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by OPOVV, ©2012, Presidential Candidate

American Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens was murdered by Islamic terrorists on September 11, 2012, after he took refuge with several other Americans and his location was divulged

(Sep. 13, 2012) — What makes our Western Civilization shine is our ability to exercise freedom of expression, free speech, openness of thought. “I may disagree with what you say, but I’ll give my life to protect your right to express yourself” has been the cornerstone of what makes America so unique, a true bastion of democracy, the ultimate example of how logical and rational people can get along for over 200 years, sharing a common passion for what’s important and, therefore, paramount in one’s life.

When I was in school, one could debate on any topic one wished: all you had to do is to find someone who would take the other side, from what’s better:  vanilla or chocolate, Catholic or Protestant? Even words can be, and have been, debated. The use, or misuse, of the word “Crusade,” for instance.

So the other day our Ambassador to Libya and three other Americans were murdered by a mob who used the excuse that a movie depicted Islam in “a bad light.”  And? We’re all still waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Then Hillary and Obama give an incoherent speech about “religious freedom” and end up apologizing to the Muslims that the United States made the mob kill innocent Americans because other innocent Americans were exercising their right to free expression. Convoluted? Just the tip of the iceberg.

Let’s just take a step back and look at the facts. Fact #1 is that this “Energy Independence” has been nothing but lies for the past 50 years. If you don’t believe me, just do a little checking on how much money our politicians receive from oil companies.

Fact #2 is that the United States is doing its very best to have all the Muslim nations that surround Israel to be on the same page.

Fact #3 is for America to have an embassy in Libya would be like setting up a non-smoking booth at a crack house.

Fact #4 is that Islam is a political force, akin to Totalitarianism, which has complete control over a person’s life from birth until death. If you ever wondered why our government is so against home-schooling, it’s because they can’t indoctrinate and brainwash the kids if they can’t control them, as they certainly do in the government-run classroom by teachers who are Communists and teach from highly-tainted books that push the One-World-View hogwash.

So, what we have here is, once again, Muslims running amok because they find that they are unable to defend the indefensible. Too bad, but we shouldn’t apologize to murderers, no matter how out of touch with reality they may be.

The solution? Well, now, if all they understand is violence and death, give it to them. No “measured response” nonsense. Level the playing field then, and only then, could a rational person even begin to contemplate Step Two.






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Thursday, September 13, 2012 1:16 PM

At this time, is it correct to get all up in arms about what was done. Do we really want to get involved in something Obama might want. Wasn’t he more interested in going campaigning in Nevada than responding to the Embassy attacks.
Get through the election and get this lame nothing out of the WH first. Get the loser progressive Communist Clinton out of the State Department. She’s just another Obama, don’t even consider her for president in 2016. BRING OUR MILITARY HOME.


Thursday, September 13, 2012 10:31 AM

The correct, measured RESPONSE by “The United States of America”, MUST BE~”General Quarters, Launch ALL Aircraft and “Empty the Decks” of every AVAILABLE “Boat”, and create the World’s LARGEST PARKING-LOT!!
Larry M. Meyer
USN Sn#-535-03-66