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by OPOVV, ©2012, Presidential Candidate

The Pentagon appears to be appeasing the demands of radical Islam by its politically-correct doctrine under the Obama regime

(Sep. 18, 2012) — There are three ways: the right way, the wrong way, and the Army way. Meanwhile, back in the Pentagon, our armchair generals are achieving new levels of absurdity with their reasons why Muslims are killing our troops. I can picture it now: a line of highly trained (in the fine art of sensitivity) troops charging a Taliban stronghold, where it is believed a number of our troops are being held hostage. Instead of weapons of destruction, each of our soldiers is carrying a Quran held in a surgically glove-covered hand, and in lieu of grenades, there are Golden Books of the Three Little Pigs with the pages ripped-out. KABOOM! Well, now that’s too bad, all of our guys just got wiped out. Gee, you’d think it was maybe because they were Infidels.

Well, here’s one for you generals, or anybody else who buys into this Muslim sensitivity hogwash. Girls should go to school, should learn how to read and write, and should be given every opportunity to pursue the career they so desire. Maybe a girl wants to become a doctor who specializes in male impotency; maybe a tugboat captain, where she will have to order men around. So be it.

Perhaps someone, anyone, wants to be a farmer, a goat herder, or raise sheep or hogs. Maybe someone (even a girl!) wants to have a sausage factory; how about that? But the greatest one is: maybe we don’t want a bunch of crazed maniacs around who just want to kill us because we’re not Muslim.

Hey, Generals, stay awake. Let’s talk about freedom of speech. Let’s take a Bible and set it on fire, okay? Now, if we did do that, all we’d get is “You must be either rich or stupid, because you just threw away $19.95.”

Let’s criticize where criticism is sorely needed: so-called “honor killings,” praying in other people’s Right of Way, the wearing burqas and hijabs as mandatory, loudspeakers interrupting others’ contemplation, as in the Muslim calls to prayers from before sunrise to after sunset. The Muslim treatment of dogs is, well, insane; there’s just no other word for it.

So you people in the Pentagon, and Panetta, why don’t you boys get with the program? The heck with this “Muslim Sensitivity Hogwash” and bring ALL the troops home, including those in STATE, from every Muslim country. Tell you something else, we don’t need Muslims or their oil. Dismissed.





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Tuesday, September 18, 2012 11:10 AM

WELL, as an 1960’s USN “Ole Salt”, I have as much of a problem dealing with the “Sensitivity Military” as the next “Old School Vet”~but as I lose much sleep in regards to ALL of this debacle that is today’s America and Military, IF I was a Deployed “Warrior” in any of the Services and I was forced by these “Panty-Waisted Princes of Protocol” that call themselves “The Chain “O” Command” to NOT properly Engage and Destroy the Enemies of “FREEDOM” I would probably NEVER SLEEP for the Disgrace of it all!
I stood at attention, facing the “Colors”, and Most Solemnly and Sincerely Promised and Swore to “Preserve, Protect and Defend “The Constitution of United States of America from ALL Enemies BOTH Foreign and Domestic,SO HELP ME, GOD!”
Guess what?, I am 71 yrs. old, Decrepit and forget to turn lights off when I leave a room~BUT I do NOT have DEMENTIA for the “OATH” that I took, NEVER HAVE and NEVER WILL, and IF and WHEN this Country need me Again~I will stand in “Closed-Rank” with ALL Like-Minded PATRIOTS that still believe in “ONE Nation, Under GOD, with Liberty and Justice for ALL!!”
Larry M. Meyer
USN Sn#-535-03-66