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by One Peeved-Overwhelming Vietnam Vet, ©2012, Presidential Candidate

(Apr. 16, 2012) — On any conveyance device, someone is in charge, and if that someone is, for whatever reason, unable to exercise his or her authority, there is a set of protocols that determines who’s next in line, and so on. Since the bridge of a ship was the target of choice during the Second World War, many a junior officer found himself thrust into the captaincy.  Sometimes the only order he ever gave was to “Abandon ship!”

Years ago, when flying commercial, a passenger with flight experience was required to inform the stewardess upon boarding, in keeping with chain of command protocol. There is also a chain of command for the Ship of State. There are many reasons why the Commander-in-Chief may have to relinquish command, or maybe the removal of the acting POTUS is due to mental incompetence, and, just maybe, the de facto president’s incompetence has spread throughout the Administration, Congress and the Judiciary. Maybe this “Incompetent Disease” has spread far and wide, affecting the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Governors and every State and Federal employee in the land. Let’s say that’s the scenario that we citizens are faced with: those who we’ve hired to do the job have unequivocally dismally failed; all of them, each and every one.

Surely, someone must be in line to uphold the torch of the Constitution; someone must come out of nowhere to save us all. Thank you; I’m glad you asked, but don’t expect kid gloves to fix a chaotic problem.  Don’t expect me to say “Please” and “Would you?” Don’t expect sugar-coating, don’t expect lies, don’t expect blame and excuses. But do expect results, immediate results.

Muslims O-U-T. Take you gutter “honor,” your wife beatings, your acid in the face, and your abhorrent behavior out of my country immediately. Today, our most dangerous enemy is a home-grown convert to Islam, and others, such as Michael Moore, who failed to comprehend the concepts of Freedom, Liberty and Patriotism.  You cowardly Congressmen and women who shirked the eligibility issue, start running: kiss your pension goodbye.  You won’t need it in the prison for traitors, for people failing to uphold their Oath. Everyone who had a part in sending LTC Terry Lakin to prison, guess what? Illegal immigrants best be making a beeline due south, pronto.

Federal Reserve Bank officers get to share cells with ACORN vote thieves. College professors who taught left-wing nonsense can now teach fellow inmates to read and write.

So what do you want? Do you want the Constitution to stay in the trash bin, or do you want to put the people responsible in that same bin? Ex-presidents who coddled and gave support to Muslim countries, Egypt being just one, a Gitmo cell for you.

You think I jest? I’ve got over 100 million on my side.  What do Obama and his crooks have, 20 million, tops? if that. You government employees who should have spoken up but “just went along,” too bad; you had your chance to do the right thing.  Too bad you blew it.  FBI and Secret Service, I’m talking to you. DOJ employees who just sat back and let Eric Holder run roughshod over the Constitution:  you, too.

You’re outnumbered. Leave while you can. You can walk out now or be led out later. I’m sick of the whole mess that the Obots put us all in. Time to take names, get the drift?


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Robert Quinn
Tuesday, April 17, 2012 5:16 AM

I see only one way to end this silent coup d’état and that is to force the US House to carry out it’s constitutional oversight authority and responsibility to hold hearings on this, the most critical national security matter of our time, and invite Sheriff Arpaio and his investigators to present their analysis probable cause exists Obama’s birth certificate and selective service registration card are both forgeries.

Only congress has the authority to open the various files wherein the authentic documents, if the exist at all, are located and since these cowards are more afraid of being called a racist by the democrats and our corrupt media than they are of us we must change their evaluation of this situation.

We must speak to them as the Treasonous Cowards they truly are. My first try got their attention and I received a call from the CAPITOL POLICE and it was an excellent opportunity let them know exactly how I feel.

Reply to  Robert Quinn
Tuesday, April 17, 2012 9:57 AM

Dear Robert Quinn,
Excellent reply. Please, if you could, keep us informed of the good US Representative Dennis Ross’s response, if there even is one.
It is good for us to chip away, it whatever way, the “Lie that is Obama”.
Keep up the Good Fight.

Monday, April 16, 2012 11:35 PM

The lights are on but no one’s home! It’s easier to just sit back and collect a paycheck than to get involved! Never mind accountability, oaths, Constitutional violations, obstruction of justice, obfuscation, misprision of felony, LET’S PARTY! We have to ask Hillary and a few others about that.

richard gorman
Monday, April 16, 2012 10:12 PM

we are done– each family on its own.

Craig Brown
Monday, April 16, 2012 8:34 PM

Also being a POVV,the measures spelled out in “Who is really in charge?” seem to be music to my ears! Count me as one of the 100 million plus. A great President you would make! Canman

Monday, April 16, 2012 5:27 PM

Are you suggesting “A Call to Muster??” Are you suggesting that from this “Den of Inequity” “We the People” begin to search for “George Washington,II?” You probably are familiar with my previous “Diatribe and Vitriol” making comment that soon will begin The March of the Rag-Tag Citizen Farmers toward Concord and Boston Harbor?!
Unfortunately the “OBOTS” have had 150 years, hiding in their “Deep, Dark Vampire Caves” to make their plan come together with the help of the 1871 Illegal, De Facto CABAL that is now “RULING and RUINING the Republic, and that for which she stood!
The Corruption and Decption is beyond comprehention and belief, the weight of possible “Civil War” rests squarely on the Citizens, alibet, some of it their responsibility from In-attention and not following the Mandates of the “Declaration”~now, as a result the Republic may well be immersed in Conflict and WITHOUT an established and utilized “Chain of Command”, the return to Freedom, Liberty and the Pursuits of Happiness will most certainly be a difficult mountain to climb!!