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by Doretta Wildes, ©2013, blogging at DorettaWildes

(Jun. 5, 2013) — Monsanto is the visible tip of the iceberg in regard to genetic corruption. You can’t get much more nefarious than infecting fields and eaters with GMO, then forcing your intended victims to pay for your crime.

But you can get much deeper, much more insidious, much more imbedded.

This is a topic that goes to the very root of human identity and the future of our planet. If you were to create a Venn diagram of it, there would be coinciding circles between science, moral psychology, history, economics, eschatology and religion.

To touch on each of them, I have provided links below that are well worth plumbing. All I can do at this time. The subject is huge; my time and powers of thought are minuscule in comparison. I can only hope that people will explore these subjects on their own, for which I hope this post might provide a head-start. Awareness is more than it seems.

Click on the italicized boldface titles for the videos.

Age of Deceit: Fallen Angels and the New World Order. Provides a Christian perspective on various phenomena, including UFOs, with a clear and cogent explanation of the agenda behind them. For more information and videos on similar topics, visit FaceLikeTheSun.com.

The Age of Transitions. A documentary that thoroughly exposes the dehumanization/transhumanist/eugenics program currently being implemented by mad scientists and politicians. In sum, a ruling technocracy aims to replace humanity with programmed serfs, under the guise of medical “miracles” that can extend life and/or “improve” it. The truth is, only the elite will reap the “benefits” as they rush toward singularity with machines; the rest of us will be downgraded and degraded. Some truly outrageous and revealing statements by the elite–who see themselves as “gods”–are included in this video.

From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life: The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology. A one-hour presentation by Sofia Smallstorm that exposes a planetary re-engineering program that aims to infect and hybridize natural forms–especially humans–without their consent, using nanotechnology. Don’t let the fancy terms put you off; the presentation is clearly presented and very easy to follow.

Corrupting the Image: A lecture by Douglas Hamp. Even if you don’t agree with Hamp’s position on biblical texts, you will find this presentation to coincide with the conclusions of secular researchers. We are being led into a technological trap that threatens to replace our seed–our God-given genetic identity–with something sinister.

The transhumanist statue at the site of this year’s Bilderberg meeting. Click for a discussion of the meaning behind this grotesque piece of sculpture, which grovels in a pool on the grounds of The Grove hotel in Watford, UK. The Bilderberg group, an elite conclave of politicians and corporatists, meets in defiance of such laws as the Logan Act to select presidents, alter currencies and, no doubt, transform the human race.

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