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June 7, 2012

Rep. Ron Paul is a medical doctor and 15-year member of the U.S. House of Representatives. He has failed to address the questions surrounding Barack Obama's questionable eligibility to serve under Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution

Matt Hawes

Campaign for Liberty
5211 Port Royal Road, Suite 310
Springfield, VA 22151
(703) 865-7162 (V)
(703) 865-7549 (F)

Dear Matt,

Once again I received an email from your Campaign for Liberty purportedly written by Rand Paul asking for a donation.  In this email he states all that is being done to halt or slow down the progressives in Congress.

Here is the list as copied from his letter;

Your support for ALL of Campaign for Liberty’s critical efforts is absolutely vital, including:

***  AUDIT THE FED, so the American people can finally see the corruption and economic devastation caused by the central planning of a handful of bankster bureaucrats;

***  REPEALING OBAMACARE: Government control over medicine will not only lead to astronomical tax hikes and loss of coverage, but it will give Big Government bureaucrats decision-making power over our health care system and virtually EVERY medical decision;

***  PASSING Senator Rand Paul’s five-year balanced budget to finally get our debt under control;

***  STOPPING government groping and the growing erosion of our liberties;

***  OPPOSING CISPA, SOPA, and any other attempt by government to tax, regulate, monitor, or control the Internet.  C4L will also fight the corporate cronies who collaborate with the government against Internet freedom.

The one thing that is missing from this list and the one thing that is most important is Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U. S. Constitution.  Do you think if someone in Congress, like Sen. Rand Paul or Rep. Ron Paul had made this an issue; caused the Congress to face what is the major cause of most of the problems on his list that the list may even be smaller?  Some of us are not doctors or lawyers, but we understand what the Constitution says; why don’t Rand Paul, Ron Paul, and the other members of Congress and the judges?

I tried to sign on to your site but you are not allowing sign-ups at this time.  I therefore am providing this letter via the Fax number shown on your site.  I am also providing this to The Post & Email and Patriots for America to be sure it is published.  I do not believe you will publish it on C4L, as I am sure it undermines your support of the Ron Paul campaign.  Ron Paul’s and Rand Paul’s silence on this extremely important issue is consistent with the rest of the politicians and judges that refuse to honor their oath to protect and preserve the U.S. Constitution.


Lloyd Carter

Ps: I guess you know I will not be donating to a cause that I believe will hasten our demise.

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  1. Many people have been asking the same question: why is Ron Paul, a man who has for 30 years plus stood as a pillar of integrity in Congress and a defender of the Constitution, mysteriously remained silence on the issue of Mr. Obama’s criminal usurpation of the presidency and fraudulent representation of himself as a constitutionally eligible candidate for that office? Now that the evidence of Obama’s literary agent publicizing the fraud for over 16 years as having been born in Kenya is out – and we know for a fact that that literary agent used (and still uses!) only the biographical data PROVIDED BY THEIR CLIENT. Oh yeah, we also have video of Michelle introducing her husband at public speaking events as having been born in Kenya! Where is Ron Paul in defense of the constitution when the most horrendous crime in American history is being perpetrated upon ‘We the People?’