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March 16, 2012

If this composite image is a forgery, what does the real birth certificate say?

Dear Editor,

On March 1, 2012 an event took place in Maricopa County, Arizona. Sheriff Joe Arpaio, famous for his “tent city” and pink-clad prisoners, held a press conference and made an earth-shattering revelation: Barack Obama’s birth certificate presented on April 27, 2011 is a manufactured forgery and the press is strangely silent.  That is, the American liberal media is silent. Pravda, the Russian news agency did report it and it has made its way around the world but what do we hear in our media? Crickets!

The press conference revealed that not only was Obama’s birth certificate a forgery but so was his selective service record allegedly filed in 1980. Evidence proves it to be a “crude forgery” as Mike Zullo, head of the five-person investigative team demonstrated on videos during the presentation of findings after a 6-month long investigation.

The fact that Obama presented the forged document on April 27, 2011, in the White House Press Room grinning from ear to ear shows his ownership of the forgery and his involvement in fraud. These are the documents used to prove his constitutional eligibility to hold the office of President. No wonder the media is silent. No one wants to be responsible for breaking the news that could “potentially start a race war” and this is what the media has been told over the years as the birth certificate controversy refused to die, no matter how much taxpayer money was spent to quash it.

It’s high time we rebelled against the complicit media who by their silence perpetuates the fraud of a man and his regime to continue their quest to change our beloved country into something we no longer recognize.

Miki Booth





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  1. Fear of a race war is just an excuse for them to hide behind and do nothing. Sheriff Arpaio’s forensic analysis is Obama’s Achilles Heel and everyone with a brain knows it, except the Obots.

    All Speaker Boehner would have to do is order the National Security Oversight Sub-Committee to hold hearings, open the Hawaiian Department of Health files, forensically examine whatever is in there and report what they find which will expose this man as a total fraud.

    Sure, some black communities will have a few race riots but that’s already a normal thing they do.

    Once the black community, as well as the other Progressive/Marxist followers and the press are confronted with the factual truth, there will be no Race War. There are far to many intelligent and patriotic blacks for that to happen, once they are faced with the irrefutable truth this man has played them for a fool.

  2. Why would we have race war? Which race would start the war? On what grounds? Would the war start because we have an illegal, fraudulent putative president or would it start because progressives want an illegal putative president to remain as usurper and law abiding citizens desire the rule of law to apply?

    This nonsense of race war is stupid. It is based on the lie barry soetero is black. If his birth narrative is, as he says, he is a mulatto and not black. The Slapinsky of threat to upset the nation for fraudulent, deceitful, treasonous actions of a pathological liar named barry soetero is in itself a scandal.