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by One Pissed-off Vietnam Vet

The American Broadcasting Company's first television show aired in 1948. According to Wikipedia, "its programming has contributed to American popular culture." It is currently owned by the Walt Disney Company.

(Jul. 31, 2011) — Here we go again. Parrots squawking at one another, each making it up as they go along, to see which lie flies. Today it’s “He was a Christian AND a Conservative.” Oh, really? Since when did the mass murderer in Norway convert, after he was arrested and put in jail? Because, you understand, on his Facebook page the day that he was arrested there was no, nada, zero mention that he was a Christian and Conservative. The day after this nutcase was arrested, the words “Christian” and “Conservative” mysteriously appeared on his Facebook page. Gee, imagine that?

And our mainstream media runs with the story that this murderer in Norway is a Christian and repeats it hourly.  The New York Times repeats it until it becomes a fact to the gullible, to the Obots of the world. That’s right, people who willingly swallow the Kool-Aid, people like “But I saw the birth certificate” Bill O’Reilly of Fox News.

Keep pushing the lie, day after day. Sure, it’s all Israel’s fault, with the help of the Great Satan, America. Obama is the greatest President ever and the economy is recovering. These lies, and others, have been drummed into the American psyche every day for years, so why not continue to lie, to pass on falsehoods, to cheat the American people of the truth? What’s wrong with that?

Well, I’ll tell you what’s wrong with that. It’s exactly the same if you were accused of murder and the prosecution is fabricating evidence to sway the jury (public opinion). They coerce eyewitnesses, they plant evidence, they fabricate the whole case to prove you held up a liquor store and shot the cashier in Baltimore, but you were in Green Bay at the time. But they have your fingerprints on the murder weapon, so they say. Now what? Well, I’ll tell you what. Your goose is cooked, that’s what.

And that’s the same thing our media is doing to us. They are fabricating lies and planting “evidence” so public opinion is swayed that it’s a good thing to weaken our military by accepting gays and having women on Navy ships, except hospital ships. It’s a good thing to raise taxes to pay for more “entitlements.” Ever notice that the media refers to illegal immigrants as “immigrants?” Economic recovery? Not now, not in America today. As a matter of fact, it’s getting worse. And they keep on repeating the lie that our de facto President is eligible.

And the truth about Islam? About Sharia? About “honor killings,” right here in America? And the murders at Ft. Hood? Do we hear the word “Muslim,” anyone? Do we hear the truth? No, we don’t, and by being told lie after lie, day after day, we condemn this country, and ourselves. That’s what’s wrong with the reporting of a lie as if it’s the truth. The truth won’t kill you, but a lie certainly can.