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What are Obama’s true “roots?”

Attorney General Jeff Sessions May 30, 2017
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20530

Dear AG Sessions

I am a retired Special Agent, senior criminal investigator with specialized training in Counter Intelligence with the USAF Office of Special Investigations. I have over thirty-two years of combined federal and private investigative experience. My reason for writing to you is to request that you please cause a comprehensive investigation of Obama’s citizenship. I firmly believe he is an illegal alien and if that is proven then everything he did during the eight years he occupied the Oval office, every law he signed (Obamacare), every appointment he made (two to the Supreme Court) and every executive order he issued all become null and void.

My belief that he is an illegal alien is based on the following:

When he was campaigning for the Senate in 2004, his literary agent in statements and press releases as well as articles in newspapers, including the Associated Press, stated he was born in Kenya. Obama never once contested those statements. Also, during one of his debates his opponent accused him of not being a natural born citizen. Obama replied “So what, I’m running for the Senate not the Presidency.”

Then, when he decided to run for the Presidency, he miraculously discovered that he was born in Hawaii. Hawaii Statute 338-176 allows a Hawaiian resident to obtain a Hawaiian birth certificate for a foreign born child. Obama’s half sister was born in Indonesia and has a Hawaii birth certificate. Hawaii officials admit they have Obama’s birth certificate on file, but they refuse to reveal what is on it. The only possible reason for that refusal is that it will show he was born in Kenya.

On April 27, 2011 Obama produced a birth certificate showing he was born in Hawaii. That birth certificate was almost immediately proven to be a computer generated forgery. Example: The name of the hospital as shown on that forged birth certificate did no exist at the time Obama was born. That name came into existence some seventen years later with the merger of two hospitals. Also, Obama’s father’s race is listed as “African-American.” At that time the term “African-American” was unheard of. Black people were “Negros” and when a form called for listing of race black people entered Negro. If Obama was really born in Hawaii, why did he not just obtain a copy of that birth certificate and release it to the public instead of attempting to foster a crude forgery on us.

If Obama was born in Kenya, and a preponderance of the evidence indicates that is the case, then Section 301(g) of the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952 applies. That section pertains to foreign born children born between December 24, 1952 and November 13, 1986. It states that if only one parent is a U.S. citizen, that parent must have resided in the United States or one of its possessions for at least ten years and at least five of those years had to be after that parent attained the age of fourteen years. Obama was born in 1961, his father was never an American citizen and his mother was only eighteen years old when he was born. She was not old enough to meet the five year requirement to convey citizenship to him and he is therefore an illegal alien.

I have sent the above information to several members of Congress suggesting a subpoena to the Hawaii Department of Health to obtain the birth certificate they admit they have, but not one of the members I have sent this to has done anything.

I have also suggested subpoenas to the IRS to determine what Social Security Number Obama has been using, then a subpoena to the Social Security Administration to determine to whom that number was issued. Information I have is that he has been using 042-68-4425.

On September 26, 2011, The Washington Times National Weekly reported that they submitted Obama’s name and SSN 042-68-4425 to the E-Verify System. The response was that it was a mismatch and the SSA could not verify citizenship.

I have received reports that the above number was issued in 1977 (when Obama was seventeen years old and living in Hawaii) and was issued to a Mr. Jean Paul Ludwig, who was born in 1890 in Spain, immigrated to the US in 1924, and lived most of his adult life in Connecticut where he became a naturalized citizen and received that SSN.


Joe Elkins

Update, 10:38 p.m. EDT:  This article erroneously referred to the author as a “former military intelligence officer” when such was not the case.  It has been corrected to say, “former military criminal investigator.”  The misunderstanding was ours entirely.

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  1. U.S. citizens were not prohibited from traveling to (or in) Pakistan in 1981. Even if such a ban did exist, violating it would not have caused a loss of U.S. citizenship.

  2. Even if Obama was a citizen of the U.S. He had his citizenship revoked automatically when he traveled to Pakistan during a time in the 80’s when it was illegal to go to Pakistan if you were a U.S. citizen. There is no question as to if he went or not because it is well proven that he did. For some reason no one ever talks about this…

  3. to all who fall into the “inquiring minds want to know” …
    The re-typed (I repeat, retyped from the original birth certificates the state of HI issued to every child born there since 1959 when it FIRST BECAME PART OF THE U.S.–scarcely part of the U.S. even 2 years prior to this birth of B.O. and documentation thereof) birth certificate deal did NOT exist before 2001. I repeat. It did not exist. Prior to 2001 every single person born in HI was issued what the rest of the mainland received, which is a copy of the OLD ORIGINAL taken out of OLD FILE and copied on a COPY MACHINE, usually on special paper, not just 8 x 11 copy paper. Therefore, IF he was born in HI, from 17 years old on as he went from totally paid scholarship to scholarship–as a SLACKER DOPER TEEN, BTW–he did so with NO BIRTH CERTIFICATE WHATSOEVER because that re-typed 2009 deal was not part of HI law until 2001. It gets better: where did that new idea to “retype every birth certificate on a new piece of paper and then photocopy that new piece of paper” come from? Three BFF’s of Mr. Obama: Gov. Cayetano, Lt. Gov. Hironi (now leader of the CONGRESSIONAL SOCIALIST DEMOCRATS deal) and the real Marxist Neil Abercrombie, HI State Sen. at that time, who was also BFF for real with both of the Marxists designated as Obama’s parents. (Don Frederick and others think Frank Marshall was in that woodpile maybe, which is another terrific whodunit of history.) How and why? Why such cost and excessive duplications of every birth certificate from 1927? When each and every one of them was just sitting there in the HI state file vaults? Oh boy, is that all interesting too. Anyway, I wonder if Mr. Zullo ever submitted what was sent to him to give to Joe. I have never seen a word of it mentioned by anyone except on very obscure little websites no one goes to because they stay under the radar. Which is wise. Should it be true, the fallout is of course beyond calculation and that’s why its so important to so many on the devil’s side that it NOT be found true. That the Trojan horse was 1000 times worse than known at the time. Or not. Its so interesting though. Isn’t it? Especially when you add the Dreams of the boy’s dear father, which got him into the spotlight at first. The 100% Marxist father that dumped his MARXIST mother, went back to Kenya after massive taxpaid scholarships himself, and helped the ex-Mau Mau First Kenyan President slowly turn the British Protectorate into a communist country? But that’s another study for another time to lock down place completely. Anyway, I’m just a history buff that googles stuff.

  4. @Joe Elkins,

    Minor v. Happersett DID NOT RULE that ruled that to be a natural born citizen, both of your parents must be U.S. citizens at the time of your birth.

    The only thing that the minor court said on the topic of whether citizen parents are required for NBC is that since that question had nothing to do with what they were deciding they would not address the issue of whether citizen parents are required for NBC.

    The Minor Court states and I quote —-

    “Some authorities go further and include as citizens children born within the jurisdiction without reference to the citizenship of their [p168] parents. As to this class there have been doubts, but never as to the first. For the purposes of this case it is not necessary to solve these doubts.”

    SEE Minor v. Happersett 88 U.S. 162

  5. I have noticed a few people have posted comments in which they dispute or disagree with some of what I have written. So be it.

    It does not matter at all which Hawaii Government Department has Obama’s birth certificate; the fact remains that they have refused to reveal what is on it. The only plausible reason for that refusal is that it shows either that he was born in a certain hospital in Kenya or that it was issued pursuant to Hawaii Statute 338.176 which allows a Hawaii resident to obtain a Hawaiian birth certificate for a foreign-born child.

    In any case, where Obama was born is immaterial. He could have been born in the House chambers of the U.S. Congress in Washington, DC and he would still not be a “Natural Born” citizen.

    On March 29, 1875, the U.S. Supreme Court in Minor -v- Happersett (1874)21 Wall 162.166-168 ruled that to be a natural born citizen, both of your parents must be U.S. citizens at the time of your birth.

    Obama’s father was never a U.S. citizen. He was in the U.S. on a student visa.

  6. David L:

    Hawaii Gov. Says Proof of Obama’s Birth Certificate Exists but Hasn’t Produced the Document – ABC News, Jan 20, 2011
    “Our investigation is showing, it actually exists in the archives written down,” Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie told Honolulu’s Star-Advertiser.
    “What I can do, and all I have ever said, is that I am going to see to it as governor that I can verify to anyone who is honest about it that this is the case,” he told the paper.”

    “Our investigation is showing…” implies he had previously said he was going to look for Obama’s birth certificate. “…and all I have ever said, is that I am going to see to it as governor that I can verify…” again implies he had previously said he was going to look for Obama’s birth certificate. He never said he found Obama’s birth certificate and, of course, never verified that it existed. He also never said he found other evidence that Obama was born in Hawaii.

    No, the 2011 White House Press Secretary Jay Carney did not “misstate/confuse” the June 2008 release date with the June 2007 issue date but, rather, the 2011 White House Director of Communications Dan Pfeiffer “misstated/confused” those dates…just like 2008 White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs “misstated/confused” those dates 3 years earlier…just like Acton & Dystel assistant Miriam Goderich “mistyped/confused” Kenya instead of/with Hawaii from 1991 through 2007…just like an SSA clerk “mistyped/confused” Connecticut’s SSN prefix instead of/with Hawaii’s…just like, well, you get my point, don’t you?

    I have never seen a LEGIBLE raised seal on any image or photograph alleged to be of Obama’s COLB (short-form bc). An image alleged to be a scan of the COLB allegedly requested and obtained by Obama’s campaign headquarters in 2008 first appeared on the liberal web-site “The DailyKos”. The next day a different (size and resolution) image alleged to be of the same scan appeared on Obama’s campaign web-site “FightTheSmears”. A couple days later an image different (size and resolution) from the first two appeared on “Snopes.com”. A couple weeks later several photographs alleged to have been taken of the COLB by FactCheck.org reporters at Obama’s 2008 campaign headquarters in Chicago appeared on FactCheck.org. I hereby DEFY you, or anyone else, to post a link to any of those images or photographs which has a LEGIBLE (capable of being/easily read) embossed/raised seal of the HDOH.
    Furthermore, FactCheck.org took its pictures of the alleged COLB almost a month after the images alleged to be of the same COLB appeared on “The DailyKos” et al, yet none of those images show any semblance of the two horizontal fold-lines shown in all of FactCheck.org’s photographs. I’ve never seen a common-sense explanation for that difference.
    The image of the COLB on Obama’s White House web-site WAS sourced from Snopes.com…https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/sites/default/files/rss_viewer/birth-certificate.pdf, url to Snopes,com on the bottom left. The COLB image on Obama’s 2008 campaign “FightTheSmears.com” web-site, which one should safely be able to assume was the result of his campaign headquarters scanning the COLB they got from the HDOH had the Certificate # blacked out, no legible raised seal and no horizontal fold lines like FactCheck.org’s pictures show. Since the intent of the April 2011 “presser” was to put the nail in the lid of the birthers coffin, common sense says the White House should have simply copied the COLB obtained from the HDOH by Obama’s 2008 campaign rather than print it from Snopes.com web-site.
    Mike Zullo’s December, 2016 presentation was rather lengthy and covered a plethora of issues. Would you be so kind as to post a quote from that presentation, or a link to a video of same citing the time, wherein he admits that scanning software does create these types of layers and they were able to duplicate them using a Xerox 7655 scanner/copier? Thank you in advance.
    BTW: None of the above alleviate the fact that he is not a natural born citizen, by his own pompous declaration on his 2008 campaign web-site that he was born to a Kenyan father.

  7. 08-28-08- TODAY = as the above-comments likely indicate to any casual reader who might visit this superlative P&E website, the back-and-forth debate on the full identity of “FANTASY 44 OBAMA II” still continues on Main Street USA, even after oceans and oceans of ID-divisive ventertainment 1NF0 blogs were previously generated during all these years.


    And We the People still remain robbed anew each day of our rightful inalienable original knowledge contained in ID documents A thru Q in Item 207 http://www.carlgallups.com/zullo-affidavit.pdf and other original ID documents. Also, on this Illinois attorney-licensing website,
    https://www.iardc.org/ldetail.asp?id=376171040 , “FANTASY 44 OBAMA II” states “None” when asked to declare his former name of “Barry Soetoro”.


    How can a narrative-identified abandoned sperm multi-citizen persona, who works his entire adult life to subvert the U.S. Constitution via unaccounted lawlessness, be a “natural born citizen” equal to the “natural born citizen” who is a descendant of immigrants who first arrived in America in 1638, and who was born on Easter Sunday 1949 in Eastern Maine General Hospital in Bangor, Maine to married American citizen-parents who lived in America along with their son all their lives and never divorced?


    Until our oath-taking tax-taking perks-and-pension-paid off U.S. Government indicts itself by revoking fantasy Executive Order 13489 and by releasing the full original identity documents of “Obama II” to some 320,000,000 ID-knowledge-robbed American citizens, which will likely require many thousands of adult American citizens to rise up from heretofore cowering government subjects to towering adult Citizens to look down upon their U.S. Government and demand said U.S. Government’s self-indictment, and until pro-“Obama II” citizens remodel their frames of mind from believing-is-seeing (= “44th President Obama”) to seeing-is-believing (= “FANTASY 44 OBAMA II”), AMERICA, YOUR/OUR AMERICA, REMAINS IN A PERIOD OF TAX-EXTORTED CONSTITUTION PROSTITUTION 08-28-08- TODAY.


  8. “It has been reported that Obama has spent nearly two million dollars to keep his birth, education and travel history hidden from the American people. I wonder just how much of that two million found its way into the pockets of the HDH officials.”

    This claim has been debunked so many times it is a joke to even repeat it. WND obtained copies of the FEC reports for the Obama 2008 campaign and found that the expenses for legal fees for the entire campaign were over $1 million. Since a modern presidential campaign is a billion dollar operation it’s not a surprise at all that legal fees would amount to a small fraction of 1%. That work includes things like filing FEC reports, state election filing documents, and state reporting requirements.

    There is no way you can reach such a figure from looking at the lawsuits themselves. Most were dismissed very early and only a handful even had a hearing. In the ones filed after Obama was in office the DoJ filed dismissal motions.

    If you are going to make this absurd claim in would behoove you to try to back it up with a few facts.

  9. There is no evidence that Governor Abercrombie said the things being ascribed to him, and, in any event, the governor of Hawaii is not charged with maintaining the state’s birth certificates. The department that is charged with maintaining birth certificates in Hawaii has repeatedly and expressly said Obama was born there; anyone may contact that department, and it will again verify that Obama was born in Hawaii.

    There is no indication that Obama has the authority to direct the State of Hawaii to grant access to Hawaiian records. In any event, no other candidate or officeholder has directed a state to grant acess to its records, so Obama’s also not doing so is unremarkable.

    The rest of the complaints concern digital images, which are, by definition, not the original documents. Moreover, there are photographs of both the COLB and long-form birth certificate showing the seal and/or signature. The State of Hawaii also provided verification of the long-form birth certificate to two Secretaries of State, and those secretaries accepted that verification.

  10. “The Governor of the State of Hawaii and self-claimed boyhood friend of Obama, Neil Abercrombie, repeatedly and expressly said he tried but couldn’t find Obama’s birth certificate.”

    This is simply not true. He said he would not release the birth certificate nor would he ask President Obama for permission to release it. He said he only do what he was legally able to do and would try to find other evidence to show he was born in Hawaii.

    “b) The short-form birth certificate image, … received in mid-2008, cannot possibly be such for these reasons alone: a) The date-stamp on the back of it is “Jun 6 2007”,

    Yes the Press secretary in 2011 misstated and confused the June, 2008 release date with the June 2007 issue date. Wow.

    b) There is no legible embossed official seal of the HDOH on it,

    There is a raised seal on the COLB. It was first revealed by the website Atlas Shrugged and later by photographs taken by FactCheck.org reporters.

    and; c) The image of same on Obama’s White House web-site was sourced from Snopes.com’s public comment/upload boards — why indirectly from an outside source rather than directly from Obama’s campaign headquarters?

    This is not true. The handout paper copy of the COLB given to reporters on April 27, 2011 was printed from the Snopes.com website but the original images on the campaign website were not.

    “a) When the image is opened by a basic graphics/image/picture program it opens in several stages rather than all at once, indicating it is comprised of disparate parts — a simple scan does not yield that result; b) There is no legible embossed official seal of the HDOH on it; c) When the image is opened by an advanced graphics/image/picture program various parts (individual objects and/or multiple objects on the same “layer”) can be turned on (made visible) and turned off (made invisible) — a simple scan does not yield that result either; d) The date-stamp and registrar’s stamp at the bottom can be individually turned on/off and moved around — a simple scan does not yield that result either.”

    Zullo in his December, 2016 presentation admits that scanning software does create these types of layers and they were able to duplicate them using a Xerox 7655 scanner/copier.

  11. Bob:

    “1. The State of Hawaii has repeatedly and expressly said Obama was born in Hawaii. Absent a subpoena or court order, there is nothing more the state can do.”
    The Governor of the State of Hawaii and self-claimed boyhood friend of Obama, Neil Abercrombie, repeatedly and expressly said he tried but couldn’t find Obama’s birth certificate. Obama could have authorized the state to allow any specific person(s) to personally look at his “Vital Records”. He never has.

    “2. There is no evidence Obama released any forgeries. Obama released images of his COLB in 2008 and his long-form birth certificate in 2011, and the people claiming forgery rely on those images; they have never examined the actual documents.”
    a) Obama’s 2008 White House Press Secretary and 2011 White House Communications Director both claimed that the images which Obama’s 2008 campaign and 2011 White House released were scans of Certified (by the HDOH) copies of his actual short-form and long-form birth certificates, the obvious intent thereof being to debunk and put to rest any/all questions about his birth/citizenship.

    b) The short-form birth certificate image, which supposedly is the result of Obama’s 2008 campaign headquarters in Chicago simply scanning the Certified (by the HDOH) copy of Obama’s actual short-form birth certificate that they requested and received in mid-2008, cannot possibly be such for these reasons alone: a) The date-stamp on the back of it is “Jun 6 2007”, the year before Obama’s 2008 White House Press Secretary said his campaign had requested it from the HDOH; b) There is no legible embossed official seal of the HDOH on it, and; c) The image of same on Obama’s White House web-site was sourced from Snopes.com’s public comment/upload boards — why indirectly from an outside source rather than directly from Obama’s campaign headquarters?
    c) The long-form birth certificate image, which supposedly is the result of Obama’s White House simply scanning one of two Certified (by the HDOH) copies of Obama’s actual long-form birth certificate picked up from the HDOH by Obama’s personal attorney Judith Corley, cannot possibly be such for these reasons alone: a) When the image is opened by a basic graphics/image/picture program it opens in several stages rather than all at once, indicating it is comprised of disparate parts — a simple scan does not yield that result; b) There is no legible embossed official seal of the HDOH on it; c) When the image is opened by an advanced graphics/image/picture program various parts (individual objects and/or multiple objects on the same “layer”) can be turned on (made visible) and turned off (made invisible) — a simple scan does not yield that result either; d) The date-stamp and registrar’s stamp at the bottom can be individually turned on/off and moved around — a simple scan does not yield that result either.
    All of which begs the question: “Why hasn’t Obama ever given the State of Hawaii authority to allow anyone claiming those images are not scans of Certified copies of actual documents to personally look at the actual documents in his “Vital Records”?

  12. How much more explicit does the state of Hawaii have to be?

    “In June 2008, President Obama released his Certification of Live Birth, which is sometimes referred to in the media as a “short form” birth certificate. Both documents are legally sufficient evidence of birth in the State of Hawai„i, and both provide the same fundamental information: President Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawai„i at 7:24 p.m. on August 4, 1961, to mother Stanley Ann Dunham and father Barack Hussein Obama.” News release from Hawaii Department of Health

    And there is this from their website.

    “On April 27, 2011 President Barack Obama posted a certified copy of his original Certificate of Live Birth.”

    “For information go to” http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2011/04/27/president-obamas-long-form-birth-certificate

    Besides place, date, time of birth and parents’ names what other information impacts – US citizenship and Presidential eligibility.

    Why would the state of Hawaii Department of Health provide a direct link to a forged Hawaiian birth certificate?

    I understand you believe that that the birth certificates are forgeries but you are basing that on expert reports you have never seen.

  13. 1. The State of Hawaii has repeatedly and expressly said Obama was born in Hawaii. Absent a subpoena or court order, there is nothing more the state can do.

    2. There is no evidence Obama released any forgeries. Obama released images of his COLB in 2008 and his long-form birth certificate in 2011, and the people claiming forgery rely on those images; they have never examined the actual documents.

    3. There is no evidence that Obama spent two million dollars to prevent the disclosure of his birth, education, or travel history.

  14. I appreciate all the comments posted in reference to my letter to AG Sessions, even those that disagreed with what I wrote. Thank you all.

    However, for any who still believe Obama is a “Natural Born” citizen and that he did not usurp the Presidency, may I suggest you ask yourselves two questions:

    l. If (“IF” arguably the biggest little word in the English language) IF Obama was really born in Hawaii why does the Hawaii Department of Health (HDH) refuse to reveal what is on his birth certificate which they admit having?

    2. IF Obama was really born in Hawaii, why did he not just get his Hawaiian birth certificate and release it to the public instead of attempting to foster a crude forgery off on the American people?

    It has been reported that Obama has spent nearly two million dollars to keep his birth, education and travel history hidden from the American people. I wonder just how much of that two million found its way into the pockets of the HDH officials.

  15. TO: AG SESSIONS and Entire U.S. Government 08-28-08- TODAY

    For over eight years We the People mostly performed as cowering government subjects and looked up to Congress, the Courts and the for-profit media et al for full identification and full accountability of “Obama II”.

    Looking up to millions of minions called “U.S. Government” since 08-28-08 has produced nothing but summary dismissal, avoidance of this ID issue, rampant lawlessness and outright disdain for genuinely concerned American citizens.

    We looked up to our U.S. Government, and they looked down on us!

    Now, we turn the tables for President Trump’s MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

    We now rise up from petitioning government subjects to adult Citizens and look down on our entire tax-taking U.S. Government, including AG Sessions.

    There never was, never is and never will be President Soetoro-Obama II since this is all a fantasy of an unconsented and syndicated governmental Constitution Prostitution 08-28-08- TODAY. http://canadafreepress.com/2009/williams091209.htm >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUcyb5pmUKI >>> http://www.carlgallups.com/zullo-affidavit.pdf >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuhF-Ok3djI

    We Knowledge Patriots have done our homework for the homeland and, we find that every single government employee 08-28-08- TODAY remains indictable, punishable and removable from office for robbing some 320,000,000 American citizens of their rightful, needful, dutiful intellectual property of knowing the full identity and full life history of any presidential candidate, and any incumbent president and any ex-president at any time.


    Until this issue is 100% resolved, all our U.S. Government is doing each day is continuing to extort our heart-earned tax dollars and continuing to legitimize Constitution Prostitution like a grand convention of working whores.

    JD Mooers, PE, Natural born American Citizen of Married-and-Never-divorced American Citizen-parents on Easter Sunday 1949

  16. I remember the broadcast but it wasn’t in the morning but at night and it was on FOX not PBS. And TV not radio. Also too, it was the local FOX affiliate not the news channel.

    It was right after the DNC convention and Obama’s acceptance speech. You remember the one in the stadium with the Greece columns. Anyway, they announced they were going to be interviewing this doctor from Kenya but as time went on he never came on. They mentioned him several times and he was coming on right after the station break. But he didn’t come on. Eventually the program ended and the station began to play an old movie. I distinctly remember this because the movie they played was that old Sinbad (the 90’s comedian) movie. You know the one where he plays a genie. It was called Shazaam. Everybody remembers that movie. I remember thinking that’s strange and commenting on it at work the next day.

  17. I believe it was the day after (or thereabout, maybe that Sunday morning?)) the 2008 presidential election, as I was driving, I was listening to PBS.
    It was announced, with great pride and fanfare, that they were broadcasting from Kenya and that the British doctor (who delivered Obama) was on his way to the radio studio to be interviewed.
    They were making small talk while waiting for the doctor to arrive – they even gave his name, which I’ve forgotten: some British name – and said he’d be on shortly.
    I believe that was the 10-minute mark.
    Another apology followed then that was the last – THE LAST EVER – mention of the much-anticipated interview with the doctor.
    They might or might not have mentioned a “car accident”, I don’t remember. It was, however, very strange of them not mentioning the doctor for the rest of the show, after they were so excited about the doctor in the first place, and then not a word.
    The doctor never showed; was never mentioned after the second apology and that was that.
    I read later that some doctor died that day in Kenya – in an automobile accident — but even that detail was flimsy. In the world of spooks it was “washed”.
    I’m not making this up and I can’t have been the only person in the whole United States listening to that broadcast that morning.

  18. What about he kenya birth cert found in the British archive that said he was born in Kenya one year earlier than his Hawaii birth cert indicates….is he even a citizen of the u.s. he would have to have been naturalized to be such…

  19. Susan Daniels says that the Harrison J. Bounel story is a red herring.

    He doesn’t appear in any databases before November, 2009.

    Someone said they found him in the 1940 census but that was Harry Boymel who lived at that address and his SSN is 080-16-6078.

  20. In addition to what Ed Sunderland stated that Sheriff’s across America receiving a “Sheriff Kit”
    which is a DVD of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s information and evidence of Obama’s fraud, indeed this
    occurred. Mike Volin of http://www.wheresobamasbirthcertificate.com and Commander Charles
    Kerchner of http://www.protectourliberty.org a couple of years ago sent out “Sheriff Kits” to Sheriff’s
    across America.

    Mike Volin assigned me to cover all Sheriff’s along the southern boarders. I sent Sheriff Kits
    to the first two counties all along the boarder with a cover letter. And I sent this same packet to
    major Sheriff Associations across America.

    Also, with Mike we have been to Congress a bunch of times at DC and have given most offices these Sheriff. Further, we have met with many Congressmen and their office staff. Ed Sunderland is correct, Congress and their staff has received this information. And numerous
    citizens from across the country have sent kits to their Representatives too.

    Ed Sunderland truly nailed it when he said that Congress did receive Sheriff Kits.

  21. I’m happy to see this letter sent, but I was given to understand that SSN 042-68-4425 was proven to belong to Harrison J Bounel. Am I mistaken in this?

  22. Without DNA testing no one knows who anyone’s dad is. Birth certificates only indicate whose name was placed on the certificate at time of filing.

    Again the term “African American” does not appear anywhere on the CLB. So please stop saying it does.

    The following is from an August, 1961 US government instruction manual on statistical analysis and coding for birth certificates.

    “If the racial entry is “C,” “Col.,” “Black,” “Brown,” or ”A.A.,” “Afro-American,” and the birthplace is the United States, consider the parent’s race as Negro. If birthplace of parent is not in the United States, code as other nonwhite.”

    Why would the government tells its coders how to handle the term “Afro-American” if it never appeared on a birth certificate?

    The African race is term that has been used for centuries – an example from 1907:

    “an appropriation of five hundred dollars to aid them in doubling the size of the sheet, the distribution of which is limited to persons of the African race.”

    It is the official racial designation for the Kenya and appears in their 1962 census instructions.

    Finally, we must look at the big picture. Letters to congress or the AG that are filled with easily shown to be false information will be taken to be fake news. AG Sessions can call Alan Keyes and quickly learn that the exchange never happened, he can call Kapiolani and quickly learn they have used that name since the 1930s, he can call the Hawaii DOH and find out that Maya does not have a Hawaiian birth certificate. Sessions will quickly figure out that he has been sent on a snipe hunt. So when the next letter comes in he will not be so willing to gpo down that road again.

    That’s why it is important to weed out these types of letters which may in fact be clever disinformation campaigns. They make everyone who follows look stupid by association.

  23. I believe the issue of his place of birth has been buried and paved over as it has been traveled so much, no small thanks to Obama’s efforts to hide it and forge his way into office.The path to the truth is to demand declaratory rulings from the SCOTUS on case law precedent as to the meaning of “natural born citizen.” There are enough cases that have the SCOTUS opinion therein that unequivocally proves that the phrase means exactly what the framers and founding fathers meant, a person born to two citizen parents, within the jurisdiction of the nation. Obama by his own acknowledgement does not meet this standard. It is time to bring this truth into the light.

  24. The letter is a step in the right direction but Senator Sessions and very other senator, congressman, governor, attorney general and sheriff in this country has a “sheriffs kit” or a desk full of them that spells out the felonious activity of Barack/Barry Obama/Soetoro and have enough info to ship him to Leavenworth for ID fraud with intent to deceive.

    SO, the problem we have is with a spineless congress that lack also the brains to do the right thing. Obama should be under investigation for treason and felonies for producing counterfeit ID with the intent to deceive.

    And David L. No one really knows who Obama’s dad is and an African American is not a race and the term “African American” was a derogatory term developed by the likes of Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton in the early 80’s late 1970’s but was never used on an official document. Only “black or negro” was the proper nomenclature in 1961 so when “African American” showed up on the CLB we all know instantly it was and remains a forgery. Further, Mike Zullo found the source document Obama/Soetoro’s fake CLB was copied from. Game—set—match. Now we need a prosecutor.

  25. Why this letter will be dismissed.

    Too many mistakes.

    1) “Obama’s half sister was born in Indonesia and has a Hawaii birth certificate.”

    Leo Donofrio showed this to be false back in 2009. From his blog:

    “KingsKid also requested index data for Maya Soetoro, the Presidents sister. Okubos response indicates that there is no record on file with the DoH in Hawaii for Maya. So, I believe we can safely put to bed all allegations that Obamas online COLB was created using a COLB issued for Maya as a template.”

    2) “The name of the hospital as shown on that forged birth certificate did no exist at the time Obama was born.”

    The Nordyke twins birth certificates prove this to be false. Their BCs list the same hospital name. There are medical journals from the 1950s that list the same name.

    3) “Obama’s father’s race is listed as “African-American.”

    No, the father’s race is listed as “African”. And he was from Africa which makes sense.

    4) “Obama replied “So what, I’m running for the Senate not the Presidency.”

    No one has ever produced evidence that this is real. Why hasn’t Alan Keyes confirmed this?
    His campaign manager Tom Hoefling said in 2008 that it never happened.

    “Your instincts are right. That exchange never happened. It was the invention of somebody on the internet, one which seems to have sort of taken on a life of its own.”

    Obvious mistakes will make this letter easy for AG Sessions to dismiss. Stick to what can be proven as fact or you will be label as fake news.

  26. Dear Joe;

    Here’s a passing thought:

    The other day, as I was gazing into my crystal ball, it was revealed to me that to get to the truth about the defacto ex-president Obama’s BIRTH CERTIFICATE, one should approach the problem obliquely, in other words, by stealth and deception.

    Therefore, the key to the mystery may have been lying in front of us all of this time: the presidential – Trump’s — pardon of LTC Terry Lakin may open Pandora’s Box where the truth – Lakin ’s defense, “I’m not taking any orders from an imposture: demand that the Commander in Chief (Obama) show proof of his (having been successfully vetted) eligibility” – will be revealed.

    I also had visions of Obama spending the rest of his worthless and meaningless life in a cage down in GITMO, Cuba, but that’s another chapter that remains — at this time – still somewhat fuzzy.


    Madam Shylock

  27. a very courageous letter to write, thank you.
    we all want closure.
    if there was or is a certificate in that vault, there would be nothing stopping obama’s ego from showing it, for some reason he can’t.

    Awesome work Sharon !!

  28. Let us hope and pray that AG Sessions does not set up a committee to study this. Any committee of six will have seven different opinions.

  29. Thanks Mr. Joe Elkins for writing your letter and thanks to The Post & Email for posting this article. It is an excellent summary and covers lots of main points. It so good that I have made lots of printed copies to mail out to my Congressmen, media, and my other points of contacts and interest.

    Oh!, this three page article is a gem. In just three printed pages it packs a punch (and bunch) of information and evidence. It is even better than the MOAB.

    I hope and encourage others to copy this article and send it to your Congressmen, Media, and
    others. Bare in mind that we have some new Congressmen on board from the last elections,
    and why not send this also to the “old hat” Congressmen who truly know it, but need shoved.