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by Lonnie B. Collett

Can we again live in the "Land of the Free?"

(Apr. 23, 2012) — We have an Anti-American President who is actually only 25% black yet he is accredited with being the First Black American President.

Obama’s grandfather on his father’s side was Arabic. His father’s side of the family is Muslim/Communist…His mother’s side of the family was Communist. Can’t you just feel the “Love” that Obama has for the Christian American Citizens?

Everything that he has accomplished has been totally against our Constitution and Republic; still he continues to get away with it. The Patriot American Citizens are in shock that no effort is being made to stop his madness as he continues pushing us towards the United Nations’ “One World Government.”

“One World Government” is never mentioned in the news, and the majority of American Citizens are ignorant of its existence or simply in doubt of it.  I’ve been told that there is fear of an uprising, plus a civil war with unions and blacks pitted against Patriotic Americans, if the truth of Obama’s ineligibility is actually enforced and an attempt to force him to step down from being President is made.  In other words, we would lose either way we go…Keep Obama, and end up losing our Republic and freedom (what’s left of it) or face Obama’s access to UN’s troops, Obama supporters, and some sold-out unpatriotic union scum.

We had the opportunity to have a real 100% black patriot American as our President with Herman Cain, yet he was allowed to be crucified by Obama’s sold-out media.

I could be wrong, but I feel that there are more patriotic black Americans, union workers, and other patriots of all races who are willing, if necessary, to die to keep America the Land of the Free. We must never give in to Communist corruption. The majority of American Citizens are Silent Patriots. If the call to arms is made, hopefully the earth will tremble as the sleeping Giant awakens to once again defend America’s 200+ years of freedom.  We must always be aware of those who desire to destroy the efforts of our forefathers from outside of and within our borders.  Let’s hope that we will soon be successful in null-and-voiding everything this fraudulent President has forced into law.

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