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by Cody Robert Judy, ©2013

Cody Robert Judy was a 2012 presidential candidate and has declared his candidacy for 2016. He challenged both Obama and McCain’s eligibility in a 2008 lawsuit, claiming that neither was a “natural born Citizen” as required by Article II of the U.S. Constitution

(Apr. 17, 2013) — Obama, visibly shaken by the defeat and abandoned support within the Democrat Party for his policies of anti-gun legislation mirrored today by Sen. Harry Reid as “anti-gun,” lamented today in regard to the Universal Background Check legislation that pro-gun lobbyists flat-out lied about what was in the bill.

Obama insisted that a “minority” in the U.S. Senate blocked “common-sense gun reforms” in the face of general support.

Check out the grimace of VP Joe Biden’s if you want to know if Obama is visibly shaken?

Is it possible that Obama is more angry about someone else getting away with exactly what he got away with in the common-sense directive for a natural born citizen to be required for the Office of the President? That he has lied about his eligibility, lied about being a natural born citizen, lied that he was “qualified for the Office” and insisted that everyone go along with his lie or face harsh penalties?

Obama touts 90% of Americans supported the bill for Universal background checks but a minority of the U.S. Senate blocked it. Well, didn’t about 40% of Americans vote for the U.S. Senators that blocked it? How can Obama claim 90% of Americans wanted this bill when the people they elected voted against it?

He says 90% of Americans support legislation that makes it harder for a “dangerous person to buy a gun,” but isn’t someone who usurps the Presidency, who isn’t qualified for the Office of the President either by birth or by having two citizen parents at birth, both of which are required by U.S. Supreme Court statute, a real dangerous person?

Isn’t someone who would hand out fraudulent long-form birth certificates as credible identification, someone who lied about going under the alias of Barry Soetoro to the Illinois State Bar and thus had his law license revoked a pretty dangerous person?

What makes a dangerous person dangerous is the lengths to which they are willing to go to in order to cover up their own lies, and when it comes to Obama we have an unparalleled national security threat and a very dangerous person who is using “Sandy Hook” victims’ parents of the slain to pass legislation that discourages further lawfully qualified people from getting involved with self-defense and active participation in gun ownership.

Obama says his legislation targeted “convicted felons, people convicted of domestic violence, and those with severe mental illness.” A “narcissist” is someone who desperately needs other people to validate their own worth. It includes lying and delusions.

Isn’t lying about who you are, about where you were born, using a false social security number, about the very identity documents state and federal agencies use to determine who someone is in the first place the definition of a pathological or congenital liar – a very dangerous person?

90% percent of Democrats voted for the legislation and the 10% of Democrats who didn’t won’t be invited to the White House for ice cream. How does Obama think Sandy Hook could have been prevented when the assailant didn’t subject himself to a background check and stole the guns? Why does Obama parade Sandy Hook victims around as if this legislation could have made the difference?

That is a lie and a falsehood itself. The only way you could possibly do that is by confiscating the guns of a whole family if but one of their members were mentally ill. That would disarm a majority of Americans and Obama isn’t stupid; he knows how to lie very well.

Obama, you’ll notice, continually advocates “A Majority Rule” accept when it comes to himself. When it comes to himself, he wants a “Minority Rule.” Now our Constitution advocates “A Supreme Law of the Land.”  We are a Constitutional Republic, which means if the majority happens to be wrong, say in the case of a “mob rule mentality” which can happen very easily, the Law can protect the minority from the majority.

Minority folks should take real notice here of Obama’s avocation that the majority rule. It is altogether evident here that Obama cares less for minorities then he portends.

“Instead of supporting this compromise, the gun lobby and its allies willfully lied about the bill…[they] claimed it would create a ‘big brother’ gun registry,” Obama said. He said the “pattern of spreading untruths” about the legislation served a purpose: to enrage a vocal minority of gun owners.

So what purpose did Obama’s lie serve about his not being qualified for the Office of the President? To destroy the Constitution? To destroy the foundation of our society? To discredit the integrity of the very backbone of our Country?

He said the opponents of the amendment had “no coherent arguments” about why it should be harder for criminals and those with mental illness to buy a gun, yet clearly doesn’t see his fraud and the forgery on his birth certificates as criminal or the result of deeply disturbed mental disorder?

I mean, what do you do with that? It’s a complete breakdown of law and order and the very foundation of speech in being able to possibly understand each other. We understand a natural born citizen is a greater requirement that is only insisted upon for the Office of President and Vice President because the power of the executive branch is not divided into 100 as it is for the U.S. Senate or 435 U.S. Representatives in the U.S. House.

We see in our Constitution that the qualifications for being a U.S. Senator and a U.S. Representatives are unique and different than the qualifications for President, so why does Obama hold himself as qualified with forged and fabricated birth certificates and a father who never was a U.S. Citizen?

How in the world does the United States Supreme Court sleep at night when the argument has been placed before them in Judy v. Obama 12-5276? Documents filed in court found here for those interested.

If the media is going to take up arms about the Gun Lobby lying alongside Obama, isn’t it time that we start with the guy in the White House showing some integrity about who he really is, and admit he’s not qualified for the Office according to the Constitution?

“All in all this was a pretty shameful day for Washington,” Obama said, “I see this as just round one,” he continued. I have news for Obama, Washington has not had an un-shameful day since he moved into the White House when it comes to integrity towards the Constitution; the law, they’ve all sworn oaths to.

If Obama continues to press his luck in advocating the demise of the Constitution he won’t make the end of his second term before the American people catch on and just get fed up with the lack of integrity.

Expanded background checks for gun owners is a national gun registration, much more so than being born outside the United States and being a citizen of Jakarta, Indonesia and a British Subject as Obama is makes you a United States Natural Born Citizen qualified for the Office of the President.

Cody Robert Judy
YouTube: Code4Pres Cody Judy

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  1. The time of real justice is at hand. The deceiver, forger, liar, ID thief barry soetero is nearing his expiration date of putative prez.

    Watch closely how the panic of trying to find a non-Saudi suspect for the Boston incident is pursued. The spin masters will find a suitable suspect while the real murderers are granted deportation (free pass).

    Why was Kerry in meetings with Saudi ministers? Why is the person of interest being deported now, while millions of illegals are free to stay and actual collect benefits from their illegal status? Lots of questions no answers from this evil administration.

  2. It is an incontrovertible fact that Obama is a usurper,fraud,traitor and spy under U.S. Law. Obama should have been arrested years ago and tried in Federal Courts,(Not Impeached).Impeachment is not appropriate for trying private citizens.

    If Convicted,Obama’s execution is warranted. We are in a time of war and have been since Obama stole the Presidency and put the United States in a very grave and very precarious position. See 18USC,Part 1,Chapter 115,Sec.2381 and the UCMJ at Sec.902 Art.102

  3. The American people catch on? You mean like 9-11, Fort Hood?
    LTC Terry Lakin not being able to present a defense during his Court Martial?
    Americans being up in arms about the Vatican Slush Fund?
    Judges across the country ruling a legal US citizen has “no standing”?
    Obots caught red-handed falsifying votes?
    Americans ignoring reports out of Europe: atrocities committed by Muslims: it’s okay to rape and throw acid in the faces of Infidel whores (which is ANY Western woman).
    Americans STILL believe that Islam is a religion, Obama was born in Hawaii and is a Christian.
    So you ask what will it take? It’ll take standing in line for the “delousing showers” until they finally come to the conclusion that they’re trying to kill us, but then it’ll be too damn late.
    You and I get it, and the readers of this and many other blogs, but how many politicians and the rest of Americans have the brains and the guts to face up to the Truth?
    No, our public education system, coupled with advertising, movie, television, and mainstream media, have insured that most Americans can be easily led by the nose to believe anything they’re instructed to believe, as in “president Obama” when, in fact, he is nothing more than a lying de facto usurper.
    So it’ll be up to us.