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by OPOVV, ©2013

The image posted on the White House website said to be Obama’s long-form birth certificate has been found to be a forgery by a criminal investigation

(Oct. 8, 2013) — I wish what I’m about to tell you was made up for shock value, but even I couldn’t come up with something so heartless as what really went down. An 80-year-old man and his 77-year-young wife were kicked out of their home because it was “located on Federal property.”

Now this piece of “Federal property” wasn’t needed for a runway extension or for a harbor expansion. Really, now, this land wasn’t needed for anything, yet our government thought it was so important that they evicted the couple who lived in the house, as in a “24-hours-in-which-to- move” notice.

Someone had to decide that this couple had to vacate the premises and that someone had to pass the order down the line to the poor schmuck who had to carry out the order to inform the old couple that, due to the government shutdown, they couldn’t cook or sleep in the house that they’ve been living in. Now listen: at any time, either one of them, or all of these government employees, could have said “No! Enough of this stupid charade. It’s gone on too far for too long! NO MORE!”

Alas, these lowly government employees caved in (if they ever “caved” at all) and did whatever they were ordered. I wonder if they were ordered to “dispose” of the couple they would have complied. It makes one wonder, does it not? I mean, once you follow one illegal order, where do you draw the line, assuming that there even is a line?

Illegal order, what illegal order? Why, any order coming out of the White House, or haven’t we been paying attention? Birth Certificate, anyone?

No, really, now, we see examples of this insanity every day out of Washington, starting with the “election” of Obama. Oh, we all know that Chief Justice Roberts sold his country down the tubes, that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff did the same, that the DOJ is nothing but a front organization for Muslim terrorist groups (C.A.I.R.) and the Muslim Brotherhood, for instance), and that every member of Congress who hasn’t spoken from the highest mountain that Obama is nothing but a cheap fraud, no better than a carnival midway barker deceiving the gullible to what’s in the tent, lie after lie, is also culpable. Right. Come on into the tent and you’ll get free this and free that; just give me your soul, that’s all. And your children’s souls as well.

No, not me. Not anyone I know, except for a few mentally-challenged individuals who think that they can trust governments to do what’s right and honorable. When you mention the “Pentagon Papers” or “The Kangaroo Court-Martial of LTC Terry Lakin, they laugh and say, “Why, that was so, so long ago.” How soon they forget. Holocaust, anyone?

Out of all the government employees, isn’t there just ONE who will stand up to the tyranny and the takeover of our country? “Eh, Obama wants to go to Asia.” “Not a chance. Not a snowball’s chance.”

This “government shutdown” amounts to taxpayers paying for services denied.  Now how does that make any sense? We’re paying for government employees to keep this old couple out of their home.

You government employees (any FBI agents reading this?), read and understand the Constitution and get with the program of being a responsible Patriot and the rest all comes naturally. Piece of cake. It’s easy: JUST SAY NO!



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