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by Sharon Rondeau

What could we achieve if we all focused our neurons on cleaning up corruption in government?

(Nov. 27, 2010) — Something occurred to me today initiated by a personal experience which seemed to parallel the crisis our nation is currently facing.

While I do not like to use editorial space myself, nor am I in the habit of posting personal items, I believe the point I am about to make is important.

This afternoon my 32-year-old son and I took a quick trip to the pharmacy and the supermarket to pick up one of his prescriptions and a few groceries.  James (not his real name)  has seizures, is neurologically-impaired, and is also diabetic.  One condition exacerbates the other, and along with some pharmaceuticals, my “prescription” for that is lots of natural remedies such as krill oil, garlic and vitamin E.

I knew I was taking a big risk because James had not had a seizure yesterday nor today, which is almost unheard-of for him and meant that he was much more likely to have one while we were out.

The signs of an impending grand mal seizure manifested themselves almost right away in the pharmacy.  The right leg began to drag and become wobbly.  We made it through the checkout there, although he was noticeably stumbling as we exited the store and I was afraid I would not catch him quickly enough if the worst were to happen.

Walking the short distance between the drugstore and the supermarket, the jerking became worse.  We grabbed a grocery cart, which we really didn’t need for what I had planned to buy, so he could have something to hold onto, and I prayed that he would not go down, not now on the concrete.

But the signs were all there, and I knew it was coming.  As we were wending our way through people who had decided to park themselves in the middle of the soup aisle, James’s right leg went into spasm from the oncoming seizure and he stumbled, nearly falling into the salad dressings on the shelf.  He recovered his balance after twisting his ankle and insisting that he was OK.  It hadn’t quite hit yet, but there was nowhere to sit down and no way to stop it.  I thought about the time eight years ago when a similar thing had happened while he was out of my care and he had ended up with a broken ankle and a six-week stay in a nursing home at the age of 24.  Since there was an unattended stock cart at the end of the aisle, once he was upright, we turned around and made our way past those who were still browsing the soup.

We turned the corner, but just in front of the deli, James launched into a full-blown grand mal seizure.  He clutched the cart with his good left hand, began to shake, went pale, and his eyes rolled back.  During this type of episode, his right side is totally unusable, which is an improvement over his condition before he had brain surgery at the age of 12, when both sides would be completely out of commission and he would collapse.  I held onto him the best way I could, despite the fact that he outweighs me by some 40 pounds and the ever-present neck injury I sustained from a rear-end accident ten years ago which rendered my shoulders and neck very weak and left me with a 20% disability.

James is remarkably resilient and, although he is functioning at about a six-year-old level, he has managed to cope with his seizure disorder extremely well.  He continued to hold the cart with his left hand while he convulsed, and mercifully, even though the seizure progressed, it didn’t cause him to yell out as he normally does, in which case half the people in the store would have been terrified and probably would have called the police.

As I held onto him to keep him from falling, I looked around and saw fellow shoppers looking at me and at James, but not a one offered to help.  Instead, they just stared for a moment and kept on going.  Not one even made eye contact with me.  A big, burly-looking man, about six feet tall and 225 lbs., simply stood and looked at us as James convulsed.  I wondered what the man was thinking as he went to get something in the aisle just behind us but said nothing.  Was he embarrassed? afraid to get involved? preoccupied? uncaring?

Others passed us by and glanced at us curiously but did nothing.  I found myself thinking, “If I can keep him standing through this, I’m much stronger than I thought I was, even with the injury.”  And, thank God, I did it.  James did not go down.

It was several more minutes until he was able to walk, because after a grand mal, his right arm and leg are useless.  So this time we were blocking the aisle, but I made no apologies and people simply had to find a way around us.

This same scenario has occurred many times before.  In 32 years, I have found that once in a great while, someone will offer to help, but that is not the norm.  Instead, people choose to be spectators and proceed as if nothing has happened because they don’t want to “get involved.”  It’s too much trouble.

Is that what has become of Americans?  Have we all become spectators and not participants in what is going on around us?

When James was six months old, I was told that he would never walk, talk or lead a “normal life.”  It took four years of intensive, at-home therapy to get his brain to develop to the point where he could function as well as he does now.  After two years of 14-hour days, I remember wondering why he wasn’t totally well.  After all, we had worked hard, seven days a week, and he had miraculously learned to walk.  The answer was that there was more that needed to be done.

In what is the biggest constitutional crisis in our country’s history, what are we all doing?  Are we onlookers, seeking entertainment from the events happening around us, from blogs and this site and from our friends and family?  Are we caught in the same mindset as Obama:  that someone else should earn the money, or pay for our health insurance, or catch the young man having a seizure in the store, or do the research and writing, or make the phone calls?

Or are we doers who jump into the fray, take on our share of the battle, and keep fighting until we are victorious?

Obama has usurped the presidency for two years, but there is more work that needs to be done.  We’re not mad enough yet.

I can’t forget that Walter Fitzpatrick said from the Monroe County detention facility on Thanksgiving Eve, “We have a lot to be grateful for.”  Then what about those of us who are not unlawfully incarcerated?  What about being grateful for the brains and abilities we have and putting them to good use in exposing the corruption we see all around us?

On this Thanksgiving Day weekend,  are we sitting around grousing about things we don’t like or what we think other people should be doing, or are we putting all of our energies into doing things ourselves?

My arms and legs still feel like spaghetti after struggling for those few minutes to hold James upright.  I am stiff and sore, and I know my neck injury will bother me tomorrow, along with the rib I broke many years ago when James had a similar seizure at home and I couldn’t keep him upright.  But there is work to be done, and there isn’t anyone else I know who will work for 8-12 hours a day with the phone ringing at all hours of the day and night, for little-to-no income, no benefits, all the criticism I can stand, and a husband who is less than happy with the current state of affairs.

The point is:  Get out there and do something.  Join the Patriots’ Union and offer your help, because you will become part of an organization launched by two of the finest men in this country.  In my opinion, every single person who wishes a return to constitutional government should join.  Support Mario Apuzzo and CDR Kerchner as well as other eligibility plaintiffs and attorneys whose cases now sit in front of the U.S. Supreme Court by showing up in Washington, DC on Monday, when a decision is expected to be rendered, if you live in the area.  Become a contributing writer to patriotic blogs or The Post & Email.  If you don’t like what you’re reading in the news, become part of the new media solution to change it.

If you can’t do any of these things, support the many people who do.  When many people take action and report their results, it makes for interesting reading and the effective dissemination of information.  It can also motivate others to do the same.

On Monday, there are some tasks that need to be done.  We need thousands of calls made to the Tennessee Health Department about the conditions at the Monroe County jail.  We need criminals reported to state authorities and for innocent people to be released from false imprisonment.  The clamor should become so loud that the people on the other end of the phone are forced to act or face prison terms themselves for allowing people to live in squalid conditions in the United States of America, formerly known as “the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

We need to find out when the Monroe County grand juries will be chosen, and those in the area need to attend and document what they observe.  We need people to participate in the process, not ignore it.  Whether or not we act on these things will determine if we will be serfs or freemen in the days and years to come.  It all begins at the local level by uncovering the corruption there, then moving on to higher levels where corruption is the norm.

The very fact that many people have simply been spectators in America has gotten us to this point with a usurper in the White House and a corrupt, criminal, treasonous Congress, along with the courts, some state legislators, and even governors complicit in the cover-up. The treason has been going on for many decades, and if government is a spectator sport, we will never win at reversing the deterioration in our moral fiber and determination to be free.

If we unite and support one another, always going that extra mile, think of what we can achieve.

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Monday, November 29, 2010 8:29 AM

Citizens, Please consider this: the closest I can come to understanding the problems that Our country faces is Our “Go-along-to-get-along attitude” It permeates every facet of government and if John or Jane Q citizen would do just the slightest introspection into their lives,they would see they have followed exactly this “Go along,to get along policy.”
I suggest every human being has a comfort zone, and feeling the best way to maintain this “comfort zone” is simply to “ignore the facts” and let Mikey do something about it. Well, “Mikey” has wised up and he isn’t going to stick his neck out, either. This whole scenario will correct itself when each and everyone realizes that the opportunities to set things right lies directly in our own hands. Cheers.

Monday, November 29, 2010 12:41 AM

Mr. Apuzzo and Mr. Kerchner,
The Patriots of the United States wish to extend our hopes and prayers to both of you on Monday the 29th. May Justice and Truth prevail. We anxiously await the decision of the Supreme Court and that our Justices still defend and protect our Constitution. The decision will affect millions of people and will set a course of action. You represent all of us. Most of all, it will have a profound effect on the Court Martial of LtC Terry Lakin that has and will sacrifice so much for our country.

We wish you the best of luck. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We stand united at your side.
Victoria Windsor, Patriot
Natural Born Citizen

Monday, November 29, 2010 12:38 AM

During the American Revolution, 70% of the people were loyal to the king or apathetic. The other 30% founded a nation. We just want the other 30% to join us. YES, Americans are spectators, full of excuses why they can’t. I have volunteered most of my life and found that when you need something done ask a busy person. Even my mother does not understand why I would work so hard in difficult jobs, long hours without pay. In fact I paid to work there by not expecting my expenses to be paid from donations. I would be rich if I counted the number of times people said, “what do you get out of it”. These are the “entitlement” people that make up the 70% of apathetic people.

Here lies the problem. When only 30% rise to the call and 70% do nothing or not much at all, we all suffer, especially those that did the work and took the risks so that everyone benefits. Research takes hours, days and months, informing others more time. The web stats show people are reading, but fail to comment and take all of this for granted. However, I would rather do what I do, than to be like those other people. We all have something to offer to this save the nation cause. We all have talent, we all can support the efforts of those that excel, or donate when you can.

If you do not participate, or know someone that doesn’t, then you or them will be a ‘man’ without a country. Stand up for your country, or find another place to live. We are the 30% that Founded a Nation and nothing will stop us.

Sharon, we will remain forever grateful for being you, the kind of person I am honored to call my friend. If you ever need help, I am a phone call away and will organize a team of people I know will respond immediately. We are all in this together. Victoria
Mrs. Rondeau replies: Amen to everything you said!

Steph F.
Sunday, November 28, 2010 11:12 PM

Sharon, you are an inspiration. I hope you are okay after this challenging episode with your son. You hit the nail on the head. Most people are wrapped up in their own lives and don’t care to be “bothered” with matters that they feel don’t pertain to them. Imagine if our founders had the same mentality!

We will make the phone calls to the Monroe County Health Dept and I would like to encourage people to call Representative John Duncan (http://duncan.house.gov/) and find out why he isn’t getting involved.

Sunday, November 28, 2010 12:38 PM

Mrs.Rondeau,Thanks for this story and the question of “Have We become a Nation of spectators ?”. I imagine,if the truth were known,Many Americans have asked this same question.I personally have.My belief is the answer to this question is NO.What it actually is,is the false idea that many believe they must follow a path of “anonymity”.This gives them the false sense of security since they won’t be singled out for retribution.This does not mean many are NOT reading and heeding every word you post it just means they remain anonymous.To prove my point is another question “If the American people have become mere spectators,How is it that so much dead wood was removed from Washington this past election ? I have come to the conclusion that folks like you and Walter Fitzpatrick are making a big difference,but this
difference is not really apparent to you.Thanks for this “steady drip” of knowledge and I believe,you are hitting the mark.Lastly for the young man that has medical issues,Please know there are many brilliant minds working on a variety of medical issues,and new help is surfacing all the time.Keep the faith
in GOD and these researchers,they are on the job,just like you.cheers

Sunday, November 28, 2010 8:20 AM

People just aren’t angry enough. They don’t feel the government has taken away enough of their lives to be upset. People want change, that is to be sure, but the kind of change isn’t agreed on by many. The Tea Party has two things right. That change must include limited and cost effective government, and protected Constitutional rights. That DOES ring with the people, and many are getting involved. The Obama eligibility thing is just a symptom of a sick government, one not able to control itself or perform it’s duties. The American People will try to ‘fix’ the existing system before we degenerate into choas. IMHO, the first step toward healing still remains discovery on Obama and a ruling by the SCOTUS what exactly NBC means as it pertains to POTUS in the Constitution.

BTW, we MAY NEVER get the SCOTUS to deterimine NBC eligibility as it pertains to Obama. I’m fairly certain he won’t survive discovery as a POTUS.

Tim Fasano
Sunday, November 28, 2010 3:09 AM


I know the feeling that you are or have experienced with regard to not quite knowing what to do. I was there about 18 months ago. What I experienced was by nature a result of personal experiences, both intrinsic and extrinsic, that involved my wife and our family. To make a long story short, I first had to admit to myself that I failed to keep a watchful eye on our government. I then admitted this to those closest to me, my family and friends. With the humility of this admission, I embarked on a path that was probably one of the most important endeavors of my life. Why? Because the future of my children and grandchildren is worth every ounce of energy and courage that I can muster!

During this last election, I ran for the US Senate and started a process of taking on our state’s judiciary to bring back our grand juries while exposing corruption in the judiciary. A daunting task, that I know. However, if we are to turn the tide and return our republic to the rule of law and secure a future for the following generations, we MUST have resolve to not waver from the path to take our country back. I decided some time ago that I would not stand and wait for someone to step forward and become proactive. I decided to be one willing to step forward. So could you!

By no means am I saying that I am exceptional. I am no different than anyone else with the exception to those that want to “fundamentally transform” our nation. This will not happen on “my watch”.

At first, I thought along similar lines as you, with concern for my life being put on hold. I know now that the lessons from my parents are coming into clear understanding and view, one of which is that there are things more important than what one believes is of obvious importance. Whatever my life was two years ago, it pales in comparison to the mission that I am on now because the future of my family is being held in the balance. This is what motivates me, and I hope others will realize the same is true for them. Tyranny is slow in its march, but total in its wake if left unchecked!

I pray to GOD for the continued strength and fortitude to press on with the righteous fight. Remember the infamous words of Patrick Henry, “Give me liberty or give me death”.

Sunday, November 28, 2010 1:50 AM

I fear SCOTUS will squander Kerchner and cover their a****, figuring the fraud is out in 2 years anyway, and America will be shopping for 40″ flatscreens.
You, are incredible. Your son, is lucky to have you. We all are.
I have never understood the level of stupidity Americans are displaying, while the gulf is tarballed and we stand at the brink of new wars with raped coffers and lost freedoms.
I think of the American Revolution, when it was just a minority who participated then; it may play out the same way now, with the appeasers to the Giant government entity (cheap votes of illegals will help). I fear it doesn’t look good. SCOTUS is a bunch of old hacks and cheats and losers.

Saturday, November 27, 2010 8:44 PM

Sharon, I do not wish to sound flippant but I have no desire to ever meet you in a dark alley. You strike me as one tough cookie — and I’m no small guy. My prayers include your son with hope that at some point very soon, he is able to live a life free of his affliction.
For months, I have wracked my brain struggling to find a way or, at least, a combination of words that might spur folks to rise up off their duffs and be a bit more proactive in this struggle for our nation. My life has been put on hold for two years now and it is time for a resolution. All that I know to do is to (constantly) nag the local (leftist) newspaper to start telling the truth, post an essay now and then, and give my friends and my relatives an updated status of the legal efforts to get rid of the commie in the W.H. When this is over and the day finally comes that obama is ordered to vacate the W.H., I have an email saved just for the occasion and just for the folks at the newspaper: It is a great big animated yellow smiley face with its red tongue wildly flipping in and out. “Ridicule us birthers now!”
Mrs. Rondeau replies: And I can’t wait for that day!