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from a Concerned Citizen

July 8, 2013

Dear Speaker Boehner:

First of all my thanks for the effort you are putting in about IMMIGRATION: it is a tough matter and you are tackling it which is a good start.

I have worked with immigrants, migrants, etc., for many years as a public school teacher, translator, and volunteer ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher, creating a program at a local Christian church.

There are good people and evil people here illegally. Some are the salt of the earth and some belong in prison.

There is no way to do “security checks” on illegal aliens beyond their time here inside our borders. In their home countries it is  amazingly simple to steal identity, expunge records, pay for recommendations, or change a name, etc.

As a common citizen, one wonders why the Senate and House make such a wide sweeping legislation which mixes “apple pie” with “jalapeno peppers.”

The border is still permeable; “coyotes” still ply their trade; prostitution permeates the border; many are not vaccinated or are exposed to virulent TB; while Muslim Extremists exploit the system.

The Constitution and security must come first or there will be no fair USA, while the Republican party will be but a distant memory as loyal and patriotic members lamentably switch party affiliation for a new reality.

God bless your efforts, but tweak them to the good of the Nation, not the benefit of delinquency.

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