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by Israel Teitelbaum, ©2013, blogging at TPATH

(Nov. 15, 2013) — How did we get to the point where:

  1. the law of the land is in the hands of one man – resembling a dictatorship?
  2. the federal government is in command and control of our personal lives?
  3. we have elected a President and Representatives who could not pass the honesty test to be hired by anyone?

This has been many years in the making. It began where all begins – in kindergarten, first grade, second grade and on through high school and college. The very day parents were financially compelled to forfeit their human and civil right to raise and educate their children, is the very day our constitutional liberties began to fall by the wayside. Liberty, as life itself, is indivisible. When we old-timers went to school, we were taught the famous quote of Patrick Henry, “Give me liberty or give me death.” This appears to have been replaced with, “Give me money, pleasure and power, or else…”

Restoring Constitutional Government requires that we go back to where we left the track. We must restore liberty, by empowering EVERY parent to send their children to the school of their choice, provided they are taught and trained to adhere to the laws of the land and the Constitution – unlike what is now being taught in many of our public schools.

This can ONLY be done by you. You need to contact your representatives and insist they pass legislation that will empower EVERY parent to send their children to the school of their choice – without raising taxes at all. Public education, on average, is costing more than double than that of nonpublic education. Insist they pass legislation to allow parents an educational voucher valued at half of current public school costs, and if they refuse, you need replace them with those who will!

If you are waiting for someone else to do this, you can be sure they are also waiting for you. If we are to restore Constitutional Government, this needs to be done by EVERY ONE OF US.

The future is now in your hands. If you fail to act, you have no one to blame but yourself.

Much success in your worthy efforts.

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