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by Sharon Rondeau

(May 3, 2012) — As the news of Obama’s “composite character” in the yet-to-be-released book, Barack Obama:  The Story by David Maraniss, about his alleged background comes out, some are still supporting him, even as it appears that his life story is unraveling.

The Atlantic writes:

While conservative activists and journalists present these stories while claiming that Obama wasn’t properly vetted four years ago, what’s actually happening is they’re reintroducing facts to the record, this time with a far more negative spin.

It also justifies the use of “composite characters” because of Obama’s admission of it in the book’s introduction.

Is it “negative spin” to debunk obfuscation?  If the character in a book is a “composite,” then events are not depicted as they occurred, which makes it a work of fiction as opposed to non-fiction.

The definition of “non-fiction” is:

about real things, people, events and places

In order for a book to be classified as “non-fiction,” it must be “written based on facts.”  It must consist of “entirely fact-based writings;” otherwise, the work is fiction.

The writer in The Atlantic appears a bit worried when he states, in regard to Obama’s book, “Dreams From My Father:”

While the authors of literary memoirs are sometimes cut some slack, it’d be major news if the president of the United States was just now admitting that a character in his highly lauded, bestselling autobiography was fabricated, and only after being caught red-handed.

Has Obama been “caught red-handed?”  The Washington Post is refuting the Politico story which The Atlantic has criticized.  Maraniss works for The Washington Post.

The author’s impartiality is called into question when he describes Maraniss as a “rock star.”

If Obama told Maraniis about a “composite character” who is not factual, what does that mean about the book?  If there are contradictions in the book, how much of it is true and how much is fantasy?

Contrary to the article’s assertion, the video of Derrick Bell was purposely kept hidden by Prof. Charles Ogletree until it was released in early March by Breitbart.  Ogletree later tried to say that he was “joking” about having hidden the video.

This evening on the Fox News program “The Five,” commentator Andrea Tantaros raised the issued of the “composite” character in the upcoming book, and thereafter, while the panel discussed the ramifications, the discussion heading “‘COMPOSITE’ CHARACTER” was posted at the bottom of the screen.

Is “Obama” a composite character?  Do the passages from the book mesh with previous publications?  Are this man and this one the same person?

Amazon.com’s “nonfiction” books include those entitled “The Forbidden Schoolhouse:  The True and Dramatic Story of Prudence Crandall and her Students,” and “Staying Sane in an Insane World:  Exploding 2000 Years of Myths, Lies & Misconceptions in the 21st Century.”

Fox News is reporting yet another “composite character” invented by the Obama regime.

And what about the “compositebirth certificate released to the public last year?  And the forged Selective Service registration card?

What did Obama actually present on April 27, 2011, and who else is guilty of “junk journalism” for ignoring it?

Why would a forgery not disqualify Obama and remove him from office?

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Donald Butcher
Friday, May 4, 2012 10:13 PM

BHO was adopted by an Indonesian and took his adopted fathers name.
There should be a naturalization order for him to be an American
citizen as all before him. Most people who have received that paper
are so proud to be Americans and will tell you so in an instant.
They will not place their hands in their crotch when hearing the National Anthem or Pledge of Allegence.

Martha Trowbridge
Friday, May 4, 2012 8:07 AM

The Post&Email says:

“when he describes author David Maraniss as a “rock star.”

Now, just what comes with being a rock star? Typically, a messed-up life, drug addiction, blatant sexual immorality, wealth acquired by pollution of our society, and more.

If Mr. Maraniss is indeed a rock star, isn’t he the perfect accomplice to the “Obama” scam?

Thursday, May 3, 2012 9:20 PM

And why does Ron Paul not adopt a platform upon which, if elected president, he would sign an executive order for an investigation of Obama’s eligibility including a forensic examination of the forged birth certificate, fraudulent selective service registration cards, college transcripts from Harvard Law School, Columbia and Occidental – to determine whether or not he was registered as a foreign student and just what Islamist entities financed his education, passport records – most especially from his 1981 trip to Pakistan when it was illegal for an American citizen to enter Pakistan, etc…, etc…, etc…? How can this be? How can the entire judicial system and the vast majority of both the Republican and Democrat parties simply want to overlook an immense contravention of our constitution? Do they really think that there are no Americans who will lay down their lives for the Constitution of the United States of America – for ‘government of the People, by the People and for the People,’ – for liberty and the Creator Who Barack Hussein Obama deleted from his quotations from the constitution repeatedly. I spoke with presidential candidate Laurie Roth on Jeff Crouere’s ‘Ringside Politics with a Punch’ radio talk-show here in New Orleans. Her response to my question leaves me with no doubt that she would defend the constitution.

Thursday, May 3, 2012 6:32 PM

You’ve hit the nail right on the head. His whole life story is a work of FICTION. He has gotten away with all of it and he continues to get away with it because of a protective press. It’s beyond disgusting and some of it is criminal. But even the Courts don’t seem to care.
We are seeing George Orwell’s prediction come to life and the nation (as a whole) believes what the MSM is selling and goes on with the important things in life – Football, Baseball, Movies, Backyard Barbeques and Beer. We will all regret this apathy I’m afraid and not to far in the future.