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“For in reason, all government, without the consent of the governed, is the very definition of slavery.” Jonathan Swift

“Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom. The subjection of individuals will increase amongst democratic nations, not only in the same proportion as their equality, but in the same proportion as their ignorance.” ALEXIS DE TOCQUEVILLE, Democracy in America

by Ron Ewart

Are we sovereigns, or are we slaves with no rights at all?

Oh, how simple it was to subjugate the American people. All it took was for Americans to think that their government was honest and trustworthy and would not break their solemn oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help them God.  But the cold, hard truth is, a government not held to that oath by the Consent of the Governed is a government that will seek, by any means, absolute power.  We have 5,000 years of human history to prove that a government, left to its own resources, will, in the end, completely subjugate all who fall under its reign, unless the people surround government’s power with significant limits.

The weapon of choice for the American federal government has been the passing of laws in open defiance of the Constitutional limits placed upon government.  The mechanics of their weapon of choice was using our own fear, compassion and guilty against us;  fear over government-manufactured crises;  irrational compassion that we must attend to the needs of the poor and infirm, even though there is no constitutional mandate to do so, and our own guilt to get us to comply with government demands.  Their means of propagating their method of subjugation was by propaganda, hype, distortion and outright lies.  It still goes on today with a vengeance.  Government is out of control.

But there was one more weapon in their arsenal.  They bought us off with our own money, such that just about every segment of the American society is taking a handout from their government.  A handout from government is virtually the same as handcuffs on a criminal, because a handout comes with strings.  Further, a man taking a handout is not likely to “bite” the hand that feeds him, and those in government are acutely aware of that fact.

Once-free Americans have been lined up and conquered without a shot being fired, all because they assumed that government was honorable, honest and trustworthy.  Any government is only as honorable, honest and trustworthy for as long as the people hold them in check.

So now we stand at a crossroads, not dissimilar to the crossroads presented to the people of the original 13 Colonies in 1776.  The difference is, we have a blueprint for freedom in place to hold government in check ….. a blueprint that came at a significant cost to not only the framers and those who fought and died to establish freedom 234 years ago, but to all those who gave their lives since then to preserve that blueprint.   That blueprint is the U. S. Constitution, but that blueprint is only as good as the resolve of the people to mandate that their government operate within its limits.  For the last 100 years or more, government has strayed far from those limits.

That blueprint stated that all men are created equal and that all men are endowed with certain unalienable rights and those rights are natural rights, as a gift from our creator.  As such, those natural rights cannot be whisked away at the whim of some tyrannical government.   With that said, however, a natural right, undefended, is a lost right.

Comes the question, be you sovereign with all natural rights afforded to you, or be you slave.  If you choose not to defend your natural rights, then by definition and action, you are a slave.

Although you may think that you are safe inside your home and the bubble that is your world, you are anything but safe when a government, drunk with power, is allowed to roam freely through your life.  The monster is at the door.  It is time to declare, be you sovereign, or be you slave.  If you choose comfort and security in place of liberty, you choose enslavement.  If you choose freedom, because of the inattentiveness of most Americans who have preceded you, the job before you to preserve freedom is a daunting one and is not for the faint of heart.  Summon your courage and confront the monster at the door.  If you do not, the monster owns you.

Make a “Declaration of Individual Sovereignty” and then convey that Declaration, with a loud voice and in no uncertain terms, to those who think they rule you.  Let us return to a time when government fears the people, and not the other way around.  “For when government fears the people, there is liberty.  When the people fear the government, there is slavery.” — Thomas Jefferson

For some of the tools you need to declare your individual sovereignty, log on to our “Declaration of Individual Sovereignty” web page at: http://www.narlo.org/dospacket.html.

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Saturday, October 2, 2010 9:27 PM

Taking my jobs hell…they are taking my country!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 2, 2010 9:22 PM

A REPUBLIC not a socialist MARXIST regime.

A President a government and a military that swore an oath and an alliance to the Constitution and to the people of THE REPUBLIC.




Saturday, October 2, 2010 7:41 AM

Excellent article which summarizes many of my own thoughts.

Good job, Ron!

Robert Laity
Saturday, October 2, 2010 3:05 AM

“If the hand that is feeding you is feeding you poison,you MUST bite it”-Robert C. Laity

Arnie Rosner
Reply to  Robert Laity
Saturday, October 2, 2010 9:58 AM

Bite it hell! Cut it off!

Saturday, October 2, 2010 12:01 AM

We have to put back the fear of a little tar, feather and being run out of town on a rail into our politicians. Politicians should look upon themselves as servants, performing a duty much like citizen jurists or citizen militia draftees. An elitist ruling class attitude has no place in a government of the People, for the People,

I completely support and eagerly anticipate actualization of Michele Bachmann’s call for round-the-clock investigations of the rampant corruption in our national government. There is so much political pustulants present it could literally take years to fully flush away the festering professional parasites infecting our political system. The or R or D behind their name is completely irrelevant; let the corrupt among them fear the torches and pitchforks of the sovereign people they have disdained and ignored.

I can see November from my house. :-)

Friday, October 1, 2010 10:14 PM

I just read this article and went to your NARLO web site.

Had no idea that Washington State had instigated
takeover of rural land from its owners a few years back.

I must say, your site has ‘fightin’ words’ and wish that
some of your backbone would be transplanted to
our non-retired military generals …maybe then the
travesty of a takeover of our government by a
dictator (who would have thought this in a
million years?)
would be a fait accompli in record time with nary
a shot to be heard around the world.

Great article, Mr. Ewart.

Reply to  Jan
Saturday, October 2, 2010 9:26 AM

We need copies made of what is going on,put them anywhere. A lot of people don’t have computers. This needs to be done now before election. Every article is worth printing.
Mrs. Rondeau replies: Don’t forget about the “printer-friendly” format that was installed so that every single one of our articles can be printed quickly. The link references appear at the end in a very professional way when this icon is used.

Reply to  sky
Sunday, October 3, 2010 6:25 PM

Wonderful! Get busy, everyone! This is an excellent article with many good talking points. Thank you, Post and Email! And, don’t forget to write letters to the editor of your local newspapers.