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March 1, 2012

Rep. Harry Accornero has accused Obama of treason and asked Congress to investigate

To the Editor:

I was very disappointed in Sheriff Arpaio’s so called cold-case investigation. It took him six months to find out what most of America already knew. I would suggest he and others focus on the fact that   Mr. Obama by his own admission is not a “Natural Born” Citizen, and therefore he should be escorted out of office, and he and his administration face charges of “Fraud and Treason” just for starters. It should be obvious to most American’s that our Representatives in Congress, both House and Senate do not have the courage to stand up and take any action against Mr. Obama, that leaves it up to us. It is time all conservative come together. Put aside any differences and stand as one for the good of our country. May I be so bold as to suggest that all groups trying to get Mr. Obama out of office come together for that one purpose? Then maybe we can achieve our goal and have Mr. Obama removed from all primary ballots in America and finally take our country back.

Rep. Harry Accornero


Editor’s Note:  Rep. Accornero has charged Obama with treason “for his un-American actions” and “immigration and economic policies.”  He has appeared on Dr. James David Manning’s radio show to explain his stance.

The Post & Email understands that Arpaio’s investigation is ongoing and that today’s conference was restricted to whether or not the long-form birth certificate was authentic.

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