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by Ron Ewart, ©2011

(Mar. 12, 2011) —”What?” you say?  You aren’t going to bow down to anybody!  Really.  We hate to be the one to inform you, but you are too late!  You already have bowed down and you have been showing your posterior to the government every minute, every hour, every day, every week, every month and every year, for more than a century.  You just don’t know that you are doing it.  That is because you don’t know the “blueprint for freedom” and you also don’t know that the government has been savaging that blueprint since the ink was barely dry on the Constitution.  Why has government been breaking the rules?  To gain more power over the masses until they hold absolute power.  That’s what governments do, unless they are held in check by limits and by the people.  When push comes to shove, in their distorted minds, you are dumb and ignorant and you don’t deserve to rule yourself.  Smarter people than you know what is best for you, and, by God, they will shove it down your throat no matter how loud you scream.

Now, we have our leaders forcing us all to bow as a nation to the rest of the world so that they will “like” us.  The rest of the world, especially our enemies, laugh at us and our naked weakness.  Obama’s appeasing, bowing, ineptitude and lack of leadership is disgusting.   It makes this author want to lose his lunch on a daily basis.

Everywhere you turn, government is in your face.  Laws, regulations, permits, taxes and higher costs due to government negligence and fiscal insanity dominate your life.  You can’t turn sideways without breaking a law.  You live in a police state but you don’t know, or don’t care.  You tell yourself, “Well, that’s OK; at least they haven’t come into my house.”   And how long will it be before they start walking into your house without a warrant, or come on your property and poke around looking for violations for which they can fine you, or send you to jail?  Wake up! They are already doing it, for a fair-the-well.  So you say, “Well, that’s OK; at least they haven’t come into my bedroom.”  You idiot!  They are already looking into your bedroom and checking out the sex behavior of the American culture for use in designing further controlling policies.  College and universities spit out these over-educated “experts” by the cord wood, and guess where they go to work?  That’s right!  Government.

Government collects the most intimate details about each of us and all that information is stored on massive computers.  Cameras are everywhere.  Electronic surveillance is ever-present.  Obamacare requires that all of your medical records will be electronically stored on a national data base.  Doctor-patient privacy will be non-existent, if it isn’t already.   Got a sex problem?  The government will know.  Not paying your bills?  The government will know.  Got speeding tickets?  The government will know.  Had an argument with your spouse? The government will know.  Spanked your kids?  The government will know.  Using too much electricity or water?  Government will know.  Have you ever heard of the government Fusion Centers?  Look them up.  It will make your blood boil.  They have taken spying on Americans down to a veritable science.

They even have a machine now that can drive by your house or your car and see and hear everything that is going on inside there, in lurid detail.

Then there are the local public schools that your government has stuck their hand in through the U.S. Department of Education.  By setting the national curriculum, they are brainwashing, that’s right, we said brainwashing, your kids.  You say, “Well, what’s the brainwashing?”   The brainwashing is the antithesis of the American foundation of individual rights, freedom, liberty, and sovereignty.  They teach psychologically-washed multiculturalism, collectivism, socialism, radical environmentalism and political correctness.  They teach that America is evil, a gross polluter of the environment and a flagrant consumer of the Earth’s resources.  They teach that America is imperialistic and wants to dominate the world with its military power without telling them that our military power has saved over a billion people from the brutality of dictators.  They tell impressionable kids that America must be reined in.  They teach the kids to challenge their parents with this garbage.  They teach that the family must be broken down and separated.   They teach that government is all wise and all knowing and parents aren’t too smart.   Through this brainwashing, they are dividing us, while conquering us at the same time.   Hitler would be proud.

And what of this ideology of radical environmental protection, coming to you from the most corrupt body on the planet, the United Nations, and codified into American law without a treaty being debated and ratified?  It’s just another ruse to control you even more than you were before.  These planners and other educated idiots want to force you into ever-increasing densities in large cities.  Why?  No, it’s not for environmental reasons.  The fact is, government can control people better when they are densely packed into urban areas.  They control your roads (transportation). They control your water, your sewer, your telephones and in many cases, your electricity.  What good is a house in the city without roads, water, sewer and electricity, which government controls?   No good at all, and government can withhold those services to force you to comply with their demands.  You will willingly give in when the water is shut off.

Sure, they tell us that all their actions are for our own good and our own safety.  “That’s the price you pay for being secure and educated,” they say.  But do you call this freedom?  If you do, you are blinder than a bat.

Ladies and gentlemen, when are you going to quit bowing to a government that has lost all allegiance to the principles of liberty and instead adheres to the policy that government knows best, whether the people like it or not?

There are a few courageous ones who are challenging government in isolated spots around the country, but they are paying a terrible price for their audacity.  Many lose everything in the process.  Some pay huge fines.  Many go broke.  Some even land in jail.  Very few win.  If there is not an avalanche of this type of resistance, America, as a free and sovereign nation, will be no more.  If not enough Americans get off their dead butts and resist this onslaught of tyranny, history will record this 100-year event as the greatest conquest of mankind since the dawn of human civilization…without a shot being fired!

That’s right!  You have been bowing down to government every day of your life and if you will look in the mirror and tell yourself the truth, you know it to be a fact.  Ladies and gentlemen, that’s disgusting.  You are not a sovereign.  You are just a happy slave.

We will leave you with a poem we wrote specifically for this article entitled “You Are A Sovereign.”  You are welcome to share it if you deem it appropriate.  Perhaps it will inspire you to take on a government which has diabolical designs of putting you in chains.  If you don’t believe that this is true, just keep doing nothing and it is sure to become true.



Man was designed to walk erect,
With his head held high
His hands in the air,
And demanding respect.

His face to the wind,
His shoulders held up,
He challenges all obstacles,
With courage and luck.

Man stands upright
On the top of the hill.
But when he lowers his head
His defenses are nil.

If he bows to a king
Or a politician strong,
He becomes vulnerable,
To all that is wrong.

For bowing is awkward,
Because when the ground he sees
His eyes are blind,
If he’s on his knees.

For the man who looks down,
His horizon is cold.
But the man who looks up
The heavens unfold.

So, if you be a man,
Or a woman we say,
Lift up your eyes,
To the sky today.

Get off of your knees
And stand tall and proud.
For you are a sovereign
And not part of the crowd.

Are you a sovereign, or just property of the state?  For God’s sake, people, start standing up and act like we are Americans and not some ignorant serfs in a medieval Kingdom.


Ron Ewart is President of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO).

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