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by Sharon Rondeau

Coconut palms grow in Hawaii, probably introduced by seafarers from Polynesia

(Sept. 12, 2010) — The Post & Email wishes to thank all of you who have signed up for the monthly subscription option which appears on the inside right page of all of our articles. A monthly subscription of $1.00/month from 1,000 people will keep this newspaper going for months to come, although we haven’t reached that level yet.

There is also the Subscribe button under the “World” news section on the lower right-hand side which will add your name to the Sunday “Editor’s Note,” which contains news not yet released on the site.  The cost is $15.00/year.

The Post & Email is still seeking donations to its Legal Fund to pay for the last part of several investigations and legal motions, one of which will be filed in Hawaii by the end of the month.  We expect that there will be attorney’s fees, certified mail costs, and other expenses involved.

Overall donations to The Post & Email were down over the summer, as was to be expected, but we managed to pay for website upgrading which included printer-friendly, Facebook, Twitter, Stumbleupon and Digg capabilities as well as better security and efficiency.   Please use these social network buttons to distribute our articles, both online and to those who do not have internet access.  Thanks to Arnie, we are working on a way to create professional-looking PDF versions of individual articles which could be made available at Kinko’s for easy download and distribution.  The more we spread the news about what is really happening in America, the more power “we the people” will have.

Despite some challenges, we have managed to cut our monthly internet hosting costs by 50% and obtain better internet security.

The one-time donation button is located below the circular ad depicting Obama and our Hawaii Petition Campaign.  We are getting ready for the next mailing of the petition to Hawaii officials, this time focusing on the governor, lieutenant governor, and the Hawaii Department of Health, which has been less than forthcoming in its dealings with the public and us.  To date, our readers’ response to our solicitation for UIPA requests to include in our motion has been excellent.  We also have in our possession hundreds of pages of such requests for which The Post & Email paid more than $1,400 to be used as evidence.  If there is anyone else who made UIPA requests of any type and received a deceptive, circular, or no answer, please let us know.

We will continue to pursue the Obama eligibility issue, grand juries, interviews of constitutional candidates for office,  military issues, and corruption in government at all levels.  However, our research, writing, and interviewing consumes many hours each day and requires your ongoing support.

The Post & Email will also be supporting some initiatives, including one by Attorney Andy Martin, who will be in Hawaii in November for an anticipated hearing on one of his lawsuits.

Regarding the Lucas Smith letter to Congress, The Post & Email will be publishing the results of the mailing periodically, including follow-up letters written in support of that initiative on the part of constituents.  If anyone sends a letter specifically addressing Smith’s mailing and receives a response from a congressman or senator, please let us know.  We hope to have a point person or persons designated soon, as cataloging all of the letters and responses is beyond The Post & Email’s capability at this point.  A sample follow-up letter can be found here.

Our readership continues to grow, and we appreciate your referrals to our site.  With your continued support, we can double our readership again by the end of the year!

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plain jane
Sunday, September 12, 2010 10:14 PM

I just initiated a $25.00/mth subscription. I really give you guys credit. I see this as the future of journalism and I hope this blog encourages others to stand up for the truth.
Mrs. Rondeau replies: Thank you so much for your support.