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by Thomas Reiner, ©2024


(May 21, 2024) — “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime”–Lavrentiy Beria, Stalin’s secret police chief

“Fat Alvin” Bragg, the Soros-funded Manhattan District Attorney, ignores crimes committed by thousands of looters, muggers, and car thieves terrorizing New York City but is seduced by prosecuting, rather persecuting, an imaginary crime of President Donald Trump. Bragg is an avid student of Beria. This is nothing but a Soviet-style show trial or a kabuki theater at best. It is the kissing cousin of the “Russia, Russia, RUSSIA!” attack on Trump which lasted over two years before it was revealed as a false flag operation funded by Hillary Clinton.  After six weeks, the persecution can’t even elucidate exactly what the crime is. At worst, it is a misdemeanor, long past the Statute of Limitations, but has been magically morphed into 34 felony counts.

This Election Interference is reminiscent of the Alien crawling out of its egg attempting to attach itself onto President Trump’s face. It is such a non-case that the US Attorney of the Southern District of New York declined to prosecute. This sham trial has a clown car of Democrats trying to silence Trump.  It has all the feel of a Marx Brothers movie with a pinch of “Hang ‘Em High.”  Let’s say hello to the clowns.

Meet Judge Juan Merchan and his daughter, Loren Merchan. Juan runs the kangaroo court siding with the Prosecution, donated to Biden while Loren profits from the trial.  She has made over $93 million in campaign donations schlepping this trial, which raises a conflict of interest charge to her father as he should have recused himself. He will certainly be admonished after the trial when Trump is either found innocent or a guilty verdict which will be thrown out on appeal.  Additionally, Merchan has placed a gag order on Trump and threatens him with jail, yet the Persecution can freely spread slime on the MSM daily. At least Trump is allowed to wear a belt to keep his pants from falling down, unlike the Third Reich show trials.

Enter witless Stormy Daniels to the Persecution. Apparently she only hates Trump and showered the jury with unrelated salacious stories from her porn career. Va-va-voom!  

Enter witless Michael Cohen to the Persecution. Ole Michael is the Prosecution’s main witness, but Bozo the Clown has more credibility.  Cohen’s testimony is mostly that he hates Trump and is making money selling anti-Trump shirts on TikTok. Cohen, the convicted perjurer and dummy that he is, admitted in cross-examination that he stole tens of thousands of dollars from the Trump Organization. Hopefully, this shell of a human being will be indicted for his newly revealed crimes.

Enter the probably tainted Jury. New York City went 86.7% for Biden in the 2020 Election. Good luck finding a jury of one’s peers for Trump. It only took two days to seat a jury, some of whom admit to watching MSNBC and TikTok for their news. The trial should have been moved out of New York City. The Prosecution and the Defense both rested their cases on the Tuesday before Memorial Day where the unsequestered Jury will not hear closing arguments until next Tuesday. The jurists will be pounded for a week by friends, family, the MSM and guided by their innate hatred of President Trump. Remember the OJ jury?

President Trump will probably be found guilty of the crime of being President Trump. Biden will refuse to debate and can hide in his cellar again. The trial will probably be thrown out on appeal but the Election Interference will have already been committed.  It will be too late. Remember Hunter’s laptop a week before the 2020 Election?  It was eventually found to be real but Biden was well on his way to destroying America before the truth was revealed. It was too late. The American Judicial system has been made a mockery of and the world is watching America turn into a Third World country.  Hopefully it is not too late for America.

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Suzy Reiner
Wednesday, May 22, 2024 11:16 AM

Where should I plant the bananas?

Reply to  Suzy Reiner
Wednesday, May 22, 2024 3:32 PM

If Donald J. Trump is not elected as the president of the USA on November 5, 2024, you can set up a grove of banana trees, each individually planted in their own bucket of soil so they can be removed before the first frost sets each fall, on the property grounds of the US Constitution center in Philadelphia, PA, as a reminder of the “NOW” condition caused by voting for liberals and Republicans that act as liberals under cover.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024 1:35 AM

Thank you Thomas Reiner. Very good summary of the panicked efforts of both parties to stop Donald Trump from being president again. For anyone who wonders why both parties do not want Trump as President, it is because both parties committed treason in 2009 when they did and said nothing to stop the Soros funded, Brennan and the CIA groomed ineligible, identity fraud con-artist Barack Hussein Obama from being sworn-in as America’s putative president.  The Uniparty became more “Uni” than ever as both parties work together to protect themselves. Enemies of America were given America’s government and her military via Barack Hussein Obama, and Obama’s stated objective was to fundamentally change America. Both political parties were afraid of being called racist if they objected to Obama, and once Obama was sworn-in, and Hillary lost as the planned after Obama cover president their fear became that President Trump would reveal the truth about Barry…
Both parties panicked and tried to remove Trump from office as soon as possible. They tried impeachment, they tried fake stories of Russia collusion, they tried the Mueller investigation and…..nothing worked. To insure Trump did not get a second term, the 2020 election was stolen and a protector of Obama…his former V.P. Joe Biden was installed. Obama pulls the strings of Biden and Biden implements the fundamental change “destruction” which Obama was installed to do. Biden is likely to be defeated by Donald Trump and both parties do not want that to happen, with the Democrats being more overt in their fear of Trump, but both parties wanting anyone but Trump. The treason committed by both parties can be punished by death and it has no statute of limitations. Trump as president puts him in position to reveal the truth about Barry, which is why both parties are desperate to stop Trump from serving as president again. This has been easy to see and follow since 2008/2009 but apparently it is too big to prosecute, something that was never supposed to happen……….
Say a prayer and vote for Trump 2024…..