There, I said it, and I hope none of you fainted. Welfare checks, new roads, tanks going to Egypt, $800 million to the Muslims in Gaza so they can buy rockets to indiscriminately lob into Israel, are all tax dollars. You buy a 12-pack: part of that purchase price goes to the government in the form of taxes which, in turn, is spent on something. Question to you: is that something useful or is it wasteful, maybe tax dollars being spent on the 12 pack to start with?

There is a definite disconnect going on in America today, and, for that matter, yesterday and tomorrow, too. Far too many citizens don’t really have an iota about what the Constitution actually means. The reason for the Constitution was solely to be a blueprint that limits government intrusion into the lives of the governed. That’s it. I humbly suggest that every teacher and professor in America be forced to read the Constitution out loud once a month for the duration of his or her employment. And as long as I’m on the subject, have the Joint Chiefs of Staff do the same.

Obamacare is an excuse to use tax money to take control of everyone’s healthcare from birth to death, plus a lot more: it’s all about control. People who are cognizant in the ways of a corrupt system know that each of us can be taken for a ride: black, white, red, yellow and every other color combination are all taken to the cleaners, and the sooner our minority brothers and sisters get with the program to finally understand that there is no black/white, just the theft of our money, the better off our country will be.

Government money is DIRECTLY related to tax dollars. Borrow not; waste not.


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Sunday, March 2, 2014 3:29 PM

One thing I have not heard any news commentator say is that what happens when the rules of ObamaCare get changed to require every company pay for Health Insurance for every employee.

The Federal Government, especially the Liberals, always seem to create a program that covers few and then they expand it. When Social Security first stated only companies that had 15 or more people had to be covered by Social Security. Sound familiar?

My maternal grandparents were quite well off. My grandfather owning his own Drug store. He died in his early 30’s and left my grandmother with 4 young children. Back then there was no Life Insurance. She ended up going from having a maid to living on Public Assistance (Welfare). This was until she found a job in a sweat shop sewing clothes. She told me how the Case Workers would come to her place and if they would catch her home with a friend having tea, even if her friend brought her own teabag, that they would have discontinued the assistance. My how times have changed.